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    posted a message on Frustrating Fixed Point (Real) Rounding for Movement System

    No problem.
    The best problems are problems that vanish on a second look. :D

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Frustrating Fixed Point (Real) Rounding for Movement System

    60.0/90.0 is 0.6665 for me ingame.
    So your simple example is flawed. :(

    Angles use (-180, 180]. Maybe that explains something in your "simple" example.

    Text won't work as texts can't be reverted to strings. So you can't recover values from it. So strings or arrays of integers might work best.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change assets file to use custom models in melee games

    In 1.4.4 the archives can be manipulated. You can find info about that on teamliquid. Something like stronger team colors is very popular. Other modifications change some sound files, some images in the main menu or some fonts.

    In 1.5 that stuff won't work again as the streaming feature will repair the invalidated archives with the default files again. So there is no possibility to somehow cheat with that anymore.
    As people really like some of these mods (including Dustin Browder himself), I hope Blizzard will introduce something that allows the modification of some things like the textures the game uses without replacing original files. Something like a UserMod file that can be loaded (including a disabling feature for modmakers) would be cool.

    I assume replacing ogg wav dds tga files would be fine as they can't create game breaking side effects.

    I would see model replacements as game breaking. With that you could just make the model of every non-protoss feedback-able unit bigger to click those units with feedback more easily as the click size is defined by the model file. So in theory you can raise the area where to click to click on a unit for infestors and ghosts only in 1.4.4 to "cheat" with it by making it much easier to cast feedback and issue a focus fire order onto those.
    But we don't know if Warden makes a difference in these replacement types and creates a report in some database. Maybe Warden already bans model replacements...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Open Games List
    Quote from Forge_User_20974461: Go

    @Bibendus: Go

    A lot people don't read How to Play and check out F12 menu in-game and then complain how there is no tutorial.

    The how to play section can't replace help methods which are accessible while playing the map.

    If you forget something, do you leave the game, read the how-to-play section again and play it another time?
    I guess not.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on mpq files protected after 1.5 patch
    Quote from FuzzYD: Go

    @Karawasa: Go Wouldn't that mean we're no longer able to export and modify existing assets?

    Open the console in the editor, enter "browse" command, search what you are looking for, right click and export. :)

    It doesn't display everything, though. For example the Battle.net.MPQ contains assets that aren't there, To use them we need to import these into the map (I think).

    We could ask Blizzard to give us the possibility to refer to these asset archives, too. Some pictures are nice to have or to use.
    I've exported a few of those (and edited them) and will use them in my maps.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on mpq files protected after 1.5 patch

    Save as components folder, close the map, edit the files, reopen the map, save as map again.

    I just tested that and I can change the settings like tiling size with it and it loads them properly.

    For other aspects of the game, the import module can edit some files, but not all. The t3Terrain.xml couldn't be altered there.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Library: Improved GetResolution

    I've some compiling errors on 1.5:

    "lp_mousePosition = lib0E15B1AE_gv_internal[lp_player].lv_mousePositionRes;" in the library does not compile.
    It's the same for "lib0E15B1AE_gv_resolutionDatabase[0][0] = 160;".
    It needs to be "lib1_" in my testmap to work. :S

    Also I was able to bug the testmap on battle.net. At least I was permanently unable to click anything on the screen.
    But I'm not sure, if the testmap contains the updated library.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on SoaFB

    I don't like donations for something that is not playable for the people that have the possibility to donate.
    I'm not confident in the timeframe he set himself with a release within this year.
    But still that is the decision of the battle.net guys. They throw their money around, not yours.

    If he makes a terrible map, these people might be angry. :D

    I think my project is coming closer to D2 than his map feature wise as I will add sockets & gems to my map in near future.

    We have seen like nothing about TOFU for... a year or longer.
    Atm, it is only a map that you glorify without showing the world.
    Some updates might help us to believe in your map. Also, what the heck could you be working on the past year? =/
    Will you surprise everyone with 20+ of fleshed out heroes?

    Zenx, however, likes to show what he is doing and I think that is refreshing. It motivates myself to continue mapping on my own map.
    I saw his new card game map and I like the features implemented in that map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on "Too many score result definitions."

    Does that help?

    First of all, backup the current version of your map.

    Then I would try to remove portions of the map until it works again. Then you should be able to narrow the error source down.

    With that link I would try to remove all custom upgrade data in the map first.
    If it doesn't work, remove the units, too, and test again, etc...

    That's how I found out that it wasn't my fault that I was able to hear sounds through the fog. :D

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Add blue flame to the SCV?

    You use the "Select Texture by ID" actor message to swap textures.

    You can open the console of the editor and type in browse. Then type in the name of the texture you require, then export it. Use an appropriate program to change the colors of that texture, import them back in the map, add a texture in the texture tab and apply it in texture select by ID. Don't forget to create texture declarations for the changeable textures.

    The textures are in the previewer. If you use 1.5, you can use Shift + D as a shortcut to open the window which contains the material information of the model.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Resource refund bug
    Quote from Forge_User_26540774: Go

    @LaxSalmon: Go Does anyone know the exact percentage of resources refunded though, on any structure?


    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on views vs comments
    Quote from tdhsst: Go

    posts:11 views:208 to this tread about why people view and not post...nuff said~

    Do you want "didn't read" pics from everyone who just check's what's the title about and checks what the first post is about?
    Not everyone who clicks a topic and reads a bit should directly post something.

    Some people like me tend to visit the same topics multiple times, if I saw they were recently active just to read the posts other users made.
    So I might be the cause of like 8 views of this thread. I'm sure other people are fairly active, too and read a lot new posts in several topics every day.

    With this post I will draw another few views here because I made this post pop up on the top of first page's recent forum activities area again.

    Also, do you like to have 10 posts with the same solution to your problem?
    Do you want posts that all contain "don't know"?
    Do you really want posts with trash that nobody could help?

    Like pretty much everyone here stated, threads that aren't flooded with that make them faster to look over, easier to understand what's going on.
    So if you have nothing noteworthy to say, don't post.

    In case you didn't know: Views != Clicks of unique users. So it might be the case that only 30 users entered this thread.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on suggestions for 3rd party tool?
    Quote from tdhsst: Go

    what i would LOVE! is if there was a tool that made making triggers easier! heck even the sc1 editor i found easier~ or maybe a tool that could convert sc1 trigger into sc2 trigger? that would be awesome as well..

    The way triggers work in SC1 is terrible compared to the event based triggers in sc2. In most cases it is an iteration over all triggers for every player checking their conditions every 2 seconds. I know what I'm talking about because I reached the trigger limit in the save function (65536 triggers -> crash @ saving ingame) in a legitimate map. =/

    Just try to learn SC2's way of triggers. It isn't really that hard. I skipped wc3 mapping entirely and look at the incredible things I made. It's doable. You just don't need to be afraid of the sheer amount of stuff you can chose from.

    SC2 triggers start with an event, most of the time you should leave it generic and then check for the further stuff like "unit dies" -> check if my hero unit variable was pointing at the slain unit -> if that was true, we respawn a hero unit at a random point in that region.

    So, no, there are no tools designed for beginners that are better than the editor Blizzard made and continues to develop.

    You have to sit down and try some easy things until you understood and can think in the event based trigger design.

    However, the user "Beier" made a galaxy compiler to allow "programmers" write triggers directly in text form in a text editor instead of using the trigger module as far as I know. But that's advanced stuff. So if you have already problems using Blizzard's editor, I wouldn't advise you to try to use that.

    Also, I think someone made a program to move dialogs around. They won't have any usage, but you can easier assemble the positions of things in the final dialog in it. Maybe that was Beier, too. I don't know. :S

    So, the SC2 editor is the easiest thing for most things right now.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on *Help* Switching buttons on command card in game

    Add a requirement to the ability and fill in the requirement's show area with conditions when a button should be displayed or not.
    That should check for the completion of your upgrade.

    Have a look at e.g. infantry weapon upgrades. It has multiple buttons on one spot, too, and requirements control when the other buttons are shown/hidden.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability not popping up under Issue Order action

    An ability requires a default button defined in the ability's "commands" field for the specific order to be used in a trigger ordering a unit.

    No default button defined -> no trigger using that ability.


    Oh wait, that wasn't your problem.

    Your ability's effect needs to use a "point" or "unit/point" in its "target" field.

    Posted in: Data
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