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    posted a message on Persistant Projectiles & Kill Credit

    Seems like you're missing the behavior. Re-reading your OP it looks like you thought there were two separate approaches but what you actually were looking at were two steps in the same approach.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Doodad units & Attachment points

    3ds Max.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Trying to make unit with ranged attack flee to minimum range

    Seems to be something that should be in the tactical AI but isn't implemented because the only units in SC2 which have a minimum range are immobile anyway. You'll have to do a workaround with triggers.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How Do I Use Custom Maps?
    Quote from clawcity: Go

    That's the best Blizzard could do??? Why does the game even have a maps folder then?

    For map development. If you just want to play a map go through battle.net.

    This website needs a giant disclaimer on the front page or something... "If you want to play a map, check if it's published on battle.net first. Downloading maps from here is primarily for development and for sharing unpublished maps."

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Persistant Projectiles & Kill Credit

    Half a dozen posts below this one...

    If you still can't get it working the map I'll be releasing for the WoW boss contest contains a working implementation.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Beam that strikes outer point?

    If you want to extend the range under the Beam actor where it says "EffectExecuteIndex 9" you need to change 9 to the (number of search effects - 1.) For example I have 10 search effects which is why the number is 9.

    This number tells the beam which search effect it should use as the target point basically. So if you add extra search effects, but are still attaching the beam to the target point of effect #9, the beam isn't going to extend the full distance of the attack.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on I need some editor help.

    It's just a bug. Keep deleting them and eventually they won't come back.

    Think of them as zombie buttons.

    By the way, this is not the right forum for this question.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Notice: "Map of the week" system

    I like this idea. I do think that you should avoid featuring maps that are already on the front page of the popularity list on battle.net, though, as that would be kind of a waste of a chance to promote a quality unknown map.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on No overkill?

    Siege tanks don't fire missiles, they just instantly do damage. If a unit is killed by the first one to shoot, it happens instantly, so the other tanks don't have a target to shoot. Any instant attack will not overkill.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack Cost?

    Do you have show advanced fields off?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Psionic Shockwave] How to knock away from cliffs ?

    You're out of luck if you want a robust data editor only solution. A unit's mover and collision info can't be changed dynamically except via morphs, and apply force effects respect collision. Even the Suppress Collision flag for behaviors only suppresses collision with other units and not terrain pathing from doodads, buildings, or cliffs.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on % based regeneration bonus, is it possible?

    It's more than possible, modify unit effects let you specify change fractions, so if you wanted to restore 3% mana per tick in the modify unit's vital array field you'd set Change Fraction to 0.03 for energy.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What the hell did you do to the forum software

    When editing a post now, I can't click any of the buttons anymore. Yet anything modifications I make in the edit box somehow still go through. I'm guessing this is AJAX but if it's intentional it's incredibly annoying and poorly designed.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Beam that strikes outer point?

    I see the problem. "Outer Point" doesn't mean anything close to what it sounds like. In the context of effect chains, "outer" is used to reference the source unit of a parent effect. In this context, it's resolving to the same thing as "Source Point" which actually makes your effect work as intended anyway.

    Anyway your issue here is getting the beam's impact to attach to the correct place which is entirely about actors. It's kind of complex to explain so let me see if I can whip up a demo for you. It's basically identical to how the hellion's attack works - you create a site actor at the impact site and attach the beam to it.

    edit: I've attached a map containing the simplest possible implementation. Take a look at the "Tesla Tank." A few things to note - first, the beam actor is not managed by the attack actor, this is necessary to prevent the attack actor from creating a new beam for each impact point. The attack actor is there to play the sounds and show the impact models on targets that get damaged, but the beam actor is completely separate. Second, the red circles on the ground are simply a debugging tool to show you the radii of the search area effects, I find this EXTREMELY helpful when developing AoE abilities.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Revolve a Unit Around Another Unit

    Quote from Ultimaswc3:
    @SycoPrime: Go

    I think he calculated the offsets by hand and entered them?

    To the extent that Excel counts as by hand, yes.

    Posted in: Data
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