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    posted a message on Target Unit Overridden

    You can select the effect that you want to use as the scope for target/source/caster...

    By default it is none which means the current effect's target/source/... is used.
    To use that reference from another effect that ran before, just select the effect there.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HotS Beta Update #5

    Some stuff I noticed when testing the new units in HotS:

    The mothership core is now as fast as:
    - Overseer (unupgraded)
    - Overlord (upgraded)
    - Battlecruiser
    - Thor
    - Carrier
    - High Templar
    - Locust (offcreep)

    Mutalisks are now faster than the Oracle.

    - MS Core has the same range as Marines
    - 2 Marines (no upgrades) kill the shield of the Core and do a tiny bit of damage versus the Core
    - 3 Marines (no no upgrades) bring the Core down to approx 54 hp
    - 4 Marines (no no upgrades) kill the Core with 1 full Marine and one with 21hp.
    - Queens can outrange the Core by 2
    - Core can kill 1 unmicroed Queen, with enough creep space it might be possible to kill the Core with only 1 queen (but the Core can fly away and recharge its shields and come again)

    - Attached MS Core dies with Nexus
    - 3 Mutalisks are required to kill the attached Core (if you attack it immediatly, if you fly around and give the Core 2 unnecessary shots, the Mutalisks will die)
    - Purify (weapon of attached Core) can't be upgraded. It stays at 20.
    - Vipers cannot abduct attached Cores
    - Cores can make a moving shot (hit stop hotkey, then right click to move)
    - HTs can feedback the Core while possibly receiving 1 hit
    - The attached Core does not regenerate energy.
    - Ghosts can EMP Core and Nexus (but they need to target more towards the middle of the Nexus)
    - Units will acquire the Core when they are attacked by it instead of attacking the workers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Classic Hallucination effect doesn't work in 1.5 anymore
    Quote from Trieva: Go

    I was wondering if the hallucinations copy the behaviours of the target units. If not how could it be done?

    You can make them do that. Check my attachment.

    I'm learning a lot while solving your tasks/problems. :D

    Btw, if you enable "preserve", then the behaviors are reset with the duration (but I didn't check whose player's catalog entries are used for that).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Classic Hallucination effect doesn't work in 1.5 anymore

    You need to adjust the following:
    Effect: Type Fallback Unit + (None):Target

    Also, it just shows "error", if you link an ability to the effect with that fallback unit. You need to put a dummy set between the ability and the create unit effect to make it work.

    I've attached a map including the working ability.

    I wrote a bug report about that in the British SC2 forums: here

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Starcraft Animation Series
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    Those are hilarious, this guy deserves his own achievement from blizz.

    Blizzard wrote a blog about that already (after 1st or 2nd episode I think).

    It's still awesome after 6 episodes... :D
    Actually the 6th one might be the best... I love it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Triggering Monthly Exercise # 6 - Dialog Mini-game

    I've started to build tetris...
    Blocks are generated and have a terrible collision code already. The biggest mechanic left is the rotation of the blocks.
    But I need sleep now. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on HotS Beta Update #5
    Quote from zenx1: Go

    Will they release blizz dota by hots or not?

    I don't think you require hots to play it. I think it was in sixen's allstars faq which he fully made up himself because he did not include a source.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Video in dialog box

    Videos are played as textures on models.

    Maybe it is possible to play a video on the model in a portrait. But I would guess it's not possible. Maybe someone cares enough and tests that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Questions about banks

    @ Preloading
    Preloading == creates an entry in a xml file for banks to be shared between the players.
    Do you need to preload in singleplayer maps on arcade? Maybe it only works without offline.

    @ Bank resets
    I personally know 0 cases of bank resets in my map.

    However, a bank file can be appear unverified in the game. This is caused by a mismatch in the calculated checksum using the bank entries and the saved checksum in the bank.

    This can appear when there is a power shutdown during the saving process, the player edited their bank file or battle.net failed to transfer big banks properly between the players resulting in entries missing (or due to other bugs, if existent and not yet identified). The limit was recently raised to 1mb / player.

    My ruleset for banks:
    - Enable the signature for every bank.
    - New banks are empty, unverified and do not contain any section.
    - Save 1 entry in every new bank. I use a version string for that to be able to do things like changes or forced resets (imagine a ladder/season) / balance changes / etc. Also, this will differ banks existed before and banks created by "open bank" action.
    - Check all banks before using any data of any bank.
    - Do not save any bank in your map, if a bank was not verified at start which wasn't empty [equals: section count > 0]. (Maybe just restricting the bank saving for that player is fine, too. It depends on your map.)
    - Only clear unverified bank files in singleplayer. If a bank file is verified in singleplayer, it is fine even if it appears corrupted in multiplayer.
    - Avoid automatic bank clearing. Always receive user input (button press).

    I'm not sure if bank usage in multiplayer is fixed with the new bank size limit.
    Maybe it is still possible to corrupt other banks with a too big bank. So there still might be the possibility to corrupt other players banks by having a too big bank in most maps.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on dim all except dialogs?

    Attached an example map.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on dim all except dialogs?
    Quote from Sherlia: Go

    @Sherlia: Go

    How do i make a image that is black and not transparent ? If i choose the "black.dds" image its semi transparent.

    After the question above is answer, how do i then make it transparent?

    I would use the "white32" image and recolor it to black in the image creation trigger action. It's set to white by default which doesn't change the color.

    There is an action to set the transparency of dialog items over time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on dim all except dialogs?

    You could create a huge dialog with hidden background and a black image all over the place in the center of the screen that you hide by default. The image should have some transparency.
    As it was created first, it will be behind every other dialog you create after that.
    Then you show it to the players when you need to "dim the whole screen except the dialogs" and hide it when it should stop.

    You could change the transparency over time from 0.0 to 0.x over a few seconds which might create a nicer fading.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Burrowed Roach - Acquires a Target?

    Enable the autocast for unburrow.
    In theory the roach would unburrow automatically when an enemy ground unit is near and it would acquire a target.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) The MLG logo in the maps

    I've attached an example map.

    I've swapped the image on the space platform billboard and made it a new doodad. I've used a picture from the campaign's loading screen. One could swap it out with an imported image.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Need Trigger Answers? Ask here!

    @FunBotan: Go "Picked unit" is wrong.
    The unit that changes each loop run is in your "Untitled variable 001". So you need to kill the unit that variable refers to.
    "Picked ..." belongs to things that iterate but do not take a variable. Read the action's tooltip to understand what it does.

    I would suggest mapmakers to not use the functions that fill the stuff into "picked" as it can create bugs with waits, loops within loops, etc. I would use "For each X" instead and give it a local variable.

    But that function won't do what you want it to do as you are killing 2 units of that player on the map which are not random.

    how to achieve what you want:
    1. save all units for the player on the entire map in a local variable (variable that is defined in the trigger/function/action definition) with "unit group" as type
    2. For each integer 'A' from '0' to 1 with increment of '1' do:
    - Kill unit ( Random unit from 'unitGroup' )

    I hope you understand it and are able to recreate that in the editor. If you experience problems, just ask. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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