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    posted a message on Why is team management set up like crap?
    Quote from Nebuli2: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Did you just see 'why', and automatically assume it had something to do with Battle.net without reading the rest of the title or any of the post?

    Join a UMS lobby. Invite an AFK friend. You'll see what he means.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Heroes of Aiur

    So it's angry pictionary?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on What many games/maps lack

    I disagree with LoL being "teamplay" orientated. Only the final phase of the game requires much team-work, before that it's either solo or duo, short of organised teams.

    What it does, however, is lump you with 4 people you generally don't know and put you in a position where you rely on them to win. I don't think this needs much of an explanation when it comes to rage-induction.

    It's "teamplay" orientated insofar as that no matter how good you are, you're probably not going to make up for 1-2 bad team-mates.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Star Armada EU / NA ( TvT )

    But can you build on it?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on What many games/maps lack
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go

    League of Legends, I think it has the highest money being given out for any esports, I would assume people would get damn competitive for something like that. I actually find sc2 more lax than LoL a lot. LoL you got teammates who yell at you because they want to win so badly on a non ranked game compared to sc2 where it's just you and you can do whatever. Hell, going to those custom games where you spectate are so much fun. It's basically social hour while watching a match.

    LoL has casual appeal and competitive appeal.

    SC2 only has competitive appeal. Casuals, like myself, don't last. What's left is raw competitive.

    If you find sc2 to be "more lax", seriously, I think you must be playing it wrong.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Upgrade research times

    I think that's like asking why marine health is 45 and not 50.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings

    The more stupid rules you add, the harder it will be to learn. Just widen the lanes and reduce guardian/building health. If that doesn't work, remove all the defensive runes.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on [Showcase] Troll model for Trollobattles

    But how do I fit a spinning infestor onto that?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on What many games/maps lack
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    It was too competitive for the average sc2 player.

    I think you'd struggle to find a more competitive community than sc2.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What many games/maps lack
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    Most maps lack the most important element, and thats why they fail.

    Its called the fun factor... I don care how "cool" a map or "innovative" it is, if its not fun its garbage.

    I hate to agree with you because I think you're hilariously stupid, but I endorse this statement fully.

    There's a damn good reason Smashcraft never got past page 5.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What many games/maps lack
    Quote from PrimemoverZC: Go

    Unfortunately, the sad truth is that the majority of people won't bother reading a tooltip.

    I'm one of those people. If you can't present your information in a clear, concise and short manner, then screw it, I'll find out by trial and error instead.

    Quote from PrimemoverZC: Go

    You can give people an amazing tutorial system that walks them through the finer points of your map and people will still say "What does X thing that's clearly explained in the tooltip do?".

    Any game that needs a tutorial is unintuitive by definition. That's not the player's fault; that's the developer's fault.

    If you really must have a tutorial, implement it as a guide to that information when that information is relevent.

    Don't put some huge button labeled "Tutorial" which dumps a metric ton of information onto the player that has little or no relevance to their gameplay experience for the next hour.

    Quote from PrimemoverZC: Go

    SC2's playerbase just cannot handle reading or critical thinking.

    Don't mix "critical thinking" with "deciphering bullshit".

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Official Release] Photon Discs
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    This is game is freaking awesome....my only question is how you did the terrain as you did ive seen it else where but never really thought about it till now but the game is freakin awesome.

    It's recoloured water and forcefield doodads.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on UC-rpg
    Quote from Tekaichi: Go

    My starting ideas was: Have one class only, that can have all skills/abilities. But we can choose what Natural Ability our Hero will possess. Like: Extra HP Regen, Extra HP, Resist to fire, Resist to ice.

    Believe me, I tried that, and it's 10x more work than it first appears. Furthermore the end result isn't even that satisfying. This works for games like Skyrim, but online, we're naturally drawn to prefer roles within a group rather than everyone being jack-of-all-trades.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Timer based battle map development team
    Quote from LatinKid: Go

    P.S. I think this is the right section for this thread.

    It's not, and before you post it in the right section, you ought to put some effort into your post if you want to attract people who'll put effort into your project.

    Secondly, data/triggers make up 99% of a map. You're going to find very few people willing to do everything for your idea.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on "Hide Cursor" action is making me rage

    Close SC2 entirely before running the test.

    Posted in: Triggers
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