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    posted a message on Adding pathing with triggers?

    Footprints tinker with pathing.
    Create a doodad/unit with a footprint that does what you want.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Need to store 10 Points for later use. Help?

    @nytemare3701: Go Use the Position of Unit function and store the kings in an unit array.

    Position of (kings[ playerWhichShouldBeAttacked ])

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Name overhead offset

    - You could try to use another attachment point.

    - You could try to create a function that returns the distances based on the unit as a parameter (-> define a value for each possible unit type which does not use a default distance). So that would be something like:
    case(Ultralisk): return 2.5;
    case(Zergling): return 1;
    default: return 1.5;
    1.5 would be a default value that you can use. It should be the distance which would be used by the most units.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Need to store 10 Points for later use. Help?

    1. Create a global variable with the type point and make it an array. Use the hero owner as the index. You should already store the heroes in a similar way.

    2. Create 1 trigger which iterates over all active players and updates the points. You could use a threaded action definition with 2 loops within each other, too (never ending + player iteration).

    I'm not sure why you need that. If you only need to know the position of a unit, you can get that with a simple function.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on (help) some units can't be group selected

    Model - selection layer?
    I don't really know more in that direction. Might be good to check the unit's flags, too.

    Does that happen with other units, if they use that model?
    Does that happen if you just copy the Marine's actor and link it to your unit + deleting your old actor (for testing purpose)?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom Loading Bar

    Overriding the file works in 1.5. It shows up after a small loading time.
    I doesn't work in 1.4.3.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on SC2Layout File Not Listed

    Did you forget to save the map after importing the file?

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Showcase]Ghostnova's models

    Pretty cool stuff.
    I love to see SgtHK's Tormidal come to life in sc2. Did you completely rebuild her yourself or did you get something to start with from SgtHK?

    SC2 needs more modelers like you. :D

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
  • 0

    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Zolden: Go @1
    ActorDumpLeakRisks #

    1. is the age of the actor. I think it's in minutes, but you can just use 0 to get all actors I think. It works in the editor test mode (test document).
      The output file is in something like "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\GameLogs" and has the current date in its filename.

    I don't think that it can show actors within a timespan. Basically you should play a longer game and use that cheat. Then check the list for entries of actors that shouldn't exist that long or at that point of the map. Use a text editor that can count specified strings like notepad+ + to check the amount of actors that exist a lot in your map just to check if the amount isn't higher than expected.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on World of Starcraft seeking pro data editors, and possibly an animator.

    @Draxacon: Go Look at the dates in this thread. Now look at the date in your post. Sadly, you are in the wrong year.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Cross region publishing

    1. You need an US account to publish with or someone who trusts you and grants you access to his account.
    2. Edit/Add a registry path to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Preferences]:
    "BattleNetHost" = "eu.logon.battle.net" for EU,
    "us.logon.battle.net" for NA, etc...

    You can write simple registry files that changes these keys accordingly. You might want to change "BattleNetCharacterProfile" and "BattleNetAccount", too.

    This is how I do it atm.


    1. Get a slave publisher.
    2. Mail him the map to publish.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on MechCraft (Working Title), Dev State & Progress

    I really like your short progress demonstration. :D

    Did you use a texture change for the white damage indicator? I don't think tinting can be that effective with the colors. At least I failed to recreate it. :S

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta: Post the funniest reviews

    @Hookah604: Go

    Just add a game mode singleplayer. ;)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Perfomance related question

    @Mille25: Go

    Oh great. That will save me some threads. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Vote Which would you prefer?

    I would prefer donations, but there are arguments for both business models.

    You can support the creation of a good thing and its continuous support with donations.
    The buy-to-use concept doesn't work well, if a game only looks good at first glance and it doesn't encourage continuous polish of the map. But it might create more money transfer than optional donations because you don't force players to donate. So you might have more than 0,1% of the arcade users spending money, if you sell the map from start.

    So... maybe both would be a good way to go?

    It would be impossible to me to sell my map (because of copyright issues. I would need to make a deal with all of my asset creators like Blizzard itself and a handful of modelers). But it would be cool, if I could receive donations for the time I invested.

    Posted in: General Chat
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