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    posted a message on [Trigger]: Order Unit to use item......

    Its not a native, ZyphreRZO made it, and he doesn't advertise his awesome library enough so I do it for him. http://forums.sc2mapster.com/resources/trigger-libraries/5636-library-galaxy-item-utility-library/

    I'm not talking about the library I'm talking about the OrderSetTargetItem function which the library defines as a native action in the GUI and does not have any implementation code for, and which most of the library is essentially a wrapper for.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating 3D UI elements (lines on terrain, color fills, etc)

    Quote from s3rius:
    @GKimsey: Go

    Ask a modeler to give you a semi-transparent, flat model that you can import and scale to your liking in the editor.

    I'm not sure if the 3ds max plugin can correctly export splats/decals right now. Can anyone c/d?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on patch 1.1 custom map/editor changes?

    Popularity shouldn't be removed. It just shouldn't be the only - or even the primary - way of sorting the list.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't fit certain unit models into inventory background


    Under the model there are three camera fields, for planet panel, tech purchase and unit glossary. I would guess that the inventory camera uses one of these fields. The colonist transport model has the default "Star2Camera01" for all of them, but units which are known to work correctly with the inventory model use different values. For example, a marine has "Star2CameraMid03"

    That would be the prime area to investigate.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Unsolved problems in map creation

    14. Create a secret editable box that a player can type in and submit, and not have it show for everyone?

    People have implemented custom edit controls using triggers with keypress events.

    13. Set the collision flags or footprints of a unit or doodad programmatically? (asked by BlueRajasmyk)

    Use a morph ability. Catalog functions might be able to change it for an entire unit type (I say might because there's a lot of things that can't be changed at runtime), but to change it for an individual unit you need to morph it. You cannot change it arbitrarily at runtime for an individual unit.

    12. Remove the random tip text above the progress bar in the loading screen? It's somewhat of a distraction.

    Set the loading screen type to custom and then leave the Help field blank in the Map Loading Screen dialog. If that doesn't do it on its own open up the data editor, go to game UI settings and delete everything under Loading Screen Help. However I don't think that step is necessary.

    11. Set the name/prefix of player colors? I've got a dependency on a lurker-unit mod, and it totally screwed up the color names (they now say "Lurker Den:Blue" and such) when you pick them in the lobby.

    Can't make any sense of what you're asking. Post a screenshot or something.

    10. Prevent < or > characters within html-style tags from screwing up Text values? For example if you wanted a text value where the < or > were colored. I've tried \< and \>, no luck there...

    They're only read as markup if they're valid. For example you can type <v> and it won't consider it markup because that's not a recognized tag. Similarly <c 1 2 3> isn't considered markup because it's syntactically invalid, even though <c> is a valid tag. In practice I can't think of too many situations where you'd run into problems.

    8. Allow an Ability to have 2 separate AoE effects on the same circle? When I set the ability's effects array to contain both effects, apparently only one will fire. (My Ability is of type CAbilEffectTarget and by the effects array I mean the field CAbilEffect_Effect)

    The ability effect array is for specifying multiple levels for abilities that can be leveled up. Effects can be linked together in many ways, the most basic is a set effect.

    7. Get the length of a Text variable? This is doable for Strings, but there's no Text->String conversion function.

    Can't be done afaik, and for the same reason there's no text->string conversion, namely that Text is localized and string isn't. The idea is changing text value shouldn't affect anything else in the system, to avoid bugs that could be introduced by localization.

    6. Seamlessly play a .ogg loop? It seems to have a bit of a gap on Continuous mode in a soundtrack, so I'm wondering if it's possible to shorten that gap, or even just offset the next playback by -0.2 seconds or something.

    There's plenty of examples of looping sounds, just search for "loop" under sounds. Maybe the gap is in your sound file. In any case if you open up the sound file dialog and double click on one of the individual files there's a few fields that might be helpful, namely "Offset" and "Loop Time"

    5. Stick an Image inside a List Box (which is a type of Dialog Item)? In theory this might be doable because you can stick assets (which includes images) into a Text variable. I essentially want a clickable dynamic list of (an icon with a string), for example, string "Iron Sword" with a small sword icon next to it.

    <img width="16" height="16" path="Assets/Textures/IronSword.dds"/> although embedded images don't show up everywhere you can display text. If list boxes is one of those cases you're out of luck.

    3. Set invincibility for pre-placed units without using triggers? kinda-solved, @ndudz: Go Solved:

    If you mean you want units that you placed to be invulnerable without making all units of that type invulnerable, you must use triggers. One of the things they really should add to the editor is the ability to modify the properties of placed units, even if all it does is generate trigger code that runs on map initialization.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger]: Order Unit to use item......

    Well I stand corrected. Is OrderSetTargetItem an undocumented native? Pretty sneaky.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger]: Order Unit to use item......

    You cannot, via triggers or an issue order effect, issue orders for abilities with multiple targeting phases to a unit. This includes use item and drop item, as those abilities first require selecting an item, then a location. It's a rather severe limitation in the game engine.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Add info to Tooltip

    Tooltip field under Weapon.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] How to burn down trees


    To burn foliage create a new "Doodad Effect Spawner" actor based on FoliageFXSpawnerFire. Set the radius to whatever you want and in the actor events add some sort of creation event such as:


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Solved][Data] Life Steal Actor Animation

    If your lifestealing ability is a persistent channeled effect then use something like this:

       At Caster

    If your ability is fire and forget then you should make a dummy behavior on the caster. The Effect (Initial) and Effect (Final) fields of your life drain behavior can apply this to the caster to signal when the ablility starts and ends.

    It's difficult to be specific when you haven't told us anything at all about how the ability works or how you've implemented it. The more details you give in the question the more we can give in the answer.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to view the xml file? (to use catalog function)


    Modification.DamageDealtUnscaled[Ranged] (or Melee, Splash, or Spell) is what you're looking for.

    To view the XML you need to open the .sc2map file in a MPQ editor (SC2map files are just MPQ archives) and extract it. Alternately if you turn on View Raw Data from the View menu it'll show you the real field names from within the data editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on TD map new


    Did you just take the Spine Crawler Defense map and add different terrain? Sad.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to reset cooldown of unit abilities?

    A modify unit effect might be able to do this. Under the cost field you can select an ability and there's a Cooldown Fraction field which looks promising.

    If that doesn't work, the Reset Ability Cooldowns trigger action will.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How can I disable flee for a unit?

    Response flags, disable Flee.

    You have a bad habit of making one sentence posts. In this case it's easy to deduce what you're asking because it's a common question but you need to start giving more context. Looking at your post history virtually everything you've ever posted has been vague and requires further elaboration before anyone can actually help you. This is a forum for mapmakers, not mind readers.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Requirement: Ability only useable, when without specific Buff

       Count Behavior (Your Buff) Completed At Unit

    Posted in: Data
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