SC2 Localizer
I will NOT take the responsibility if your project got completly messed up. So make sure you use backup.
Currently, ".Net 3.0" is required, and Windows OS. (compiled on Win7 64-Bit)
Easy 2 click localization. (Browse, Localization)
Backuping (, the backup is actually the file #ORIGINALNAME#-Year-Month-Day-#HexTime# as example "IareMap-012-12-23-abcabc.SC2Map")
Primary Localization - Option to set original localization (Which localization will be the one mirrored to all others)
- Code optimization
- Bug fixing (if there are any)
If you changed text, in your map - you have to "relocalize" your map as GE does not change the values of all available locales, so simply use the programm another time :), to write from your primary-locale to the others again.
Report bugs here
Forum Post
This is cool stuff! I'm working on a map analyzer and users have reported some issues that I think are related to localization. Where can I go for some information about the localization scheme for SC2 maps, (like what are ALL the possible localizations, what would the directory structure look like if they were all present, etc.)?
May I look at the source code for the localizer?
It works, though I do not know it makes localization for other languages or not, but this can be found only by running the map to the appropriate version of the Galaxy Editor. But since the opening of an MPQ editor, I see all the folders language, I hope that everything is fine :) . The next version of my map, I will release using your localizer.
Good job.
Thanks ladik, it now worked
Me and xhatix found the problem and I made special build of MPQ Editor for allowing SC2 Localize users to work. Unfortunately, I am in the middle of some changes in MPQ Editor's GUI, namely the behavior of "Open" and "Open With", so I cannot make a full working release version. It will be available as soon as I complete the above mentioned changes.
woks fine for me
thanks a lot
@programmer the choosen localization in options is the one to USE not to localize to So if you are working with enUS SC2/GalaxyEditor - you've to use enUS there And it must be a problem in your systems ... some setting wrong, missinng or whatever
@IvyIffert Localizer creates all missing locales (deDE,enGB,enUS,itIT,esMX,esES,etc.) and set your texts up-to-date
next version will output the a debug msg if it is failing localize (a number) please report it. (seems like this aint working contacting Ladiks directly)
well i feel dumb... what do you use a localizer for?
I got the same problem as Ardnived, no error shows up, nothing changes, I still have to localize my map by MPQ editor. ( When I choose a different local than mine and Auto in options, it show up error enGB not valid, localization failed )
Awesome work man ! You rock :) No problem for me !
Well, it's intended to throw an error if you've already opened the map with MPQEditor/GE (crashing atm) having used a try & catch there - might add in r13
As far as I can tell it worked fine for me. It did crash when I tried to localize a map that was open in the editor, but that's not a big deal. Just thought I'd let you know about it in case you felt like fixing it. Thanks for the great tool!
Yeah @Ardnived - theres a ticket about it, but on all my systems i have access to it works fine like Sephiex said :/
Finding this special bug is kinda annoying
Seems to work very well for me, many thanks.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working for me. I use the tool, no errors show up or anything, but nothing changes. The text still doesn't show in the editor, and when I use the MPQ editor to open the map, it hasn't changed.
it's the original localization to take the data from and use for the other localizations. there's no single localization, it will add any missing ones/change existing ones to primary one.
When you set the Primary Localization, is that the map's original localization, or the localization you want.
If the Localizer is freezing for you, too.
Please provide extra information in this Ticket or pm me to help me find the actual failure.
Datas required:
Still Localizer(r10) freezed :(
It didn't work on my map!
I had the localization folder created already in my map file and the correct ComponentList was in already, but it didn't localize it right...atleast not for deDE client.
If you need more information about this, PM me please!
PS: without bugs = awesome tool! ^.^
EDIT: sorry, I didn't saw the "report bugs here" link in the description... -.-
Absolutely fantastic. I've been trying to follow guides to localizing maps for days and had no luck. I really appriciate the effort put in here.