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    posted a message on So I just opened my editor after a while

    Always been this way. Used to ask you every time you used it, now only asks you on the first login of every month (I think).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    I think I need to think more about the creep's role in the game.

    I don't want to change the income model so randomly, but the current one is just broken.

    Minerals: 1/s passive, +120 for killing a player (less if he's been alive less than 2min)

    Vespene: 10% of BASE (before masteries/buffs) damage done to HEROES, +120 for player (same story)

    Basically minerals are passive, vespene for landing hits on players.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    What game do you want?

    Fighting other players for fun and more experience?

    This. The layout is modeled after Arathi Basin, which I felt provided very solid style for PvP action. I have a feeling it doesn't translate well into sc2.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    I've added a 5s sync period at the start of games before banks are loaded. This should stop desync data loss, but it'd still be wise to backup your bank file.

    I'll reduce ability xp to 600. This is probably fairer.

    I've optimised the code a lot. Hopefully the map should handle smoother now.

    Lastly, I'm going to EXPERIMENT with replacing creep income with passive income. Let me know how it feels.

    I'll upload soon.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    hm, disconnecting does not always deletes the bank. At least not in other Mods.

    I mean disconnecting while the bank is being loaded/saved.

    I'll be changing the firestorm bonus at least. I also don't like the idea of denying your own creeps. I'm tempted to revert to passive income and drop creep income altogether so that the only source you need to worry about is killing other players.

    Creeps generate 192 minerals/vespene per 30s.

    Assuming you have 5 players on a team, that is a little over 1 mineral/s.

    I may replace the mineral gain with passive income, and the vespene gain from some other source, or perhaps just passive too. Overall I'm not really happy with the creeps, and judging from what you said, creeps are the reason behind why Storm is so strong.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Also I hear storms are overtuned. I've not had chance to test them 1v1.

    Storm base damage is 60dps. I could reduce this to 50, but that isn't a big change.

    I could disable autoattack during Storm. This probably makes more sense.

    I could disable casting during.

    Or I could just change the firestorm bonus.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    I can add a delay before the bank is loaded, but disconnecting will ALWAYS wipe your bank.

    The only real fix is to backup your bank file.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Corruption RPG
    Quote from JakeCake26: Go

    I will update the map once more on 11/11/11 where I have to go for about a month


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from Edicitsep: Go

    Wow, this looks awesome. Any idea when it will be ready for b.net US?

    I could throw it up tomorrow, just that I think you only really get one chance when it comes to UMS maps and I don't want to ruin it. Once I'm happy with the content and replayability, I'll upload it.

    Quote from D1000: Go

    Hmm, there was a bug yesterday:
    Someone left, but his shield was visible until the game ended (I suppose it was his shield, just saw it when I was running around)

    That's odd. Easily fixed, but odd. I'm working on a new version that will allow all spells to have a self cast option (so say, a shield spell will always be used on you). I'll fix it with that update.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Angry Birds style map (demo version on bnet)

    Throw me the source file and I'll make a video.

    No worries if you don't feel comfortable with this.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How did you guys get into game/map development?
    Quote from Trieva: Go

    For me, it started in my child-hood years of playing with Lego.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Idea to make a top 10 custom map.
    Quote from dangeruss69: Go

    @Hobrow: Go

    That sucks... how does it work in Hero Attack? Was that made in a different version of the editor?

    The terrains are 128*128 squares. The max terrain you can have is 256*256, so you can fit 4 of these maps in.

    Blizzard melee maps are much larger.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Introducing Storm spelltype tomorrow. This will be the first of the melee centric spells.

    Projectile spells focus on using globes of magic as the weapon. Minion spells use seperate bodies to deal damage.

    Melee spells will focus on using your character as the weapon, making their style different to projectile and minion spells while not breaking the map's style.

    Storm deals damage around your character. A new melee-centric talent has been added. Currently this only boosts Storm.

    Airstorm - Unfinished
    Earthstorm - Reduces movespeed by 25%. Lasts 7s. Deals 60dps. Restores 15% of damage caused as life.
    Firestorm - Unfinished
    Icestorm - Reduces movespeed by 20%. Lasts 5s. Deals 48dps. Inflicts Chill. 5s in storm inflicts Freeze.
    Lightningstorm - Increases movespeed by 40%. Lasts 3.5s. Deals 60dps. Steals 6 energy on hit.
    Spiritstorm - Deals 60dps. Lasts 5s. Dispels floormagic, magic from caster and magic from targets.
    Voidstorm - Unfinished

    As usual, auras, trails, links and shells all work with Storm. Links work as if the link were cast on yourself, so only you get benefit.

    Could use ideas to separate out the unfinished storm types.

    Also still working on ideas for a PvE mode. The map is surprisingly on page 4 despite there being zero content for small groups/solo players. I want to change this, but I want to do it right.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.2 PTR Notes
    Quote from Tolkfan: Go

    And it only took them over a year to fix...

    It's been working since 1.4. Not sure what this is.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Blizzcon 2011] Blizzard DOTA Info
    Quote from RCIX: Go

    An interesting item system

    Come on, the item system from DotA was pointlessly confusing. You get the same result with upgradeable items, just you don't need to have an item spreadsheet open.

    Quote from RCIX: Go


    I think this single mechanic put me off the whole DotA series. People call it skillful, and they'd probably be right. I'd call it tedious for tedium's sake.

    Quote from RCIX: Go


    It's still there, and seemingly more important than other DotA games.

    Quote from RCIX: Go

    strong towers
    which is quite a bit of what makes DotA interesting to us geek heads. Towers, for instance, prevent it from being just a "hurr durr push push push tower dive for killz" game. Jungling adds an alternative to just laning, and is IMO more interesting than just lanes. Etc.

    For me, every game needs it's 6-pool strategy. If you physically can't lose in 5 minutes no matter how bad you are, you're (as a designer) just delaying the action.

    I said this on the stream, and some people made the jump between 6-pool and an "uncounterable tactic that everyone will use". 6-pool is risky for both the player and his opponent. It doesn't always work, and is pretty easily countered if you know it's coming, but as soon as you remove that risk, you actually dumb the game down. "Hey, I've got no risk of losing for the first 10m so I'll just do what I want with impunity".

    Quote from RCIX: Go

    Young whippersnappers, they want their games to be handed to em on a silver platter. Then they want the games to be forced down their throats and digested for em.... :P /oldfart

    DotA has a lot of pointless tedium and overly complicated mechanics. Sure, you can say that removing them simplifies the game, and you'd be right. A simple game isn't necessarily an easy game, though. There are also many ways to add skill to a game.

    Quote from s3rius: Go

    How is a good player supposed to shine then?

    By actually being a good player instead of staring at health bars, I guess.

    Posted in: General Chat
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