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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    So I was thinking about this a lot.

    Spells can be modified freely, in any way.

    However all spells have an internal, persistent (between games) experience points.

    Spells gain experience through use (landing fireballs, using shields that take damage).

    After some arbitrary amount of experience, your spell becomes leveled. At this point you may pick a single perk for your spell. Think glyphs from WoW, or gems from Diablo.

    Risen (pick one)
    Your Risen no longer degenerate. Instead, they gain 5 health per second.
    Your Risen are reborn at your side after a few seconds after being killed.
    Your Risen spell summons 5 Risen at once.

    You may change your perk freely during prep time (30 seconds at map start), or after the match. You may also select the perk mid-game if your spell levels during the match.

    Spells only level once. Modifying the spell in any way will reset the spell's experience.

    Note that the perks are rather meaningless in the grand scheme of things, they will be mostly quality of life modifiers. I'd want them just strong enough to make you think twice before modifying a spell, but give you enough room to experiment.

    Leveling a spell would take around 5 matches, or about the same amount of time it would take to grind an aura.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    Why not make abilities every time used increase their strength. Never and can't play since I live in the US, but if you for example had...something pathetically basic...a fireball spell, it starts at 50 damage or something and a cooldown of 10 seconds. Each time it is used it gains say... 0.1 damage and every 20 times used the cooldown decreases by 1 or something. It's just an example...but you kind of get the Idea...I hope.

    This is something I have in mind. Landing your fireball will improve the fireball.

    The obvious issue with this is that it promotes just sticking to 1 spell for the whole game. I'm not sure how big an issue this would be, though.

    The upside is that it's a damn cool way of doing things, and fits perfectly since modifying the spell could reset it's progress, ensuring that you don't change your spells mid-game.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    1. Spells arent loaded correctly, there are differences between the description shown and the spell you will cast (xxxtrail when i have no trail at all)


    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    - Canons should not shoot own balls.


    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    - building menu should close after you build something


    Quote from TimSin112: Go

    - would be nice to know when a building will respawn


    Also disabled friendly collision and self-damage.

    More fixes to come in the next few days. Any more small changes would be appreciated.

    I'm still trying to think of an alternative to the experience system. I may just vastly reduce spell xp cost while I try to think of something cooler.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    I'll fix most of the above in an update sometime this week. I'll also be adding the Healer (medic) creepwave unit and the Healing Tower (defensive structure).

    There's an issue with the AI boss sometimes simply not spawning. I'm looking into the cause.

    Right now though, I want to know anything that you find annoying about the map. I'm trying to iron out the whole experience. I plan to make a few changes for the next build; removing friendly fire entirely and removing friendly collision. I feel it's just plain annoying to have your spells impact friendly units. I have an open mind regarding this, but I want to make the whole map experience as smooth as possible.

    Secondly, I'm looking into a way to replace experience. Something I have in mind is that spell modifications are free, but spells "level" somehow, and modifying them will reset their level.

    Levels would ideally be rather weak overall but persistent between games. An example would be leveling your Risen spell would increase their health regeneration so that they no longer decay over time, and eventually begin self-healing. Something like this would be very small in combat, but the player would notice the effect.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    Let's talk strategy.

    Production. Economy. Defence.

    The cornerstone of all strategy games. The holy trinity of RTS. Focus on economy and risk being battered by an early productive push. Erect the Great Wall of Turtling and you risk being outpaced by superior economy, and so on.

    This is a DotA style map. There's no hiding from that. There are many twists though.

    The map is divided into 53 grid squares. You begin with 5 squares under your control. You take over a square by building in it. Each square may only house either 1 production structure or 1 economy structure. Defence structures may be placed anywhere.

    This immediately gives you 3 choices. The more your base expands, the more surface area you have to defend, and the more opportunities your enemy has to attack.

    Economy structures give your team a passive income. Production structures add extra creeps to your waves. While killing creeps does provide minerals, the overall creep wave is always worth the same amount. Having 4 creeps in your wave makes each creep worth 25 minerals. Having 5 reduces this to 20 minerals per creep; always totaling 100.

    Map is live again. Still EU only. Still beta. New gameplay, new UI, re-balanced spells, hopefully 10x more streamlined.

    I love feedback. Give plx.

    I added a rather competent AI to the game. Just join with 1 team empty to start PvE mode, which spawns a boss based on your (and your friend's) level.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on I feel like crap
    Quote from zenx1: Go

    Teachers skill cannot be compared to what number students get from the course.

    It is. That's exactly how teachers are graded.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on I feel like crap

    You realise that teachers are on your side, right?

    Your grades are their grades. Teachers are graded based on their pupil's progress. A shit student who starts getting good grades is good for the teacher. A good pupil who starts getting bad grades gives the teacher a bad grade too.

    Long story short, that 53% mark isn't just your bad grade, but your teacher's bad grade. You probably deserved it.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Tonight on Sc2Streamster: Mapcraft with Basharteg!

    wtf it is a link

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Tonight on Sc2Streamster: Mapcraft with Basharteg!

    Black text on grey background


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    posted a message on Random Targets?
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Set effect that picks a random effect tree leading to all the possibiliies is one method. An alternative is to use a periodic Create Persistent with a Switch effect that uses a single target Search Area with the random target sort that applies a counter buff. An Enumerate Area validator flips the switch if there are 3 different units with the buff to use another singe target Search Area effect That has a Behavior Count target sort followed by a random target sort so it then prioritizes units already with the buff if there are already 3 different units with it. The final 4 effects of the Create Persistent are searches linked your Launch Missile effects that requires the target to have the buff and on impact does damage and removes a count of the buff using a Remove Behavior effect. The downside of this method is that with more targets the likely hood of targeting the same target more than once is reduced.

    Holy shit

    Weapon -> Persistent with 4 ticks -> Search (Target Sort: Random) -> LM -> Damage

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Question Regarding SCII MAPSTER


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    posted a message on Attack Target Priorities
    Quote from Tyman2007: Go

    Sorry for the delayed response..

    What I mean is that say if you have a wall of 5 buildings, all with the same attack target priority and only 1 of the buildings have a weapon. They will attack the one with the weapon regardless of the attack target priority of the unit. It seems the weapon adds in extra priority. How do I change that?

    Give the other buildings an invisible, useless weapon?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Does this $15k challenge have to be an RPG?

    I find this very tasteless.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)
    Quote from IliIilI: Go

    Capture points is a good thing you should take out of the game. Maybe you should consider redesigning them so they don't give you score but some tactical advantage like turrets, extra creeps, teleport, healing points, respawning points... Capture points make the game more of a team strategy game instead of a full pvp game.

    This is exactly what I have planned. The battlefield is divided into 53 invisible grid squares. Each grid square can be built on. Your choices are income, production or defence (plus a few other utilities). Building on a square costs minerals, which are gained from slaying the other team.

    Once "bought", the grid square belongs to your team for the remainder of the match, however the other team can destroy your building for minerals which shuts down it's effect for 3 minutes. The more grid squares your team controls, the more weaknesses the other team have to exploit since you have a larger surface area to defend. This may sound complicated, but it's rather well hidden behind a normal SC2 build interface.

    This system replaces all forms of character progression. There are no more items, upgrades or masteries.

    My goals were as follows;

    To make each match plays out in a unique way independent of hero fights

    To carry over the SC2 baseline of focusing on economy, production or defence

    To open up strategic options for players in terms of how they contribute to the overall fight

    To make something not seen in previous DotA style games to differentiate my map from BDotA and other upcoming map releases

    I feel I met my goals with this system. I am very proud of it. Weeks of thought went into solving this. I can't wait to show off the new implementations.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    I'm redesigning the whole map.

    Terrain is completely new. Capture points are gone.

    Upgrades and items are gone. I never felt they added much to the game anyway.

    Spells are redesigned. I've gone through every component and remade each. Spell cores are now absolutely consistent.

    UI completely revamped to provide a more logical and easier to work with interface.

    New players will start with a selection of Spirit spells.

    Abilities are gone. They will return in the future, but will serve a different purpose to now. I feel abilities are part of the problem concerning new vs veteran players.

    A full PvE mode.

    Basically I'm re-working the map to be a very clean and enjoyable experience. It's a good job I had this trial period before releasing. I feel so many problems have arisen that I never saw coming, and I hope to address them all with the next update.

    I will be taking the map down for now. The new map will be published under a new name. Thank you for the feedback.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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