Elemental TD Updates

Earlier today, Blizzard posted a job posting for an Assistant Technical Designer, which is a position targeted specifically at us mod makers. From what I've gathered, the position involves working directly within the GalaxyEditor to work on Blizzard DOTA and/or the future campaigns. I know there are a lot of us Mapsters out there that meet all the requirements/plusses for the position. Anyone serious about joining the ranks of the Big Blue should certainly check out (and apply!) for this position.

Elemental TD Updates by Karawasa

Karawasa has implemented a ton of new changes his map, including mazing (allowing players to make their own paths), auto-rematching (allowing you to play multiple rounds per game without having to leave), a team mode improvements (allowing you to play with a friend in the same area), and a bunch more heroes. Check out the changes in the videos below!



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