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    posted a message on [Release] The Sorcerer's Defense

    Quote from kfrx:
    Your map crashes SC2 quite a lot when I play with my friends. I'll try copy the error message next time it comes up. It only crashes for 1 person.

    I've gotten reports from a couple of people that it causes CTDs. It only seems to happen for certain people and it's fine for others (including myself.) If you don't mind, can you tell me what video settings you're using and whether or not you have sound and music enabled? Also, if it only crashes at certain places, or just randomly. Thanks a lot, I really want to squash this bug.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] The Sorcerer's Defense
    Quote from Colawaffle: Go

    No worries. A question regarding your Tips panel, how long did it take you to do that? Did you do that manually?

    Well that depends on what you mean. Getting the towers and creeps to show up in the help was pretty easy, once I figured out how to do it. For each heading you need to add a text value with the key "UI/HelpMenuDialogTechGlossary_Control_Unit/Category/xyz" and value of whatever you want the label to be, and then under the unit, you set Glossary Category field's key to "Unit/Category/xyz" (obviously xyz can be anything as long as it's the same in both places.) The value of the Glossary Category field doesn't seem to matter, only the key.

    If you mean how long did it take to make the tooltips for all the units, a very long time. All the data references are dynamic which helps a lot because it allows me to tweak values without having to remember to keep the tooltips consistent.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] The Sorcerer's Defense
    Quote from Colawaffle: Go

    Does that mean you won :D?

    Haha, I wish. Today was the deadline and I haven't heard anything from them so I'm assuming I did not win. :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Release] The Sorcerer's Defense


    • Now available in US and EU.

    This was my entry in the Blizzard custom map contest. Since then I've continued to develop and refine it and now that the judging deadline has passed, it's ready for release!

    This is a mazing tower defense map with a number of unique features. In particular, if you liked Gem TD in Warcraft 3 you'll probably get a kick out of it - while it's not a remake, some of the ideas are similar.

    Since this is a map development forum I won't talk too much about the gameplay features - you can check out the project page or the YouTube video, or just play it on battle.net yourself. One thing I will do, however, is answer any questions about how specific features were implemented. I do plan to release the unlocked map publicly at some point in the future as well as create a series of tutorials on how to do some of the niftier things in your own maps. So if you see something and want to know more about how it was done, just ask and I'll do my best to answer.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on A sharable pylon?


    I don't think that's too time consuming. Just check for whenever a pylon is built, then loop through all allies of the owner and add the power supplier behavior from them. Not a very complex trigger at all.

    If alliances can change mid-game it's slightly more complex, just remove all the behaviors from every pylon on the map and re-add the behaviors.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Basline animation variable for no animation?

    Okay, sorry I thought you meant the editor would change it to "stand" if you tried to set it to ignore. it'll let you set it to ignore, but it'll still play the stand animation. I'm guessing that's what you meant. Anyway add this to your actor events:


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Basline animation variable for no animation?

    Works for me.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Basline animation variable for no animation?

    Change stand to ignore.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map protection changed???

    Isn't this how map locking always worked?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Sound Actor, change volume of the sound

    Well then you already found the Sound Set Volume actor. The UI for editing it is REALLY wonky, if you want to make any changes you have to delete all the entries and start from scratch in order for it to save them. But with a little patience it's possible to edit it and get it to save the changes.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom map ranking system.

    This topic is tired. They've acknowledged many many many many times that the current system is flawed and they're revamping it. It doesn't really accomplish anything to make another topic about it.

    If you have any very specific suggestions post them on the feedback thread in the battle.net forums.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Sound Actor, change volume of the sound

    The easiest way is to edit the Sound object's Volume field.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on need help - "hold fire" using triggers

    Or just make a new buff with flags the unit as "Passive" (modification field, behavior tab) and apply/remove it via triggers. That's how the ghost hold fire ability works.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Variables in Tooltips


    Try the search function.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Morphing ability causing unit to stop

    Transient isn't supported for morph abilities so you need a workaround. Make a second ability which triggers an Issue Order effect to the unit and flag it as transient, then under the issue order effect check "Preempt" under command flags and set the command to the morph ability. Add both the morph and proxy ability to the unit but only put the proxy ability on the command card.

    Posted in: Data
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