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    posted a message on Banks not working multiplayer?

    Since you didn't provide any information about your bank handling or the bank names, we can only ask a lot of questions.

    Does the bank name only contain simple letters?
    So no space, no underscore, etc?

    Did you preload every bank for the players without using variables within the preload statement?

    Did you open all the banks and saved the reference of the last opened bank properly?

    Are you sure that the code runs without trigger errors? Trigger errors aren't shown on battle.net anymore (even if you set it in the map's options properly).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Team-Colored Preserver
    Quote from Governm: Go


    With the Editor 1.5.0, the no glow texture seems not working anymore... Any tips??

    You have to use a prefix in the model's texture declaration and the texture object in the data editor.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Bank Loading Problem

    If I remember it correctly, banks with special chars in their name can't be loaded. It would open a new bank every time and always use the else case then.

    Did you try it with another bank name like "TrollTribesBank"?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.5 Copy/paste Triggers

    After entering them once it worked for me. It seems you can't copy the non-updated references. But I've only tested to copy that within 1 map and not from one to another.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] - Multiple Maps run off a single bank file per player

    I think, if all maps are published by the same person, it works by using the same bank name.
    Did you test it?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Stupid Slow Editor

    If adding actions in a trigger is slow for you, just copy the whole trigger/function, make your changes in there, delete the code in the original function and paste the new code into it. It's faster than only being able to make 1 change every 10 seconds.

    The editor is very slow in old functions rather than being super slow in long functions now.

    Also, 52k lines in mapscript. Validating triggers takes approx 500 seconds. My "triggers" file (xml) has 880k lines. It has a lot to process...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Giving a map a soundtrack? Sound questions

    I'm doing that in my map.

    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    You can play sounds for single players only, depending on any condition you can check. Long soundtracks have some problems afaik, you might need to split your soundtrack to multiple files, if this happens.

    I don't think so. If you play the soundtracks instead of the default sc2 music, it should loop just fine. I see no reason why it shouldn't. It's not synced with anything.

    Just create a sound in the data editor with the type "MUSIC" with the reference to your imported music file. Then create a soundtrack in the data editor which references the sound you created before. After that you can play it with:

     Sound - Play Music aaaIntro (Any Soundtrack Index) for (Active Players) (with cue Any Cue) and Do make default
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Instant Kill Cheater! [Word Wars]

    I would guess that he reads the words from the screen. Everything that he "types" was on the screen. I guess he somehow sends the events with a program. That would allow it to kill everything without really typing that.

    You should try to record some stats of the player like reaction times per word.
    If someone writes too fast (dependent on the length of the word) and has a high percentage of his kills as fast kills, then he might be cheating or the game is very laggy.
    I would check their inputs over time, too. If someone spams a ton of messages while having a good score and a good reaction time, he might be cheating.

    I would count threads per player and leave the message-threads alive for a second to track them (player's counter +1 at start, counter -1 on destruction). If someone has a lot of threads multiple times or a very high amount of threads once, something isn't right.

    The delay is explained by the time the text appears on the user's screen and the lag from user to server and back. So these inputs were really close of being as fast as it is possible on battle.net. I think battle.net uses a simulated lag of 125ms. But I'm not sure if that lag value is applied twice (sending + receiving). Just assume that everything has a minimum reaction time of 250ms in real time. In my offline tests that was pretty comparable to the performance I had on battle.net.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Region Publishing Issues

    @Bibendus: Go

    I'm using registry files to change the gateway of the editor.

    Just copy the code into notepad, edit it, save it and rename the ending to ".reg". To change the region, just execute it.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Preferences]

    The "HKEY_." line is the path in the registry. The rest are entries and their value.
    That file will change the editor's gateway to the US which allows publishing there, if you have an account there.

    The profile and the account settings are there to fill in the login data automatically. So you only need to enter the password then.

    To switch it back to EU, you need to use "eu.logon.battle.net". The other gateways might have the same address with another prefix.

    The BattleNetHost registry entry doesn't exist by default. So if you have ever problems after a future update, remove it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Colision or something like that? Need a bit of Help.

    Date module -> unit -> radius

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Colision or something like that? Need a bit of Help.

    You can either reduce the radius of the unit or paint with pathing in the terrain editor to allow ground pathing closer to the cliffs.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Starcode bank encryption
    Quote from yopeasants: Go

    Since my map requires a huge amount of data to be stored, I'll need to store a huge amount of data in banks. I know that banks can't exceed 8KB in size

    New limits according to Blizzard in 1.5:
    - 1mb per player as total bank file size
    - 36 banks total

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Bank Facts

    New tests required.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Open Games list ordered by age?
    Quote from Swagblanket: Go

    Considering how drastic an improvement 1.5 is, I'm surprised they missed this critical detail. Imo if they fixed this (oldest lobbies on top of Open Games list), Bnet would be gold.

    Or you would only see maps with afk-hosts there.

    Posted in: General Chat
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