some of these creatures are pretty cool. how would i go about exporting them from the maps and putting them in my own map? do i just copy paste or is there a better way of exporting? do i just copy the actors and units in the data manager?
So I've figured out how to make effects (nukes, explosions, etc) in galaxy editor, now I'm trying to implement them in a map. I was just wondering, what do you think the coolest looking effects are?
ok... just solved my own problem. i created a blank unit variable and just left it equal to 'no unit'. then i ran the trigger using that variable. it worked
Hi, just wondering if there is a quick way in the editor to mark all abilities as researched. Going through each individual ability takes forever. Is there a trigger that does it or should this be done through the data editor?
Is there a way to keep cloaked units hidden in cinematic mode?
i was able to lock my map
anyone having problems signing in to in the galaxy editor?
How do I transfer terrain from one map to another? I want to keep all my triggers and unit data but replace the terrain with terrain from another map.
galaxy editor new desktop icon
some of these creatures are pretty cool. how would i go about exporting them from the maps and putting them in my own map? do i just copy paste or is there a better way of exporting? do i just copy the actors and units in the data manager?
@IEI: Go
In a lot of the dotas i've seen so far they've been using icons from starcraft. l don't think they should do this...
How do you edit the help/tips panel? (I dont want to edit the unit tech tree)
So I've figured out how to make effects (nukes, explosions, etc) in galaxy editor, now I'm trying to implement them in a map. I was just wondering, what do you think the coolest looking effects are?
i would like to know too...
ok... just solved my own problem. i created a blank unit variable and just left it equal to 'no unit'. then i ran the trigger using that variable. it worked
How do you make a camera stop looking at a unit? I tried switching to another camera but it is still following the unit.
I'm using the "Camera - Make the camera look at and follow <unit> for player" trigger.
The trigger notes says to "use 'no unit' to stop looking at unit" but I can't find this "No Unit" thing anywhere.
Hi, just wondering if there is a quick way in the editor to mark all abilities as researched. Going through each individual ability takes forever. Is there a trigger that does it or should this be done through the data editor?
Quote from mrm3fan:
@Thunderzak: Go
To embed a video you want to type the following into your post window:
<<youtube "VideoID">>
where VideoID is whatever follows the "watch?v=" portion of your link. So in your case you would do the following:
<<youtube 8cQ0q6IbsRI>>
You can also just change wikicreole to markdown and use the normal embed code. Your way is probably better though.