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    posted a message on Lowing cliffs with triggers?

    Impossible. Don't waste your time.

    You can use other methods to block units, but it will never be a real cliff.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Desert Strike vTurtle/vSquare help
    Quote from zenx1: Go

    How about no, instead of stealing?

    I wonder if this guy even knows how to use the editor.

    Please dont make such ridiculous requests again!

    WTF mozared?!...you dont deserve to be a mode if you help in this kind
    of cause

    If someone else can take your own map further than you can, you don't deserve it in the first place.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Vote Which would you prefer?

    You live in a bubble.

    "Xbox arcade are selling games that used to be free! I already paid for my Xbox, why should I buy anyone's crap!"

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on sc2mapster downdgrading going on?

    I just noticed that one of the events is nearly a year old. Perhaps we should host a birthday party for it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta servers down?
    Quote from Forge_User_20974461: Go

    Dumb people is the majority on every community so you must spend a lot of time to dumb things down for them.
    They won't read any kind of instruction, maybe they could play the tutorial but I'm not so confindent.

    That's why the only reason to appeal to bnet players is to make things easy to understand while playing!

    Blaming the players for not playing your game has a touch of backwards thinking...

    You don't have to dumb things down to make a map playable. Think of it like a meal; even the greatest dish ever prepared will be awful if you shove it all at once into someone's face. You need to pace the content, break it down into layers so that only one layer needs to be learnt at once.

    Furthermore it should be playable with only one layer of learned, while gently introducing deeper layers as content for players who have already mastered the first layer. I've played so many maps that just dump all the layers of play on your head and expect you to care enough to learn them.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on AOS Maps

    Also simple doesn't mean bland. SC2 is extremely simple on the surface, but to call it bland would either imply a dislike for RTS games or downs syndrome.

    The biggest put-off for DotA games is their learning curve. You're expected to know the game before you even start, and there's a lot of counter-intuitive mechanics to learn before you can even really play properly. Last-hitting, denying, having more-or-less fixed item builds despite pages of shop items etc.

    Blizzard's angle is clearly to get random "I've never played dota and I can't be bothered to learn it" people to give it a shot and be semi-good at it from the start.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on AOS Maps
    Quote from michaelknives: Go

    You're jumping to conclusions before Blizzard DOTA has even been released yet....


    Quote from michaelknives: Go

    it's just gonna be another moba clone with unique data assets.

    Troll, or immune to irony? You decide!

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on AOS Maps

    You must've not kept up. They're making BDotA a selling point of HotS, including as a ranked alternative to melee matches. They're not making another Starjeweled.

    As a pretend DotA developer while I write this sentence, the league feature alone would put me off making a sc2 DotA map.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone have the SC2Layout file to...


    Anyone have the SC2Layout file to put the shields/life text onto a single line?

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: What can break your map?

    As a fallback and permanent fix, there's a "Set game speed" trigger. Just run that with your start trigger to ensure you never have to care about this again.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on New Xeno Crisis Trailer

    Video starts at 1:05.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weird Occurrences
    Quote from ZealNaga: Go

    It's apnea (spelled "apnoea" in UK for some reason).

    Because, like most medical terms; it's not English.

    "apnœa" is the Greek source word.

    Should be pretty obvious why the British spelling is the way it is.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Sign Out Button Doesn't Work

    It works fine.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weird Occurrences

    There's nothing odd about any of this. You're a pattern seeking primate and only notice the times a low probability event occurs, rather than the thousands of times it doesn't.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on OneTwo, You have Dissed me Bigtime

    If someone's honest opinion offends you, then it's time to grow a spine.

    Posted in: General Chat
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