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    posted a message on Wait action not working

    Save every "triggering something" used in a local variable and use that instead.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on does the 1.5 editor just seem "slower"??

    Guys, if you can't edit some fields, just report that in the forums. I did that to one field in a window which couldn't be changed as the dropdown button wasn't clickable (visually yes, but the operating system kept binging when you try to click something in that area.).
    The last patch corrected that field and made it usable again. So just report everything, please. They fix that stuff. :)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on 1.4.4 aka what retarded law did Korea make?
    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    Really what retarded South Korean law required us to update SC2?

    It's a law that allows parents to define the time of the day their children are allowed to play a game.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Portrait model being forced to 2d but no 2d image exists error.
    Quote from fishy77: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    I've tried adding things to it and nothing seems to work or be an image. Am I suppose to do it under Art: Model (portrait)?

    You need to define that in the model object. So the entry you modify is found in the "Model" Tab of the data module.
    There you will find an "Art: Image" field which every model has. That image is used, if the model has been chosen to be displayed in a portrait with enabled 2D.
    If there is no image set and SC2 tries to get an image file, that error message appears.

    So you do NOT change the actor, you change the model that is chosen in the actor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Portrait model being forced to 2d but no 2d image exists error.

    Add an Image to the model used as portrait.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Play sound at point broken? (apparently) (other way found)

    I think the sound classes won't work then. Try the "Spell" class for that and make sure 3D is ticked in the sound assets.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Adding permanent upgrades on timers - how?

    I think the upgrade levels stop working after 107 and are capped at some value which might be 127 or 255.

    I'm using catalog myself to have basically unlimited levels.

    for example an action definition that raises an effects damage:

    raise Effect damage amount
        Options: Action
        Return Type: (None)
            p# <Integer>
            value <Real>
            entryID <String>
        Grammar Text: raise Effect damage amount(p#, value, entryID)
        Hint Text: (None)
        Custom Script Code
        Local Variables
            Catalog - Set value of Effects entryID "Amount" for player p# to (String((value + (Real((Value of Effects entryID "Amount" for player p#))))) with 4 decimal places)

    For a real upgrade fake, you need to change the weapon's level, too.

    Also, if you use the arcade beta's editor, you can select the things in the GUI directly. So it became really easy to use.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Tutorial on porting WC3 models to SC2

    There is no video in your post. :(

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on how do you take a screenshot?
    Quote from ScorpSCII: Go

    Print Screen / Prt Scr

    That is a button on your keyboard. Usually it is somewhere in the top right area and labeled PRINT or has a printer symbol.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom game plays credits at start??

    You are hiding or showing the UI for the player to often. Never show it, if it is already shown, never hide it, if it is hidden.

    Blizzard added that in a pretty dirty way. Why didn't they just use a new function that can only be used in their maps? We have no idea. -.-

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Bank Unverified Sometimes On Bnet

    @Siretu: Go

    If a bank is not verified, the cause is either:
    - new player with an empty bank (no entries within bank)
    - edited/broken bank (bank contains entries)
    - bugged sharing of banks. The bank sharing in multiplayer seems to fail after 8kb of banks total in multiplayer games.

    If everyone joins a singleplayer game and the banks are loaded properly, it was the failed sharing. Else someone tinkered with his bank or broke it somehow (crash while writing on hard disk?).

    From my experience, every problem I encountered was the bank sharing/loading bug. It caused random resets, etc, which other mappers experienced and backup banks didn't solve the problem entirely.

    Golden rule: Don't save any banks ingame, if there was an unverified bank which had entries.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) Cactor error, 2 units are persistent

    You might have something like "UnitBirth" in one actor which has no or no valid model. Posting the Error message that appears in the trigger debugger might be helpful. It should include the IDs of the actors.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Data editor accidental deletion

    Screenshot and maybe a map with that error please.

    If you would somehow have the permission to delete stuff out of the data files, this would explain it. But then the stuff shouldn't even work in a normal game you play because SC2 should use the dependencies it displays.
    The way a map updated the data is that it notes down information about the changes compared to the parent object.
    So I would have thought, that it accidentally added code to delete the events on that specific positions, but the strange thing is, that you state that this is happening on every new map which makes no sense to me... =/
    So, did you manage to screw with the base data in sc2's archives? Does a normal melee game (e.g. vs AI) work?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making a building cloaked

    I think you just cloak it.
    For example, the mothership does that...

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Backup Banks, Why Bother?

    Backup bank is a bad idea because of the limit and normally banks don't break, at least not in my map anymore.

    The only problem banks have is that they aren't loaded properly in a multiplayer game, if they are to large. So in general, don't use unverified banks (signature) [exception: empty bank, because it's a new player] and always save at least 1 thing into the bank (e.g.: a bank version to be able to migrate data for new map versions, etc...). Never save a unverified bank that had entries at start.

    You might want to read how I treat banks in more detail here.

    Posted in: Triggers
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