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    posted a message on Efficient Data Storage Method?

    Just use integer arrays.

    The available script code is 4 to 10 times bigger compared to 1.4.4. So it's unlikely that you run out of space fast.
    Only if you run out of space, you should think about using other, slower storage methods.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on does somseon know how to export a model file

    Open the editor's console (top right menu), enter "browse", browse/search through everything and export what you need.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzard devs answering custom map questions on the US forums

    Because I won't be able to ask questions because I won't exploit my publisher and use his acc to ask questions, I can give you some things you could start to think about. I have no real questions, but I have some suggestions for them they might want to think about:

    - right & left mouse click detection on dialog buttons
    (e.g. to spawn a context menu / perform alternative action)

    - info about mouse position on dialog when clicked
    (it's possible to create an "anti lag" system with that even on dialogs that have a changing layouts... it might be to complicated for you to understand this in my few words here. I would just like to know on which point on a dialog someone clicked when he clicked a dialog item. Basically it should allow you to get the the position of a second click on a dialog item to transfer the info into a hypothetical click on a dialog button that didn't exist at the second click because of the input delay in battle.net.
    - situation:
    Click a dialog button twice, maybe on different spots.
    - logic:
    dialog item click event -> check clicked UI point with the range of the dialog item & visibility -> if the button shouldn't have been clicked in the dialog state -> search for another button at that position within the dialog -> if one has been found on that spot -> perform actions of the found button).

    - mouseUI offset to dialog offset transformation
    (=> fix the mouse move event UI offset, it's useless atm and capped. I demand to know the offset in the scale of dialog offsets to be able to actually use the offset).

    - player's resolution in dialog offset size
    (This would allow us to get the mouse position on a dialog with mouse move UI. Also we can make the perfect UI for the player by rearranging the UI to optimize screen usage.)

    - change mouse pointer on a player basis
    Maybe that's possible right now. I have no idea.

    - special dialog that is attached on the mouse pointer
    (That would allow us to draw info next to the mouse pointer without battle.net lags. You could do custom mouse pointers, too. Or a cool ammo display for a TPS, etc. It's offset should be the offset from the mouse pointer.)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (Solved)Ranged Attack Delay

    Backswing is the time that a unit looks at its target, if it doesn't receive new orders after executing the weapon's effect.
    Backswing makes shooting Marines not look terrible, if a-moved into the enemy army.

    delay effect unchanneled, but only execute effect if unit attacked for a minimum time:
    - You want "damage point". That's the time before the weapon's effect is executed. So the unit needs to attack for that time before it deals damage. But it has the freedom to be ordered in the meantime to cancel the attack.

    delay effect, channeled:
    - Via persistent effects, you can create a channeled weapon time like the Thor's AA (I believe).

    delay effect, unchanneled:
    - You can just use persistent effects to delay other effects with that. But these are still executed even if the unit receives another order in the meantime and already executes that order. The effect only needs to be started.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 1.5 Editor Bug - Pink custom models

    Tried changing graphic settings to the one the editor uses?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on How to show ally resources in top right?

    Dialog with icon and label that you update periodically or with every money change.

    Bars are either resized images or resized dialogs or you try to tinker with progress bars, but I always resize dialogs for that. Dialog borders cut of images.
    In their case I assume they resize an image dialog item.

    Basically you should create update action definitions for these things and call them, if certain events are triggered.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Where is the promised 3DS Max support/plugin/panel for SC2?
    Quote from DogmaiSEA: Go

    I always thought it was coming with HotS (aka Marketplace) not 1.5.

    Arcade beta invitation's e-mail listed the "startools" as a feature of the arcades. So I assume they will be released more or less "soon".

    Fockewulf knows details about the plugin as he communicated with Blizzard after complaining for 2 years.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on I just lost my mod...

    Apparently I copied the mod files to my enUS client after the patching.
    On my European clients the mod files have been wiped out. But I had backups, so np4me.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't publish mods? (Or maps)

    I just wanted to drop the info that it seems to be fixed.
    I was able to update my map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on I just lost my mod...

    My mods in the "Mods" folder are fine and I never had problems with these.
    Did you use a special file name? :S

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't publish mods? (Or maps)

    You can publish files, if they got a new name.
    It's currently impossible to update files on battle.net.
    So you can publish a temporary version of your maps on battle.net.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can't publish mods? (Or maps)
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @Ahli634: Go Yeah, would you get it started? I'll show up there to complain too.

    I've just published a map. :D

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Can't publish mods? (Or maps)
    Quote from Forge_User_59026135: Go

    If I could tell you, I would. Seems everybody has this problem. My map is the only one up to date in the first 50 maps.

    I pressed dependencies, modified the bnet side of my mod. Had bnet mod removed (while editing/preparing it with the beta editor), because the version was different in beta.

    Then I pressed publish, next, next, next. Ding. Done.

    Edit: Tried to upload an almost empty map: Internal Error
    So I guess, I just got lucky

    Your publishing broke it. :D

    How about creating a thread in Blizzard's forums that their publishing service is broken?
    I didn't see one in their forums, yet.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Actor issues with 1.5

    I had the last one during the beta when I had an animation play message, with an non-existing animation in that model, executed before that. So you better check all the events of the bugged actors and delete the ones you don't need.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 1.5 Release date
    Quote from TheAlmaity: Go

    How the hell are you two updating your maps if you're EU? I still can't get the patch >.>

    It's not my account.
    I'm using the acc of my US publisher payne who is planting trees atm or something. :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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