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    posted a message on A Nice Clean Way to Check if specific Units Are Dead?

    Put your "specific Units" in a unit group.
    Count the number of the units in the unit group whenever you need to check it.

    Dead units in a unit group are only the ones that have a death timer set which is running. Else all references to that unit vanish after it dies and got removed from memory. So you don't need to delete them from unit group by yourself.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Create Unit Trigger Error

    You need to chose "any player" in the event.

    Also, if I spam the button online on battle.net, the trigger will be executed multiple times resulting in multiple units spawning for me. That's impossible to test offline, but UI delays are a problem source during online play.
    -> You should add a check if the dialog is visible for the player to fix that problem.
    But you might want to experience the problem yourself first.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on shoot to point problem

    You created an effect by a player on the position of the unit. That's won't make the unit shoot.

    You need to order the 'unit' to use an 'ability' at a targeting a 'point'.
    So, add an order action, click on the green "(" to change the order type and select the one which orders the unit to do something with a target 'point'.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Wow models textures no applying help plz ;]

    Tried to place the textures in root (= no sub folder)?
    Tried to place the textures under "Assets\Textures\"?
    Does that happen for multiple different models from wow?
    Did you try the most recent version of the wow model viewer?

    WoW models are fine with textures for me, :S

    Posted in: Art Assets
  • 0

    posted a message on DIABLO 3 IS DOWNLOADING - Sry had to get that out.

    Need to finish assignment till 20th...
    Can someone lend me his time travel device for next week?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Stop rotation of Dragoon

    Look at immortal or colossus. These units aren't rotating, neither.

    So maybe you only need to disable "rotate" in the unit's flags and set the weapon to have an arc of 360 to be able to shot into every direction.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Localization problem - ENG/IT

    @PazoWte: Go I would make a backup of the map before you do so unless you know 100% what you are doing. :)

    You only need to delete the other language's folders. The other language entries in the componentlist file do not cause a problem.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Zealot sounds through fog

    You need to edit the actor "GenericAttackImpactSound". Set the property "CActor_InheritType" to "Continuous" from "OneShot".

    The problem seems to be that the sound didn't receive the correct visibility when it was created for some reason.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Simple bank questions

    Preload creates a xml file named "BankList.xml" with bank names to load afaIk. The action itself might have no real effect (only in editor). Blizzard did the same placebo actions to configure stuff in Starcraft Broodwar with "Preserve Trigger" which only set a flag in the editor while the action itself did nothing.

    If you got no preload, you might have that file within your map already.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Creating passive ability via triggers, not working.

    You can't use variables in events. They just use the initial value and never update the info. -> use generic events and filter it with conditions.

    I would use a program flow like this: unit dies C: regrowth behavior check; unit is close to that hero (distance between points: positions of units) A: Add a behavior (buff) to the hero that raises the regeneration bonus with a duration of 3 seconds.

    Also, I would save the hero in a variable and not as a static reference in case heroes could die&respawn or be changeable.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on How to add pictures to your Signature


    The image is hosted on another page.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on 'And' and 'or' conditions.

    Conditions contain a list of statements which will be checked. The logic of the Condition only applies to the list of statements.

    In an OR-Condition, only one contained statement needs to be true for the OR-Condition to return true.
    In an AND-Condition every contained statement needs to be true for the AND-Condition to return true.

    -Statement 1
    -Statement 2
    -Statement 3
    -> Statement 1,2 and 3 need to be true. The statements will be checked in the order as they appear in the list. If one returns false, the whole AND returns false.

    -Statement 1
    -Statement 2
    -Statement 3
    -> Statement 1,2 or 3 needs to be true. The statements will be checked in the order as they appear in the list. If all return false, the OR returns false.

    Every action that can contain conditions represents an AND-condition. For example while, if-then-else, ... So their list of conditions uses is connected with an AND already. So you don't need to add an AND to connect multiple statements.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    @Bibendus: Go

    - CValidatorLocationCompareRange to check for range and pathing range.
    - CValidatorCombine for combining with AND and OR.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    @Bibendus: Go Why is that?
    You have "target position" and "caster unit" in the validators. What's wrong with that?
    Every ability should have that... You could change it to "unit/point". Then it might work for anything you might want to do.
    So in the end you should have 1 validator that you just add to every ability's called effect.

    I'm using range <2, 3,4,5,...,13. So that's why I have that many. So 3 per range (with AND) and 1 that contains all other validators with OR.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    Works. :) Thanks a lot!
    I'm using 1 combine validator for every range check chunk.
    Each chunk has 3 validators: range>=x-1 and range<x validators and pathing validator of pathing_range<x+1. Just insert x for all ranges you want.
    Then you only need one special one.

    Sadly validators don't take results of other calculations. That's why it's necessary to use one for each range step you want.
    Atm I'm using 48 validators combined for that. :S

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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