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    posted a message on Adding Wc3 style item descrptions


    Info Text field under the unit's Actor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on c/c++ and Dialog boxes help please ?

    Galaxy has much more in common with C than Java.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Terrain Object Pathing Problem

    Quote from ZeroAme:
    I would say take a look at the door doodads footprint and how it changes when its open and closed

    Opening and closing gates are units, not doodads. They use morph abilities to change the footprint.

    The doodad versions of gates can't open and close.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on can damage bypass a bunker?

    Change "Hidden" from Excluded to Allowed in the search effect. That might have side effects, though.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units Sharing Behavior

    Transfer Behavior effect.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Huge problem with trigger

    Missiles are units. The trigger is firing when units use ranged projectile attacks within the region would be my guess.

    Also you clipped the part of the window that shows whether or not its actually a drain on resources. Just because something runs very often doesn't mean it's slowing down your game, that's why you have to look at execution time.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Xel'naga turret model

    Hey, that's really cool. Ignore the haters, adding bones and animations to an existing model isn't trivial. Good job.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on about today's news : "fix the keyboard/mouse control lag"

    Quote from s3rius:

    I know - the arbitrary minimum latency.
     But I'm sure there's another reason why they have this. Either they can ensure a more consistent lag, or maybe they need less servers to run bnet then.
     I'm sure Kotick didn't just say "Let make them angry a little. hrrr. 125ms ping for everyone pls!"

    Basically what I was trying to explain is what you explained in more technical details.

    I can't believe you didn't catch the sarcasm there.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for "repair resource" value


    It's becuase they renamed that field in a recent patch without updating the other tooltip. The field that now simply says "Cost" used to be named something like "Repair Cost."

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on about today's news : "fix the keyboard/mouse control lag"

    No s3rius don't you know lag is something Blizzard made on purpose it and they could fix it in two seconds if not for BOBBY KOTICK I know this because I took a programming class in Java one time.

    But really, the main issue is the lack of client side prediction. And the primary reason there's no prediction is that the game engine cannot possibly predict how arbitrary triggers are going to respond to user input. (There are others - such as the sheer volume of entities that would need to be predicted in an RTS game, versus the one player entity in a FPS game.) The only way it could possibly implement CSP would be to run a complete simulation on the client. And then you have to deal with syncing everything, including the Galaxy virtual machines, which is impossible due to the complexity costs of storing enough state to be able to inject network input into a past state. Most games implementing p2p networking models are very simplistic and deterministic, which the Starcraft 2 engine - with its support for arbitrary scripting and thousands of concurrent entities - is the opposite of. Which is why the blizzard rep correctly stated the input latency of dedicated FPS engines is simply incompatible with Starcraft 2's authoritative server model.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Do map makers play their maps?

    If you've actually taken the time to polish and balance it you've played it so many times that it's nearly impossible to get any enjoyment out of it anymore.

    The truth is game development needs to be something you do because you love game development itself, not just because you love playing games and want to make the perfect game. If you see the development process solely as the means to an end you picked the wrong hobby!

    However the people talking about teams are definitely right, if you're working on a small corner of something then you can definitely enjoy playing it. I think all the WoW developers play it in their spare time, for example. It's when you're doing the entire project on your own that it just becomes too much to play for fun.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Data] Validator on Build Ability? Can it be done?

    Requirements can count behaviors on units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trying to make a crit with new effect chance feature

    Guys, this is much simpler than you're making it out to be.

    1. Make a new behavior, "Critical Strike"
    2. Under Damage Response.Chance set it to the crit odds you want. For example, 0.25 will make you crit 25% of the time.
    3. Under Damage Response.Location set it to Attacker.
    4. Under Damage Response.Modify Fraction, set it to the critical bonus you want. For example, 2 will make crits do double damage.

    That's it. Give the behavior to whatever unit you want.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Makeing corpses last longer.

    Actor Creation
       TimerSet Pause 4.00
    Timer Expired
       TimerName Pause
       AnimPauseAll 1
    Timer Expired
       TimerName Pause
       TimerSet Unpause 60.00
    Timer Expired
       TimerName Unpause

    The majority of death animations in the game do not involve a corpse falling to the ground so you're out of luck any way you look at it, unless you only need this to work for very specific units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help with host site for ability indicator


    Dunno if that'll work outside of an effect chain. If not, make the casting time into a channeled create persistent effect and have the ability effect triggered by the expire field. You have a lot more flexibility working with effects than you do otherwise.

    Posted in: Data
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