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    posted a message on Custom Hero Arena


    Too many stats, and some stats just have pointless names.

    Vitality is life? Why not just call it life? Putting a point into Life increases your Life by 20. Remember that the first 30 seconds of your map are the most important, and things like this only serve to confuse.

    Likewise Intellect should just be energy, and constitution just "regeneration" (though I'd argue that you really ought to just put the regen component as part of Vitality/Intellect stat points).

    Speed is generally a bad stat. Not because it's bad itself, quite the opposite, it's nearly always universally too good. However it's bad for your game because it's just too essential. Think LoL and the speed boots, or Star Battle and the speed upgrade. They're not really even choices, and their existence pretty much dumbs the game down by forcing you to farm it before you can afford the interesting stuff.

    Strength, Agility and Spell Power. Not sure I like this much. Seems like it could be simplified.

    Either "Power", which increases all damage done by 1% and "Haste" which increases cast/attack speed by x%, or baking in the agility bonus into Strength.

    Basically I'd go for this instead;

    Power: Increases damage by 1% Haste: Increases attack/cast speed by 1% Life: Increases life by 20 and life regen by 0.25 Energy: Increases energy by 15 and energy regen by 0.125

    I skipped defence. Defence suffers from the same problem that speed does, only inverse. Players are very reluctant to boost defensive stats over offensive ones. With good reason too; they're dull. The second reason for skipping defence is simply because it overlaps roles with Life. Both serve the exact same purpose; to make you live longer. Having 2 stats do the exact same thing is pretty dull.

    Another note is that 100 clicks to set your hero up and assign 100 stats is both confusing and tedious. Sure, you could add a "Assign 10 stat points to this skill" button, but that doesn't change the confusion aspect.

    Simply reducing this down to 5 or 10 skill points, and beefing the bonus up to significant levels would help this a lot. Life would, instead, add 100 life and 2.5 life/s regen. This feels significant and a whole lot more interesting than 100 tiny bonuses, even if the end outcome is the same.

    I approve of upgradeable items. I'm not sure about specific item slots though. Sure, it defies common sense when some guy has 6 boots of carnage, but by removing the slots, you're removing choice, and choice seems to be what you're going for. It's also just less confusing. It also weeds out redundant items. Having Boots of Attack and a Breastplate of Attack that both do the same thing but just take different slots isn't really exciting or fun. Sure, you can vary out all the slots, but that is a lot of extra work on your side for not very much, if any, addition to the game.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Crater of Carnage Team Thread (Positions Filled)

    Hey LoneVandal,

    I've poured my heart and soul into this program over the past 2 years, and would say with confidence that I am fluent with every aspect.

    I have a reputation here for being one, if not the best data editor outside of Blizzard. My work is clean and to a professional standard.

    You can find many examples of my work on my youtube channel;


    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/z5zL_7GD3sA?fs=1

    My first ever production, winner of the first real sc2mapster competition

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/G5rnnhOTFOI?fs=1

    Second production, also first place.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/z3e_t6jlGo8?fs=1

    My first page 1 map

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/0fomJAHoK0I?fs=1

    My second page 1 map

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/GW-I1qqpTk8?fs=1

    Something I made in an evening

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/ZXonTtbRRJ4?fs=1

    My latest creation; a full spell editor

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Mapcraft suggestions thread

    Hero name

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Mapcraft suggestions thread
    Quote from Mephs: Go


    wtf is this

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Sc2 vs Wc3 Maps: What's wrong in recent maps.
    Quote from QuantumMenace: Go

    Every time I feel any motivation to work on my own map, something like the Squad TD ban comes up to remind me how badly the custom content community is restricted.

    This is a real blow for UMS making and I feel deserves a lot more attention.

    Squad TD was banned because the author placed a sponsor's advert on the loading screen.

    Let's put things in perceptive;

    User creates amazingly popular content. User gets sponsored by 3rd party company.

    Blizzard bans and removes user's content.

    Money is an amazing motivator. SC2 mapping is already basically dead due to lack of motivation. User tries to monotize his creation; user receives boot to face.

    I love Blizzard, really. I'm probably as big a fanboy as you can get, but this just goes one step further to demolish what little remains of this dead activity.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Mapcraft suggestions thread
    Quote from Mephs: Go

    There's only like 2 people who make custom maps anymore anyway.

    Probably Mapcraft's biggest problem.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Hmm. I'll see if I can replicate it. Stuff like this is difficult for me to find because all my testing is solo.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    What team were you on and how many players?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Try now.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Did you get the "Your opponent is Syn (Level x)" message?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Looking for some direction. What would you like to see added?

    New spells?
    Expanded PvE mode (new bosses, smarter AI, difficulty settings etc)
    Something UI related?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    Nice changes:) some more points: (and since you didnt reply on some points i just write them again, in case that you missed them:)

    - gametime is missing

    - ctrl+x groups missing, or maybe add centering hero on space

    - i like the lock on hero selection

    - Nexus can be "sniped" - took me 80 seconds (total gametime) to win solo vs LvL10

    - start creeps one wave later, because heroes arrive at front when some creeps have fallen yet

    - Nexus - canons is hard to move through, sometimes you stuck there, also creeps if enemy hero is behind nexus

    Fixed all this. Couldn't add time for some reason.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from BloodClud: Go

    I just don't like the terrain :( The old terrain was a lot better in my opinion. I really miss that terrain! Thinking of adding old terrain but every other thing as is in it now and I liked the idea to capture points not giving points but something like minion spawn rate :) And I also miss items :( I think it's weird that buildings respawn? The enemy had building next to our base so we had to make cannons next to it so it gets destroyed when respawns and there was also other building respawning there and here so we had to make cannons there also. Is minerals used to build structures only? I had 10000 at somepoint and then I just massed cannons to their base what was kinda odd. And does the loot that the ''boss'' gives example 120m mean 120 minerals? Is there anyway to prevent the respawning? I couldn't build anything top of it... Sorry for wall of text!

    Items may return. Right now I just don't think they add anything to the game, and serve to only make it more complicated which, in the future, may not be such a bad thing, but right now it is.

    Buildings respawning seems rather disliked by all. I do agree that at the very least, you should be able to get rid of someone else's buildings somehow. Perhaps by building ontop of them. I'll look into it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Modifying spells no longer costs experience
    Healer minion added
    Added a 30s delay to allow for hero selection

    Fixed earth spells not healing if target dies to their damage
    Build menu now closes when you plant the building, rather than when you select a location
    Added descriptions to spell types

    I'll be working on polish for now. I'm tempted to add Holy as a healing element.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this. Maybe I'm also going about it the wrong way.

    This is causing me such a huge headache.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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