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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha

    I really want to share the patch email. Unsure if I can. Take my word for it that there's some awesome changes and some even more awesome additions.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha

    There's an NDA upon installing.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha

    Got the supplementary patch email now. Still can't find an NDA.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha

    I think it's sad that "substantial editor improvements" excites me the most.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Mexaprone: Go

    Well, what do I know, but it also helps towards early reverse engineering and similar.

    It's handled server-side. You'll notice that you can't even use the editor without logging into b.net at least once. Doesn't mean it can't be cracked, but still, I doubt anyone would care that badly.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    Yeah I got it too. Is it NDA or what?

    I see no NDA, and I signed no EULA that bears resemblance.

    I'll assume there's an NDA for now. Doubt the email counts as one though. Installing now.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Mexaprone: Go

    Eiviyn, don't be offended, but isn't that quite dumb to give out a link to the arcade alpha, when the link was only meant to you?

    It won't work if you don't have the invite. How stupid would that be to send an invite for one that includes a link usable by anyone?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha


    We’re pleased to invite you to join a special preview alpha phase of the upcoming StarCraft II Arcade Beta. There are numerous improvements in the Arcade beta, including significant changes to the custom game interface, many new ways to describe and uniquely identify your games, as well as substantial editor improvements. You can read the specifics in a separate email.

    Because you’ve contributed to the StarCraft II community in the past we feel that you’re uniquely positioned to give us valuable feedback on the coming changes, so we’re offering you early alpha-phase access to the coming Arcade beta! You can expect to see additional polish as we move into the beta phase and beyond (and your feedback will help!)

    The alpha is open and available now.

    1. Uninstall the StarCraft II Beta, if you’ve installed it previously on your system
    2. Delete the “Battle.net” folder from C:\ProgramData, if present
    3. Download and run the appropriate Setup file from the link below. Note only the PC StarCraft II Editor is available during the alpha:
    · PC: -snip-
    4. Hit the “Play” button once it becomes enabled
    5. Log into B.net using your retail SC2 credentials

    After you’ve had a chance to check out the new features, we encourage you to provide your feedback via email at [email protected]. Again, please keep in mind that, as this is an alpha build, the patch is a work in progress and that there are likely to be unfinished elements and some bugs as well. We appreciate your patience during the alpha phase of the Arcade beta test and ask that you please keep your feedback constructive.
    Welcome to patch 1.5.0!

    The StarCraft II Development Team

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Politics in 2012

    Ronmey is a mormon. That's all I need to know.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Official Release] Photon Discs

    You get one chance. People play and judge if they like it. If no, they won't return. No amount of content patches will change that.

    I think the best advice is to sit back and ask yourself; would you play this? We're not talking testing here, we're talking recreational entertainment for hours. If no; don't release it. I learnt that lesson over and over again.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Quotes won't work
    Quote from Neonsz: Go

    I can't get quoting to work, it turns out like this

    Quote from Kueken531: For me, both of them are nice games to play a quick round or 2. Nothing for prolonged periods of playing; I have no desire to grind either of them for levels or achievements or whatever (well, afaik, Cycles has none of those, but if it had, I still wouldn't ;)).

    Both of them have kind of the same advantages and disadvantages to me: Very nice visual polish, smooth, intuitive controls, easy to learn in general. However, once you played them a couple of times, both lack depth and content to make me play continuously. Still definitely among the better maps out there. Additionaly, I am not much of a competitive multiplayer guy, that would probably keep me playing a while longer :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on CraftCraft — EU/NA Beta

    I feel the opposite. I feel that the learning curve was fine.

    There's a few stumbling blocks though. Firstly, as stated as an example above, you have to collect vespene/vanadium from the factories. It really should be automatic if connected to a command centre.

    Secondly, the vehicles are just traps for wasting vanadium. Only the goliath has any use whatsoever. I'd either remove the other 2, or give them defined roles. Vulture could be very fast, moderate damage but low life and lay mines at a cost of vanadium for example, while the mule could have vastly increased cargo bay and "teleport" resources directly to the command centre on a much shorter cooldown.

    Lastly, the relationship between vespene and power. That took us an entire try to figure out.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Solar Reduction - RPG - Progress Videos -

    I feel like you owe me 3 minutes of my life back.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Video] Seniors react to Starcraft
    Quote from OneTwoSC: Go

    Haha the guy asked "Does anyone here have a life?" Meanwhile he probably goes back to watching TV on the couch...

    ... *oh old people* and their preconceived hatred of video-games...!

    I always wonder if, when I get old, my generation will also have an irrational hatred of something that young people of the future find fun.

    I hope so.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Add basic forum functions, please.

    You're wasting your time. The only reason this site is even remotely an "authority" on sc2 ums, is because there's no other site. It's thoroughly abandoned.

    Posted in: General Chat
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