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    posted a message on Hive Keeper - Dungeon Keeper Mod

    @Bibendus: Go

    I've added some debugging stuff to help me to get some data while the map is running.
    The most important things would be unit count and the active threads.

    I've added an integer array to my map that keeps track of the starts and finishes of every thread. So I'm adding 1 as first action and the last action of every thread needs to be the subtraction of 1. Then add a trigger that gives you a list in a string with the index in the array and the value in the array.
    That way you can track ingame, if some threads keep running or didn't finish properly (as I don't know if Blizzard fixed the trigger errors not appearing online).
    You should be able to add an equal system to your map.

    Also, since you are using a lot of buildings in your map, I give you the hint that a lot of visible building images in the fog can lower the fps. You might want to tinker with a system that hides these actors when they are outside the player's vision. Implementing sonething like that was much easier in my case because it's using fixed areas. But you might be able to order the playable area into multiple square regions and check the necessity of visible actors there.
    At least that was the cause of my map slowing down over time.

    Oh, and make sure you destroy all created text tags, if they aren't required anymore (like after fading out).

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Mille25: Go You can remove all effects with a trigger action. So you can check, if removing effects on the whole map raises the FPS or not. So obvious problems can be identified with that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Zolden: Go

    yes. Just let it create a thread. I'm using the GUI, so I don't know how to do that in galaxy. ^^

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Zolden: Go Text tags don't destroy themselves after fading afaIk. You need to create a thread with your text tag as a parameter and the time before they are destroyed.
    The thread limit is 2048 in the 1.5 beta I think.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Karawasa: Go

    If you think there is no way to get a list of created actors, check the debug commands.

    Do you have a large amount of buildings drawn in the fog with an image? These lower the FPS, too and can be hidden via opacity actor messages send by trigger. That greatly improved the performance of my map.

    Do you create persistent effects that you aren't removing?
    Are you creating text tags that you aren't removing?
    Are you creating dialogs that you aren't removing?

    It shouldn't be the unit amount on the map as you already checked the amount of dead and alive units.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta servers down?

    @Siretu: Go

    The data from the beta server will be wiped as everyone there comes from the different realms (US, EU, ...). It would be to much work to split and push the info on the according realms especially, if the maps can't be published globally.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta servers down?

    @SoulFilcher: Go They just added the ability to see partial stars. So you have a good determination, if you map is more like barely 3 or close to 4 stars.

    Mine is close to 4. :)
    And I still see myself far from finished with that map. :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Stun target filters

    Add a Validator in the effect that applies the behavior which filters the targeted unit.
    So you might need to create a new Validator.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: What can break your map?
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    lock your map to faster gamespeed, usually players wont alter these settings anyways.

    That's exactly what is bugged. You can even remove the other values and it still happens.
    I was in a lobby with another guy. I made him host, he made me host again and I started the game and game ran on Normal instead of Faster. :S

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Info] Data Table Limit

    I've made a test with the runtime of data tables. Save equals Set for me, so don't be confused with the used name here.

    Every operation used integers. Times used are the ones of the native functions in 1.5 arcade beta.

    Operations are executed in order. Used keys for init were "1ii", ..."200000ii" and for the testing entries the keys "1i", ... "100000i" were used.

    Operation: used time (total time)

    time after init of 200k other integers: 480ms (480);
    saving 100k integers into new testing entries: 568ms (1048);
    save: 90ms (1138);
    save: 89ms (1227);
    get: 86ms (86);
    remove 104ms (104);
    remove 406 (510);
    remove 458 (968);
    get 403 (489);
    save 595 (1822);
    save 89 (1911)

    I've repeated the test with different keys (swapped number and letter positions). Used keys for init were "ii1", ..."ii200000" and for the testing entries the keys "i1", ... "i100000" were used.

    time after init of 200k other integers: 496ms (496);
    saving 100k integers into new testing entries: 583ms (1079);
    save: 89ms (1168);
    save: 99ms (1267);
    get: 83ms (83);
    remove 101ms (101);
    remove 425 (526);
    remove 402 (928);
    get 405 (488);
    save 597 (1864);
    save 89 (1953)

    Results of this test:
    - both key usage variations didn't effect the speed.
    - removing/setting/getting in unused entries: TERRIBLY SLOW
    - removing/setting/getting in existing entries: FAST

    - avoid deleting entries,
    - avoid using non existing stuff, try to reuse entries,
    - consider saving entries in the data table to create the lag at map start instead of during the playtime

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on AOS Maps

    I'm currently working on Temple Siege 2, too.
    It has its roots in StarCraft Broodwar and is quite popular there.
    Its design is different than DOTA and LoL. Heroes have limited (!) lives, you can capture outposts, upgrades instead of items, linear spell unlocking, victory via hero slaying or temple killing, you can build assimilators to generate income.
    Oh, and I made a small AI that doesn't suck completely. :D

    But we didn't even create a real internal match, so it's far from being done. :S

    Can you elaborate what makes the current ones terrible and what a good map would look like?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5: When will it go live?

    I've found like 30 bugs with the arcades & editor while mapping like a mad man due to people playing my map.
    So it could depend on how much the enGB forum team does for their money and how much they decide to fix before release (I don't expect them to fix something like the map image exporter showing water squares because the water is only barely below the ground level and therefore showing the wrong situation).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on unit has been visible to the player

    I've found a critical problem in my map which created huge FPS decreases in my map: the snapshot images in the fog.
    9000 of these eat like all FPS on my computer.

    I'm already unloading the units in my dungeons to maintain an acceptable frame count, but the images are the next problem with it.

    So, now I am searching for the best way to receive/save the information, if a player had vision of that specific unit or not.
    If I can identify these information I can recreate these images by revealing these units after loading the area.

    I wish I can do something different than scripting the vision myself and store my info in the dungeon units that way. :S

    As far as it seems these images are Snapshot actors (CActorSnapshot), but that's how far I've explored that.
    But I don't think I can get that info out of actors, can I?

    I tried to hide/remove these actors, but my action for that didn't work. Basically I try to set the visibility to 0 and hope that it lags much less and that setting the visibility to 1 would reset the prior situation.
    But I don't really think that the result would be satisfying as they would still be in the memory as an actor that needs to be progressed.

    So, what would be the best way to check or track that a unit has been visible to the player?


    Hiding the actors seems to work pretty good. It raised my FPS to 70 from 5.

    Maybe I run into a tiny problem with Renee2islga's actor visibility. But that's easy to fix in my map.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank not loading

    @CHUNK008: Go uhm... different banks?
    You open all banks and save them in an array with the player (or player - 1) as the key.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Official] Heart of the Swarm Update
    Quote from dgh64: Go

    Is a Warhound's mine going to be visible to the enemy once it attaches to a unit? They should make it so it isn't. The splash damage would only be effective if the other player can't just separate out the units with a mine on them.

    I guess the timer's model is visible for everyone. Also the widow mine is a unit produced in the factory and does not belong to the Warhound. The mines are produced very fast and can be constructed with a reactor in the build at MLG.

    The guys on teamliquid gathered quite a lot of information about the MLG build.

    Posted in: General Chat
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