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    posted a message on [Contest] WoW Boss

    Quote from Keyeszx:
    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    Can it be 1 unit vs the boss instead of an army? It will be cool if it has like 5 stages and all sorts of other stuff.

    I was having a conversation with a friend about bosses. He says that WoW bosses are like any other but I think they aren't that creative. Something about WoW style bosses just bore me. Bosses like in Metal Gear Solid, Batman AA, or even Phantasy Star Online just appeal to me more because it's just one on one or not a whole army against one guy. The bosses are more interactive, with PSO being the least so. WoW feel too simple since imo they just stand there and cast spells from time to time. Such simple AI compared to other bosses imo.

    "I've never played WoW before but here's what I think of it"

    Anyway this contest sounds fun. I can think of several encounters which would translate well into SC2.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Formatting Text for use in a Dialog

    Text alignment is determined by the style, so selecting a centered style such as "ModStyleCenter16" would do the trick.

    <h/> Makes the previous (or next?) character styled to look like a hotkey. I think this is actually relative to the text style. It does not actually make it into a hotkey.

    <img width="x" height="y" path="image.dds"/> inserts an image.

    <d ref="path" precision="2"/> formats game data. You can do cool stuff, for example:

    Increases damage by <d ref="Behavior,MyDamageBuff,Modification.DamageDealtFraction[Ranged] * 100" precision="2"/>%.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes

    "Added new requirement types: Odd, Divide, Mod, Multiply."

    Hell yes, this specifically allows me to re-enable a feature I had to disable because of the limitations of requirements. Awesome change.

    "An actor event is now dispatched when a missile cannot hit its target."

    Another glorious change.

    "The Custom game variant is no longer automatically included when other non-default variants are defined."

    Fucking cherry on top.

    Good fucking job Blizz, this is great progress.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Stacking behaviors on units causes lag

    @gorang: Go

    Seeing as nobody has ever observed lag caused by behaviors before, there's absolutely no logical way to explain *why* behaviors would cause lag, and any computer so slow that it couldn't handle something as basic as a bunch of behaviors wouldn't even be able to load SC2, I think the burden of proof is on you.

    Easy way to tell. Make a new empty map, apply as many behaviors to a single marine as the system will let you, and if it lags your computer to shit post it here and I'll eat my words. I'm not going to hold my breath.

    By the way if you're wondering why I'm being so derisive, it's because you clearly are having a problem with one of your projects, but instead of just coming out and saying "Hey guys, I don't know what's causing frame rate issues on my map, here's what I'm doing" you've come out and said something positively silly as if it were fact. Now the problem is these forums are perused by people of all skill levels, and less knowledgeable people are going to read your authoritative statement and believe it, and now whenever somebody asks how to do something and we give a solution using a behavior, the response is going to be "But I can't use behaviors, they cause lag!"

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Stacking behaviors on units causes lag
    Quote from gorang: Go

    I noted recently that stacking a lot of behaviors will cause game lag especially to lower spec computers. are there any better ways of altering basic stats of specific units rather than using behaviors?

    Yeah, that's just not true.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Release] Special Forces: Elite

    Reasonably fun but not very balanced. I couldn't really see a compelling reason to build anything but marines as stimpack is absurdly effective. The life cost is negligable (it should probably scale with their health) and a stimmed marine's dps/cost ratio is something like double any other unit.

    Wouldn't play it again but it was entertaining for a single playthrough which is more than I can say for most UMS maps, so good job.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to make a building create an effect when it explodes ( so it damages units near it)? (Without triggers)

    Behaviors can specify a Death Response effect, look under the Modification field.

    Also, banelings do indeed explode when killed.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Turn off white circles for Siege Tank?

    The simplest solution would be to deselect them when you start the cutscene, as the range indicators are only visible when the siege tank is selected. You can save the selection and restore it after the cutscene is over.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Question about how awesome you can make spells

    There is a hardcoded awesomeness limit of 9000 in the editor. If you try to set the Awesome field any higher it crashes.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on I'm not sure what im doing wrong

    Your second trigger is using (Last created dialog item) instead of (Used dialog item)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change the position of a model

    Make a new Site Operation (Local Offset) actor, then in the Model actor add it to the Host Site Operations field.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Getting map played

    @RodrigoAlves: Go

    Nobody would ever accuse you of not trying to popularize Debates. :)

    But that raises a good point. Sometimes a map is just not going to be popular no matter how hard you work on it. Maybe it's just not very good, or maybe it's simply not something that most people are interested in. The currently popularity system is not kind to niche maps, so something like Debates is simply not going to do well. At some point you have to accept that and move on with a new project.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Best way to have an invisible unit?


    No Draw flag.

    Alternately set the actor's model to Invisible, make it unselectable/untargetable and uncheck everything under Status Bar Flags. I like this approach because then you can set the Editor Model field to something (one of the shape models works well) so you can see the unit in the editor but not the game.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Life Steal Actor Animation


    I already spelled out exactly how to do this.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on patch 1.1 custom map/editor changes?

    the second one is already implemented. its your problem if you don't use it

    You can set another one as default but you can't remove the "Custom" variant, even if choosing that variant completely breaks your map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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