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    posted a message on Pathing completely bugged [Completed]

    I would guess that he is using the lowest cliff level everywhere which disallows unit placement.
    Try to raise the cliff level and place units there.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Bank not loading

    @first loop
    You need to write out every preload because preload is no real action. Basically it's a fake thing to make an xml entry with the bank name and the player number.
    Your code will load the bank for player 0 I think. To fix it, you need to copy the action for every player, remove the loop and write the player number as a value into the action.

    @second loop
    - remove preload

    To be honest, I don't really know what "bank exists" does or under which circumstances it could be used because opening banks will create an empty bank file. :S
    Maybe you can filter out new players with that. I'm doing that with saving at least 1 entry into a bank.

    Ahli's Guide to excellent bank handling:
    - You should enable the signature of the banks and check it:
    - - Unsigned and empty banks belong to new players playing the first time.
    - - Unsigned banks with at least 1 section entry are corrupted banks. Corruption is created by edited bank files (cheating attempt), corrupted bank files (saving during a crash, etc) and the multiplayer bank limitations/bugs (to big bank file size). Without the signature enabled, even the average battle.net user can cheat.
    - Also, please be kind to your players and do not force a bank reset. Add a window in singleplayer that allows you to reset the bank, if it is corrupted (only broken/edited banks are unverified in singleplayer).
    - Disable bank saving for players with a corrupted bank file (if they aren't new players, so they have a bank with at least one entry, force new players to save at least one entry like your personal bank version). Maybe disable the saving for all players, if they can depend on each other.
    - If you add a version entry to your bank, you can migrate data like items with a map change to a new version or just completely reset the data, in case you make something like a season, etc.

    Thanks for reading this and hopefully improving your bank handling to an excellent level.
    You won't have people whining about lost bank files anymore. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] How would you make a unit contain units in birth?

    1. You spawn your dropship. (create unit at point ...)
    2. Create cargo units for the last created unit.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: What can break your map?

    It doesn't show trigger errors. At least in my map. :(

    So something like that you can't check if a button is enabled after creating it.
    The trigger throws an error with that, but you can't see it. You just keep clicking the button and think about the condition being not met in the code.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Unreal Engine 4

    Holy mother of god!
    Incredible engineering work putting an editor with these capabilities together...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5 Review.

    @SoulFilcher: Go If you change stuff from outside your editor, you break your map as it becomes unable to be loaded and the editor blames your sc2 installation.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta 1.5: sorry Blizz it was not your fault
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    Also it was stated that the 100 + pages of maps will be moved to an inactive section, and you will have to re-uplaod you map after 1.5 to get it to show back up.

    Can you remember where you got that info from?
    I think I've read that they push old maps into "other" category on patch release. But I've no idea where I read that. :S

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blasterbots

    Ducky, did you play all night because I told you that Husky will make a video about your map? ;D

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on SC II Beta 1.5 Arcade NOT WORKING!

    Try to delete (or move it into another folder) some stuff out of "C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Beta", if you uninstall. Maybe it leaves some corrupted data there.
    Maybe try to delete the "StarCraft II Beta" folder in the registry, too, after uninstalling. I don't know which traces the program leaves behind, but those might be causing that, if they still exist.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Arcade Beta 1.5: sorry Blizz it was not your fault

    The battle.net has different type of players. Some people don't want to think, so they only play simple maps.
    Due to the accessibility of maps, nobody wants to read a lot to be able to play. Also the text they read should be visually appealing to attract the player to find out what to do.
    Complex maps that require some sort of understanding of the map to have a chance winning will greatly benefit from the tutorial. If it is visually appealing (great screenshots, people might play the tutorial to find out what the map is about. Maybe suggest that in the "map info" or in the "how to play" section of the map. There will always be players that leave the game instantly because they don't like the game type the map has or are completely lost in the beginning of the map). They might play the tutorial, if they read that it can help, and understand how the basics of the game work and what a good beginner strategy is. After that they just test the real map and might become addicted to it. Then they keep playing it the next days.

    There are people that cannot think. There are a lot in the arcades that complained about my map that they had to download 900 mb and gave bad reviews. Sadly they forgot that they have never finished streaming the complete SC2 Arcade and didn't think about that. You can make a map for those or make a map for other players. It really depends on yourself, too. I see myself unable to make a good map for the simple players because I try to use the capabilities of the editor. People that just learn the editor and might have better skills to make these maps.
    I could take my Starcraft Broodwar map as an example. People loved it and so did I while finishing it. But a few years later I see the whole concept of the map and I stopped enjoying it. I tried to make a version of the map in SC2, but I realized how simple the map felt. It had no dept. I couldn't enjoy playing it and so I can't enjoy making it. Therefore I canceled the development and I might never make a tower defense map again.

    In my opinion, the old battle.net failed because mapmakers couldn't get their map played. Most maps have never been seen by most players. With the open lobbies everyone can make maps appear on the screen of other players.
    As an example, many players on arcade thought I would have released my diablo map to public just a few days ago. But in reality it was lurking since November 2011 publicly on first EU and then US. They just never saw/heard of my map which lurked within their range for 7 (!) months.

    But now my map can be seen by most people and it is seen. It would have been slower, if all mappers would have added their map to the arcades. But now some youtubers like Huskystarcraft saw my map and made a video about it. So it already a big succeeded for me. My mod has become visible to the players.
    Sure the map still has problems, but I'm addressing the issues players write in their reviews. These players are not mappers because most feedback I had came from other mappers and some players that found my map randomly. These are mostly players that enjoy custom maps and received the news of the arcade beta. I assume that there are even a few people that just don't know about the arcade beta availability because they live under a rock playing the same maps on a daily basis. So you might haven't experienced these kind of players.

    Sorry 4 wall of text. If this would be a tutorial, you are doing it wrong.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My mod data won't update

    You need to update the mod dependency inside the map.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: What can break your map?

    @zeldarules28: Go Go to "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Preferences]" in your registry. Then check for "BattleNetHost" and delete it.
    Some people added that during the real beta of SC2 because the editor had the wrong gateway address by itself for some time.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [SOLVED] Order Units to Templar Merge (Custom)

    Your code orders all templars twice.
    Your code orders all SCVs once and all Mules once.
    Your order command filters for units of a specific type. That's why it's not working for you.

    Just put all units you want to order in a unit group (local variable) and order the unit group. Works 100%.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: What can break your map?

    @ZealNaga: Go Your projectile's cliff problem seems to be its mover. Try to modify it or find a working mover and modify it. Maybe that fixes some of the problems.

    Don't try to open your map from outside the editor with an mpq editor. My maps can't be opened anymore after I changed a localization text file within the mpq from outside the editor (it blames sc2 installation for missing files, openening and saving in the old editor fixes the map again).

    Did you disable the lobby? Try to enable it again and test it. Then people need to download everything needed before the lobby, I think. So there shouldn't be any streaming during the map's runtime then.
    Also, the server is on US. Your ping connection may be slightly higher than usual on EU (I'm not sure on which delay battle.net works. I think it was 125ms, but I don't know. SCBW had a ping simulation, too. I guess wc3, too.).
    The lag with model loading from hard disk was always existent. Try to add more to the preload or create and kill units with different effects to force a loading of the most common models in your map. That lag exists in D3, too. :S It's the problem of trying to load data on the fly with users' terrible hard discs like me. Once all models are loaded into RAM, it's fine.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on is there a trigger for this?

    You can create a trigger containing actions or an 'action definition' that does that, yes.
    The action is "Move unit to point".

    The simples version would gather all units in the first location in a unit group. Then iterate through all the units and move every unit to the center of the other location.
    So it contains 2 or 3 lines and maybe some local variables.

    Posted in: Triggers
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