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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings

    It's not on bnet, so the chances of it being picked by fun/not are 0.

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Defend base AI

    Is it a competitive melee AI or a cheating AI? If the latter, I have plenty of suggestions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on UC-rpg

    Clearly defined roles with carefully crafted skill sets and a modest selection of interchangeable abilities.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Unit Enters Region not triggering (Unit to fast?)

    What is this for? Collision detection or wall bouncing?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Defend base AI

    I'd like to point out that these triggers are, for lack of a better word, retarded.

    Firstly, they will trigger insanely frequently during an attack. A marine attacks 70 times per minute. 12 marines; 14 triggers per second.

    Secondly, attacking from more than 1 point will cause the defending units to behave... erratically. All it takes is a single banshee at the other side of the AI's base to break this trigger.

    I can't suggest an alternative without knowing more about the map, but I definitely wouldn't go with this solution.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] [Ability] Channeled ability that grants buffs (Like Medivac's Heal but with stackable buffs)
    Quote from Nardival: Go

    From the sounds of it, your map will involve a lot of units using this fuel mechanic, so a word of warning; lots of units with large stacks of behaviours has been observed to cause performance issues.

    That's simply false. SotIS uses thousands of behaviours on 10 heroes and doesn't lag at all.

    What lags is large stacks of behaviours with attached effects, which will cause lag because the game will treat each behaviour as a unique entity, even if the host unit has thousands of stacks. You can see why this would lag, and this very likely isn't what the OP is doing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Siege tank + Seiged = unuseable ability???

    Set the ability's arc to 360.

    What's happening is that the tank is trying to turn to face the target point, but can't. Common sense dictates that it'd turn using it's turret, but turrets are for weapons only. You're going to have to get creative if you want the turret to turn with the ability.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Killing units gives money

    Behaviour -> on death search (for something unique, like a hero) -> modify player

    Slap behaviour on the unit you want to give minerals. Won't split the amount.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to skip over object type structure, and only focus on object type unit [Solved]

    Unit Filter Match condition

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Editor YouTube Tutorials

    Think he's the only one, and I don't think he's made one in over a year. It's text or bust I'm afraid.

    Then there's the stream tutorials. No clue how good they are though.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Solved] Removing 75 Minerals Icon above units?

    Go to your actor;

    ConstructionCancelTerranSupplyDepot (Unnamed)

    Go to the "textCreate" field and delete everything.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Fun or Not ratings
    Quote from IliIilI: Go

    Removing rich minerals should work. Also, I loved being able to push minerals. Why did you removed it?


    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on To put things in perspective ... how big is yours?

    AoS2 is still alive?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Hero Arena
    Quote from GlornII: Go

    Dead thread for a while; I always forget to update what I am doing; a lot of abilities have been added. the general "balance" of the game has been established. No abilities are "the best" nor are any combinations. teamwork and counters will go a lot farther than any skills picked will.

    If you've achieved this, I swear, I'll eat my hat.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Detecting AFK Players

    Depends on the game.

    For a hero map, which I assume this is, there's an easy solution.

    Make a behaviour. Call it "AFK Aura" or something. Give it a period of 1 sec and disable it with validators if the unit has orders.

    Now make a new behaviour called "AFK Timer" or something. Set the duration to 5min and flag it as hidden. Under "remove" use the "unit has orders" validator.

    Now make an effect which applies the AFK Timer to source unit, and strap that into the periodic of AFK Aura.

    Finally, make a dummy effect called "Player is AFK". Put this into the "final" field of AFK Timer.

    Now make a trigger with the event "unit uses effect", with "Player is AFK" as the effect.

    Sorted. No lag. Zero.

    Posted in: Triggers
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