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    posted a message on How can I remove the shield icon?

    It's part of the hardcoded UI so it's not modifiable (until we get the ability to customize the default UI.) You can at least change what icon is used in the actor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do I make a unit with a 2D image with Text Actors?

    Nobody is answering because you haven't given enough information to answer your question. Do you have a unit actor AND a text actor? Or just a text actor that's created on a unit birth event?

    We aren't mind readers if you don't tell us what you're doing we don't know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Beam that strikes outer point?

    Nobody knows what you're talking about when you say "outer point of an attack." If you're going to use terminology that doesn't specifically match names of things in the editor you need to be very specific.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Validators Fail Message

    The error message only displays if a failed validator prevents the initial effect for an ability from being executed. If you want to display an error message later on in the effect chain I believe you'll need to use triggers.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tooltip Limit [Solved with workaround for long tooltips]

    Well I took a look and the longest tooltips on my map come in just a few bytes shy of 1250 characters. Lucky me.

    Anyway have you tried editing them via the text editor?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Changing terrain with triggers.

    Warcraft 3 had low-resolution tiled terrain. Starcraft 2 has 8 layers of terrain textures that are painted on at comparatively high resolution. How, exactly, would a "change terrain at point" trigger even work in SC2?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Tooltip Limit [Solved with workaround for long tooltips]

    I have some really, really long tooltips in my map with many complex ability references and have not run into any limit. Either you're doing something absolutely crazy with tooltips, or maybe there's something else going on.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Launching Missiles, but still having them connected to the Hero.

    The search behavior needs to be applied by the hero in order for him to get credit from damage done as part of the effect chain. So use a search area effect to find the missile after it launches (using the Launch Missile effect's Launch Effect field) and apply the search behavior to it.

    there's a "transfer behavior" field in the launch missile effect I theorized might be there to do something similar but it causes the game to crash whenever I do something with it, so I'm guessing it's unimplemented.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack Cost?

    Modify Unit effects can drain energy. Combine with a validator to check if energy is available so the attack will fail if the unit is out of energy.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Trigger-free Leap

    All you have to do is teleport before you launch instead of after.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Revolve a Unit Around Another Unit

     Riley, could you show how you set that up? I got the basics, but I'm having trouble with the offset. I'm thinking maybe you used periodic offsets with X,Y instead of degrees?

    Yes that's right, it's pretty basic trigonometry: x = r * cos(theta), y = r * sin(theta) where r is the radius of the orbit. I think I split it up into 30' increments, so 12 total offsets starting at 0' and going clockwise around in a circle.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Possible to create a private mod?

    That's what locking a mod does.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Revolve a Unit Around Another Unit

    I implemented a data-only orbiting effect using a persistent effect to periodically issue movement orders to the orbiting unit using offsets from the host unit.

    It worked perfectly for orbiting around a stationary host. Unfortunately it didn't work well when the host unit was moving, as the orbiting unit would tend to fall behind. To do it correctly would require adding the velocity from the orbit movement with the host unit's velocity, and I'm not really sure this can be done without triggers. Even if it could, the solution would be so incredibly complex that it would beg the question, why not just use triggers in the first place?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on global cooldowns? possible?

    nvm suggested basically what you just wrote

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Multiple effects using only one behavior...

    A behavior can apply/remove other behaviors when it is itself applied/removed via the Effect - Initial and Effect - Final fields.

    Posted in: Data
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