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    posted a message on asdfasdf
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @CrazyTwigman: Go

    Sentries - Archons- Carriers

    Cant beat it... all full upgrades too.... Unbeatable ther eis no "Hard" counter for it.

    1 Observer is needed to lol, pesky cloak units. :D

    Easy. Battlecruisers with yamato.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 360 getting banned in US
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    The idea of a video codec isn't patentable. But the exact way you made it is. They have unique lines of code that they had to write themselves, probably took a team of guys and a year or so. I don't know the exact time it takes for this kind of stuff but still. It's not the idea of a video codec, it's the fact that M$ stole the video codec that Motorola made uniquely along with the wifi technology that motorola made.

    You can't patent gravity but if you find a way to make a device to make your own gravity you can patent that. General ideas can't be patented. Learn the copyright laws.

    You already mentioned earlier in the thread that you were ignorant of what the patent was about, and judging from this post you still don't, so why do you continue to spout bullshit? Go read.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 360 getting banned in US
    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    (even though nobody has seen gravity in action...)

    Good sentence.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Why is the site loading so horribly slow?

    Traffic due to DiabloFans, I'm sure.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 360 getting banned in US
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go

    True, but I can't see it to affect me in such a manner that I'll actually need to worry if one console gets banned in the states over a right dispute between two major companies. Hence why I'm not worried. I'd be more worried if playstation, wii and everything else went out of the rotation too.

    You're not concerned by the fact that this is the 2nd country to ban an entire console?

    Not worried that "patent infringement" (read into what patent they'd actually infringed by the way, it's a cheap laugh) is the new method of console/phone competition?

    Rather than producing better products, they're censoring eachother. That should worry you, no matter what you use.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 360 getting banned in US
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    On another note - I couldn't care less because I don't and never will own an xbox o/

    How naive. Less competition will affect you.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on If I'm not mistaken

    Here seems like a good place to drop a remark about my personal opinion and low regard for alcohol.

    My opinion is worth more than yours because fuck you, that's why.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from xcorbo: Go

    @TheAlmaity: Go

    ugh I forgot, I just found them and I said "ohey I hadn't see this before" they did have ARCADE in their name otherwise I wouldn't be telling you because i know there are a LOT of things i haven't seen :P

    I think I still have one that i haven't deleted, let me quickly find them. Also i heard that some of this stuff are wol beta, so I wouldn't really know, just hold on let me show you one ;o

    How's this for new? is it? ;o

    It's not new.

    There are no new models, buttons, art, tilesets or anything asset related in the alpha.

    Only editor changes.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Forge_User_90756571: Go


    Sorry, but that makes no sense at all. The post-page 3 stuff is never played anyways, so it is not interfering with the actually good and fun maps. I personally like to have 203212 pages of map, because some of them might be cheap, but they are kinda fun, anyways. This change will make the battle.net even more mainstream centered and no member on this forum will benefit from it. Noone.

    Just stop and think about this for a moment.

    1) Nobody ventures past page 3 because the maps are 99% shit.
    2) Authors complain that their page xx map never gets played.

    Now, assuming the author's map isn't shit, don't you think those two statements are connected?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    @Eiviyn: Go You know that way none of your map will be on bnet anymore.
    Also I dont see where was those maps cluttered up in the system? Also name me 1 other system which deletes non-popular stuff, which users upload on them? Its self suicidal....

    Its also stupid as map makers will just keep reuploading it or afking in it.
    This is just another sign that they are downgrading stuff. Now I will have to call it bnet 0.1 (instead bnet 0.2).

    Open bnet. Start at page 3. Note how 99% of the maps past here are shit. Can we agree on that? Good.

    Now imagine that the 99% of shit that inhabits post-page 3 are cleaned away. What's left? Actual fun, playable maps. Who benefits? UMS players and every non-shit author.

    As for reuploading or afking in their own lobby, sure, but they'll get bored eventually if their work never takes off.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go


    Now I am pissed about the Arcade.

    If a map doesnt get enough plays it disappears from the list.... My uploaded map no longer appears... So Its been made worse....

    Good change. Keeps the shit maps from cluttering up the system. Would be nice if the name got made available too if it wasn't played for over a month.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from Rileyb80: Go

    Has anyone from outside the NA server got a invite?


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    posted a message on Freespace and Eve Total Conversions

    I've been working on a capital ship combat engine for months now and nearing a point where I can show it off. It's not exactly EVE, and it's far from Freespace but it's as close as I think you can get with the sc2 engine.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from JademusSreg: Go

    The Arcade alpha ran for about 2 and a half weeks, which was surprisingly long. So yeah, the beta will probably last a few days.

    It's still described as alpha. I imagine beta will come with the hots beta.

    Quote from ZarafFaraz: Go

    Hey guys, I got an invite for this as well, but I don't see myself making use of it as I haven't touched SC2 in a long time.

    So I will send the invite to the first person to email me at: [email protected]

    Please put the follow in the subject line: "SC2Mapster Invite Request" Also, please include your SC2Mapster username in the body of the email.

    I was also invited to the Diablo 3 beta, so maybe this invite has to do with the same "opt in" that I did for the D3 beta?

    It's tied to your account.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SC2 Arcade Alpha
    Quote from JademusSreg: Go

    The Arcade alpha testing was lonely; at least now more people will be on battlenet.

    (Or everyone will be so busy working on their own projects that it will continue to be a ghost-town, complete with tumbleweeds and crotchety ol' coot affixed to a squealing rocker.)

    Doubt it'd be for long with D3 around the corner.

    Posted in: General Chat
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