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    posted a message on Halo 4

    Not excited until there's some proof that they're not just milking the IP. Thought they were brave for cutting Halo at 3, ending the series before the milking began. Suddenly, this.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta 1.5: sorry Blizz it was not your fault

    I know reading is hard, but try using it on the other posts in this thread.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta 1.5: sorry Blizz it was not your fault

    This whole "Only bad maps are on page 1" bullshit has to stop. There is a reason page 1 maps are on page 1. There is also a reason your map is on page 17-50. That reason is not because you're a special little snowflake who just hasn't had the exposure.

    It's because your map is bad, and even if it were on page 1, it would die within 24 hours.

    Go forth, and learn how to be less shit.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    Godless time

    I find this concept entertaining.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    @Deadzergling: Go

    And the thread has been won.

    Oh my dear Karawasa, you have much to learn. Like a butterfly feeding on an evening flower, one does not persist upon a single thread for too long before the nectar runs dry. For to feed any longer than absolutely necessary risks going in circles and/or becoming as boring as DrSuperStupid. Hence departing in a timely manner once all that needs to be said, has, is imperative.

    Also fuck you I am korean.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    So competition isn't a basic instinct?

    "I find golf pathetic. Why not watch paint dry on the wall? People who play golf for any reason other than making money are pathetic. I hope you guys realize that sports companies are actively using competition to pray on the weak of mind. Google "exercise addiction" for more information."

    Do explain why this is more or less retarded than your diablo statement. I can't quite tell for myself, what with my second class English and all. It's hard being Korean...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?

    I write this;

    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    It goes without saying that different people favour different satisfaction from their games. Saying one form of satisfaction is "pathetic" just because you find it boring is naive.

    You reply this;

    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    O REALLY? So all satisfaction is the same? Guess those pedophiles are off the hook then. It should be obvious that satisfaction is not created equal.


    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    Can you tell me one thing in life that doesn't evoke our basic instincts? Bet you can't. D3 is exploitative because of the skinner box style. It purposely exploits a weakness of the human mind for certain individuals. This is called addiction. Games like Halo do not elicit this kind of response.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    When did I say everyone has to agree with me? In fact, I led off with "I find" to indicate this was a personal viewpoint.

    You called anyone who disagreed with you "pathetic" because you personally find it boring. It's basically identical.

    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    No such game exists. This is not black and white though. There are shades of grey. There is a huge difference between a game that uses skinner box to add replayability to a good core and a game that uses skinner box as the core.

    No, it's very black and white.

    No (PC) game is productive. Zero. None. With that eliminated, you can safely conclude that the only reason to play games is to elicit satisfaction.

    Games like Minecraft appeal to our basic hunter/gatherer instinct. Satisfying.

    Halo appeals to our sense of fight or flight. Satisfying.

    WoW appeals to our attraction to roles within larger groups. Satisfying.

    D3 appeals to our sense of repetitive rewarding. Just as satisfying.

    It goes without saying that different people favour different satisfaction from their games. Saying one form of satisfaction is "pathetic" just because you find it boring is naive.

    Games as a concept evoke our basic instincts. Calling D3 exploitative for it's skinner box style is no less retarded than calling Halo out for it's evocation of fight or flight. Those are the very things that make them good games.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Return to mapping?
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    I find these types of games and the players who play them pathetic. Why not watch paint dry on the wall? Please note that I am not lumping you into this category because you are trying to make money. That is a different line of thinking altogether.

    I don't like X so nobody should like X.

    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    I'll do that for you. People who farm/buy items for any reason other than making money are pathetic. I hope you guys realize that game companies are actively using psychology to pray on the weak of mind. Google "Skinner Box" for more information.

    Care to point out a game that isn't a skinner box on some level?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Difference between WC3 and SC2 Editors
    Quote from GlornII: Go

    Since the release of diablo 3, custom game hours have been cut in half.

    With all of the faults in diablo 3, SC2 will not be seeing updates any time soon.

    What a stupid opinion.

    Firstly, different teams handle sc2 and d3.

    Secondly, Blizzard work by a plan, not by a whimsical "What should we do now?" approach.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Difference between WC3 and SC2 Editors

    Terrain editor identical.
    Trigger editor identical.
    Data editor, the meat and bones of every map, completely different.

    I wouldn't bother learning the editor at this point. This ship has sailed.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rise of Legends

    My favourite part was how you zoomed in on seemingly random corners of the screen.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Copyright

    16th century. Continues to receive patch updates and bug fixes. Some slower than others.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 360 getting banned in US
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    Also I've been looking into some stuff and video codecs are software right? So you nay sayers are basically saying it's fine to copyright the software called Windows 7 but not a video codec. At the end of the day Microsoft was in the wrong and that's all that matters. Just be happy it's not as bad as Germany, they got rid of Windows and Office,I think it was office, along with 360.





    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Copyright
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    They worrie about it but heres a better solution, Instead of sueing 100 million americans, why not sue the creators of the video players that play these files? Sue VLC, sue Microsoft, realplayer, quicktime, this is a much shorter list. and would drop piracy on its knees

    I know you're dense, but really, this is the single stupidest series of words I've seen forged this entire year.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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