SC1 Episode 2 - Overmind
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Starcraft: Episode II - Overmind
the complete Zerg campaign
Episode list | |
Episode I - Rebel Yell | by Ultraling & Jones |
Episode II - Overmind | by Jones |
Episode III - The Fall | by christdaugherty |
Episode IV - The Stand | by Telenil & Jimm3110 |
Episode V - The Iron Fist | by Jones |
Episode VI - Queen of Blades | by Telenil, Jones & Jimm3110 |
also check out the project thread at TeamLiquid
The second installment of the classic Starcraft campaigns. Uses the same mod file as the previous episode, and again, credit for the mod goes to MavercK. Also thanks to Ultraling for his initial work on the Terran episode, and GnaReffotsirk and others for the amazing unit models.
- all 10 original missions
- original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models
- original SC1 Zerg soundtrack
- all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign
"Artistic License"
(some notable differences from the original campaign)
- Lurkers! Because who doesn't love Lurkers?
- Mission 5 "The Amerigo" - yep, like it or absolutely hate it, the third person "shooter" action is back
- two difficulty levels - with a somewhat more aggressive AI than in the original, in order to provide some challenge to the average player
Links to the latest versions, by language. You will need both the maps and the mod file to play (see "How to play" below). For older versions, check the "Files" section.
English version
- Map pack - v1.5
- Mod file - v4.7b
- Mod file (for grid hotkeys) - v4.7
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
French version
- Map pack - v1.03
- Mod file - vC.3.3
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
German version
- Map pack - v1.5
- Mod file - v4.7b
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
Episode 3 - German
Russian version
- Map pack - v1.04b
- Mod file - v4.2
- Campaign Launcher - v1.1
Italian version
Korean version
How to play
- extract the mod file (SC1BWmod) to your "Mods" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (NOT the folder under "My Documents")
- extract the map pack to the "Maps" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory (create the folder if it doesn't exist)
- extract the Campaign Launcher & setup to the same "Maps" folder (not the campaign folder)
Campaign Launcher installation:
- launch the Starcraft 2 editor
- open the setup map named SCMRsetup in your Maps folder and click the "test document" button on the top right (or press ctrl+F9)
- wait until the launcher loads and you're at the title screen, then save the game and exit the map (press esc or F10 to open the game menu)
- find the save file (named "Starcraft - Mass Recall" by default) in (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Saves/VersusAI
- copy or move the save file to the saves folder under your account folder (your home/documents folder)/Starcraft II/Accounts/.../.../Saves/Multiplayer (for example; any of the save folders will do)
- Done! You can now log into the appropriate account and load the save from the load game-screen. You can use this save to play each episode.
more info:
- You can copy the save file to whatever accounts you want. For example, if you want to play offline, copy it to your guest account folder.
- If you're unsure of the right folders or can't find the Starcraft II documents folder, log into an account of your choice in SC2, go to the load game-screen, click on a save and click the "show in folder"-button. It will take you to the appropriate saves folder.
Troubleshooting & known issues
- Original campaign by Blizzard
- Remake by Jones
- The original mod "Starcraft 2 Brood War" by MavercK
- with additional tweaks by christdaugherty, Superfield, Jones, Telenil, Jimm
custom models/textures
- GnaReffotsirk (Carrier, Shuttle, Queen, Guardian)
- Snowflake Entertainment/Project Revolution (Reaver, Corsair, Defiler, Valkyrie), reworked by GnaReffotsirk (with help from NiNToxicated, DeveRR0, Phygis)
- GhostNova91 (Devourer, Raszagal / Female High Templar, Duran portrait, Protoss / Xel'Naga Temple, UED flag)
- buhhy (Dragoon)
- SoulFilcher (Ion Cannon, Duran hero icon)
- Thrikodias (Observatory, Psi Emitter, Xel'Naga Stasis Cell)
- Alpha & Omega Squadron decals by TooMuchTuch
- Third Person Shooter engine by martinolsson
- easy difficulty & other miscellaneous tweaks by Telenil
- French translation by Choum28
- Russian translation by Jimm3110, Virussoft (original translation & dubbing: Fargus Multimedia, 7Wolf)
- Italian translation/modification by Zarxiel93, TheTorrasque, JustSkorpyon
- German translation by FirefoxGhost
- Korean translation by storycraft
- as always, thanks to Hati for his SC2 Localizer
- Starcraft soundtrack by Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, Tracy W. Bush
- "Trainstation PT.2", "Guard Down" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack)
- "The Maw", "Under Cover of Night" by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (Halo Original Soundtrack)
- "Chapel of Evil" by Russell Shaw (Fable: The Lost Chapters Original Soundtrack)
- special thanks to Telenil, christdaugherty, Superfield and Jimm3110 for their enthusiasm and work on the project.
PLEASE NOTE that this is a completely unofficial, non-profit, fan-made remake and in no way affiliated with Activision Blizzard.
Had a lot of trouble playing Mission 8 : An Eye for Eye Can anyone provide and sort of tip?? I just try to build up a hydra/ling army to defend but the right bottom one always seems unable to defend. The small choke make reaver very strong and reinforcement just never got there quite in time. Should I change my unit composition or is there any thing anyone can suggest??
Man, the culling is the most fun I've ever played. :)
The Zerg campaign is awesome. The Amerigo: priceless. I forgot to say earlier, but I love how you did the dragoons! There are only a few minor issues:
1. You should use High Templar Karass's portrait for Tassadar instead of Tassadar's ghost portrait. Having his head glow and be all see-thru doesn't make sense.
2. Why is kerrigan so small, and what happened to her ranged attack?
3. I forgot to mention this earlier, but either the dialogue is a little too soft or the music is a little too loud in the briefing rooms. You might want to raise/lower one of them just a tad.
4. The cinematic with Kerrigan hatching could be a bit better, maybe with a higher camera view like the "flashback" in the 3rd Zeratul mission in WoL.
5. What the heck is the portrait for Zasz and Daggoth? is my map path and is the mod path. It still isnt working. Is anyone else having this problem? The save games are in the My documents folder, but that is where they should be I understand.
here is the error screen
Interesting... I haven't read Rosenberg's stuff myself, but I'll check out your map(s) when I get the chance. Regarding the difficulty, you're supposed to get, shall we say, punished a little especially in later missions. They're not insurmountable by any means, just keep at it. And okay, some sort of varying difficulty levels in the future are a possibility.
Thanks for the comments. The bug shouldn't be a problem to fix, I'll add it to The List. And don't give up on the missions! As I wrote above, I wouldn't mind adding varying difficulty levels, but they're not exactly a priority so don't hold your breath. I wanted the levels to be somewhat challenging, so don't feel bad if you lose. Let me tell you about the development process: I got destroyed repeatedly when testing certain maps. Ultimately I had to ease up on the difficulty a little bit... anyway, what I'm trying to say is, embrace the challenge! Slow the game speed down and save often, unless that's against your principles or something. I'm definitely no Day[9] or anything, but here's some tricks off the top of my head:
Hope any of that helps. Difficulty levels might be added someday, but in the meantime, keep at it, and when you beat the missions, you'll be a better player. :)
Cool, thanks for letting me know.
Sounds like a symptom of your map files being in the wrong place. The correct path is (your Starcraft 2 folder)/Maps/Overmind/ZergXX.SC2Map
You mean the descriptions in the save files or what? Anyway, I'm on top of it. =p
excellent remake but plz make sure all your map description are set correctly and are more polished, there are maps that say "untitled map" like zerg 10.
also make sure all the loading screens in all campaign are set to FIT the screen and not keep aspect rations or leave black borders ;-)
keep it up amazing job
Hey all. Im having problems loading save games with this. I get an error that says "mod data loaded does not match mod originally used to play the game" or something like that. It actually starts loading the file and stops at the end and kicks me to the starting screen. Im at the 8th mission and its kinda hard to beat without save games. Any tips?
@ Galfred
Glad it did the trick!
..well butter my biscuit, randomly typing allows those maps to work. cheers
btw I'm in Australia/SEA region :)
Excellent job on the remake (and the terran one). But two things:
1. I seem to have encountered a bug on mission 6, the cut scene after killing the protoss base played 2 times in a row for me. Not sure if you are able to reproduce this or maybe it was just an anomaly (no huge deal either way just a possible heads up)
2. I noticed the difficulty of some of the missions in my opinion feels a bit over the top. I saw in another one of your comments you are satisfied with the difficulty.. but would you potentially consider adding an easier difficulty (or multiple difficulty settings)?
On some missions I feel the AI sometimes sends attack waves too early in the mission and doesn't give me enough time to get prepared. Do you think it would be possible to add an easier setting where the AI attacks a little later and maybe with a bit less forces?
Maybe I'm just bad at the game but I'd like to hear your thoughts on possibly adding multiple difficulties in the future to your mod. I love it but I feel sometimes why bother playing if I just have to use the godmode cheat to win you know? Just something I wanted to comment on, thanks again for your excellent work on this mod.
Wolf.. your package, when stamping on the individual downloads, did the trick. Same files. Different result. Thanks.
BTW. Loved the first few levels. Took me back. The third person shooter was fun. Camera was a bit crazy but I have a feeling that is a limitation of the engine. Neat concept, but one level every so often is about as much as my stomach can take ;).
Thanks again for the help.
I haven't played it yet, but before I do I just want to say I'm glad you did the amerigo third person action, I was going to ask if you had done that. Also, I would like you to check out my own remake of the 3rd Zerg mission, it's right below this project in the map list. I know it's crappy compared to what you geniuses can pull off, but it should still be interesting. Tell me what you think. And I'm working on the next Zerg mission, but it will be very very different from the original, as will the others I'll do. The reason is because it's based on the novelization of the Zerg campaign by Aaron Rosenburg, in which some things were very different. (For example, Kerrigan insists that Daggoth deal with Zasz's nutty brood while she and the other cerebrate deal with the Protoss.) Stay tuned. Anyway, I'll play this now and tell you my thoughts when I'm done. Oh, btw when I said the game was too hard, what I really meant was the enemy seems to attack way too soon in later missions (sooner than in the original) and they seem to throw everything they have at you. In mission 8 there was quite literally a never ending stream of units "flowing" to my base. Anyway, I'll get right down to playing and tell you what I think. En Taro Tassadar!
Whoa, that's awesome! Excellent screenshots on that site as well. Make sure to tell everyone and their mother about the remake! :D
You're welcome. =P Million dollar question no one seems to answer: what's your game client/ region/where are you? Also, did you try pressing any buttons? The black screens are supposed to be those story text screens from the original, imported as images. I don't know the reason as to why they're not showing, but I suspect it has something to do with localization, which annoys me to no end. Anyway, try pressing a bunch of buttons at the black screens (there's a slight delay) and the maps will hopefully start.
signed up just to post here.
first, thanks for the maps. I played all of Rebel Yell and it was mostly an enjoyable experience. I'm using mapcraft on a mac. Funny thing was the first map "bootcamp" didn't work for it. It was just a black screen when it finished loading. Since it was just the tutorial mission, didn't mind much.
Same thing happened when playing the 1st mission of zerg. And now... up to the 5th map, another black blank screen. Music is playing though.
Any ideas? thanks
Keep up the good work :D
I Just want to let your GREAT guys knew that me and some firend localized Terran and Zerg to Traditional Chinese.
Here is the Link for Chinese Version Download:
And this is Chinese forum that follow about your mods:
Can't wait the Protoss Chapter and Brood War.
Yeah? Coincidentally I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out. I just liked the idea to have kind of a theme where each campaign would have one of those missions. Still, I don't think the gameplay is much worse than in the original mission... and yeah, consumption sounds like a reasonable idea. With cloak and storm, another ability that requires energy would probably be too much.
Hey, no problem. I didn't give you much of a notice anyway =P Thanks for letting us know what's up :) Hope you enjoy the maps! Also, I'm definitely willing to help with the production/testing later on, whatever you need. Just let me know.
I... don't know, sorry. You could try launching the maps with MapCraft, I suppose. Just out of curiosity, what's your game client/ region?
Have you tried downloading my package?
Hello all. I was wondering if I could get some help running this mod.
I have installed the mod file into "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Mods\"
I have unzipped the maps package and copied the Rebel Yell directory to "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Maps\"
Yet when I drag the Terran00t.SC2Map file to my StarCraft II desktop shortcut it throws the error "Unable to launch game". The log files contain no useful entries.
I've tried opening the maps in the editor and I get the error "Dependency data could not be loaded". It appears to be failing on loading the mod file. When I try to add it manually through the editor I get the same message.
I've been pretty buried in work this weekend along with visit from an in-law so I didn't get a lot of work done but rest assured that I'll be taking on production of the Protoss campaign and Brood War camps will follow if things are going smoothly. In the long run, I might have to enlist the services of Jones and johnny to do some damage checks after I've got the core maps produced, if they're feeling up to it.
Jones: I'll send you a reply to your PMs around tomorrow or so. Sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me! :( It's awesome you've got the second episode out and I'll get started playing it ASAP!
Zerg05 is pretty good: considerably easier than the original mission but already more fun than Terran04.
The best part about the mission is that I didn't notice any problem: sure, there are still occasional camera problems, and it's pretty obvious SC2 was never designed to be played as a TPS, but overall, nothing really problematic. Terrain looks good too.
Just a suggestion, though: in SC1, after completing the Amerigo mission, Kerrigan acquired Psionic Storm as an offensive spell. Since in your remake she already starts with one (Razor Storm), maybe you could give her Consumption (Tosh's power) or a "defensive" power to compensate?