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    posted a message on Portrait Issues

    Try "Portrait - Set Render Mode" (or something like that) and setting the render mode to LDR.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Loading Screens

    No because the idea is patented and if you did this you would go to jail.

    Just kidding. It's not possible for you to implement this, although Blizzard could if they wanted to. But there actually is a patent (owned by Namco) on minigames in a loading screen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loading_screen#Minigames

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Solved] - Add Attack Animation to Ability


    In the unit's actor events:

       AnimPlay Attack Attack

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Official editor answers 10/4

    I wish they wouldn't waste time with questions that can easily be answered elsewhere. Stuff like "This is a known bug, we'll fix it" or "we have no plans to implement that feature" is actually helpful because nobody else can answer those kinds of questions.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on global cooldowns? possible?

    Look into using catalog functions to map out the abilities a unit has.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Button Icon Blurry

    Don't use compression.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Submenu Annoyance (auto cancel submenu)

    No. It's something that requires the ability to mod the default UI.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Removing the shadow under command centers

    Under the "Command Center Splat" actor change the scale to match whatever you scaled the command center to.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on guardian shield continual animation

       TimerSet 30.0 Rewind
       TimerName Rewind
       TimerSet 30.0 Rewind
       TimerName Rewind
       AnimSetTime BSD 3.0

    Demo attached.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Contest] WoW Boss

    I don't really feel like making a video and I haven't bothered to polish this so consider it an unofficial entry. For one thing, it's blisteringly, fuck-you-in-the-ass hard. It basically requires you to set the game to Slower to control 5 heroes and even then I can't get past phase 2 without cheating. But that might be because I'm bad at SC2, because the difficulty is 100% needing to do lots of things at once - there's absolutely no randomness to it and you should win every time if you play perfectly.

    I give permission for anyone to steal anything from this map. I don't intend to continue development on it, and there's some really neat stuff in here that people ask about all the time (such as how to do a thrown projectile that gives kill credit to its caster and destructs when it hits a wall.)



    He's your tank, with far and away the most armor and health. I didn't bother implementing aggro so he also is by default the most attractive target to the AI. He gains energy when attacked and can spend it on two abilities:

    Crippling Blow - Powerful attack which reduces an enemy's melee and ranged damage by 20% for a short time.

    Shock Shield - Reduces incoming damage by 90% for 5 seconds.


    Your healer. I was going to give him a pet but it was just too complicated to control. Does not regen energy automatically.

    Heal - A casted 2 second heal which restores a large amount of health at the end. Can be autocasted.

    Neurotoxin - A 20 second crowd control spell which has a chance to break on damage.

    Replenish - Channeled ability which restores the biologist's energy. On a 30 second cooldown and takes up to 8 seconds to fully restore energy.


    Melee DPS. His resource is "Initiative" - every regular melee attack has a 65% chance to raise his initiative level by 1. Whenever a special ability is used, initiative resets to zero regardless of how much the ability requires.

    Frenzy - Requires 5 initiative. Increases attack speed by 50% for a medium duration.

    Wounding Strike - Requires 3 initiative. Deals a lot of damage and applies a stacking DoT.

    Phase Shift - Requires no initiative. The Assassin becomes ethereal and invulnerable for 10 seconds but cannot attack. Initiative is set to zero and frenzy is removed when this is used - it's purely for escape.


    Ranged DPS. Her resource is "Focus", which regenerates slowly while standing still and depletes very rapidly while moving. Having more focus increases her damage and allows the use of better abilities. Focus is not consumed by using abilities, only by moving.

    Binding Shot - Requires 2 focus. Deals medium damage and slows the target by 50%.

    Explosive Shot - Requires 3 focus. Deals AoE damage over an area.

    Targeting Lock - Requires 4 focus. Acquires a lock on the target, increasing all damage done by the Specialist by 50% and allies by 15% for 30 seconds.


    Ranged DPS/support. He absorbs energy from his regular attack to spend on his special abilities.

    Psi Bolt - Fires a projectile in the target direction. Upon hitting an enemy or any other obstacle it will explode dealing AoE damage and knocking back non-massive targets in the area.

    Psi Shield - Places a shield on the target which will absorb lots of damage. Cannot be refreshed until it expires.


    Harbinger is the boss for this entry. He has four phases. I'll just describe the abilities so as not to spoil the strategy required to beat him.

    Phase 1

    Cleave - His primary melee attack hits anything in front of him.

    Forked Lightning - Targets a random party member and hits them and anyone standing near them for a large amount of damage.

    Psi Bomb - Placed on a random party member, stunning them for 6 seconds. After 6 seconds they will explode damaging any nearby allies. After exploding, a Resonance Field will be left behind for up to 20 seconds.

    Energy Nova - Cast immediately after Psi Bomb detonates, this ability hits all allies and will instantly kill them if they are not standing in a Resonance Field. (Engineer can survive via Shock Shield.)

    Phase 2

    Phase 2 begins at 60%. The Harbinger becomes invulnerable and adds begin to spawn.

    Defiled Servant - These are tough adds with a devastating melee attack. One will spawn every 30 seconds. When a Defiled Servant is killed, a swarm of Defiled Scarabs will pop out of its corpse. These have very little HP but do lots of damage.

    Volatile Mutant - These will periodically spawn on either side of the room. They have very little HP but if they reach their target or are killed they will explode, dealing AoE damage.

    Void Sphere - The boss will periodically send void spheres at random party members. If a void sphere reaches its target it will explode, dealing large amounts of AoE damage. They move slightly slower than players and will dissipate if they don't hit their target after a while.

    Phase 3

    Phase 3 begins exactly 2:30 after Phase 2. This phase is identical to Phase 1, except that Volatile Mutants will continue to spawn.

    Phase 4

    Phase 4 begins at 20%. Volatile mutants will stop spawning.

    Cleave - His melee attack continues to cleave.

    Dark Vortex - He will periodically cast this at a random party member. Causes a huge vortex to appear, rapidly dealing damage to anyone standing in it. After 6 seconds, a Defiled Servant will appear out of the vortex. Vortices will not disappear until the boss is killed, causing them to rapidly fill the room.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on A way to get a .Member from a Parameter directly?

    Make another function that takes a record and a preset as a parameter and then returns whatever field is specified by the preset. There is no way to programmatically select a field from a record because records are basically C structs, not Lua-like tables and thus have no reflection capabilities.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Build without having a unit selected.

    The best workaround I can think of would be to create an invisible unit with a very high subgroup priority and then whenever the player's selection changes, manually select that unit. But that's still a very rough workaround.

    It's simply not possible to show the command card for a unit that isn't the primary selection. You would need the ability to mod the default UI to accomplish that. Similarly, while you could try to clone the command card using triggers only, all the workarounds for replacing the building placement system so far are extremely rough hacks.

    You should probably just reconsider how you want the UI to work. For example you could make an invisible hero unit named "Build" with a build icon that does all the building. Then to build something the player would click on the hero icon.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Randomizing an integer array while keeping values

    assume tmp and i are local variables of type integer.

    Pick Each Integer From 0 to (size of array - 1)
       Set i = Random integer from 0 to (size of array - 1)
       Set tmp = Array[i]
       Set Array[i] = Array[(picked integer)]
       Set Array[(Picked integer)] = tmp

    to be honest though if you're getting trigger errors and can't figure out what's wrong then I think you just don't understand some of the fundamentals of how triggers (or programming in general) work. maybe go through some tutorials or something to get a better understanding.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomizing an integer array while keeping values

    for each item in the array, swap its value with a randomly selected index in the same array.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need help with adding levels to Charge ability

    Augment abilities don't support leveling. So you'll need to rework the ability so it's no longer an augment.

    Posted in: Data
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