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    posted a message on Tooltip not showing up?
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    Ah come on now, anyone wanna just confirm if I understood this?

    Second picture looks fine to me, if your map is meant to be played in English for everyone.

    First picture looks fine to me, if you localized your map for at least 2 languages properly (e.g. English and French) and made every other locale contain all of the English texts (and you would need to do all future text updates in that language). But nobody has a map that is localized for multiple locales properly anyway... or it's rare and people don't have all of their other locales made properly.

    In short: yes.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Tooltip not showing up?
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    So when I send the MOD-file to the NA uploader, I must save it in a seperate version where I select the Locale - English US ?

    Cause players in French say that they do not see the texts of the tooltips either. Must they also get a seperate french version? And the spanish too..?

    Is there no way to make the MOD "global" ?

    Map -> Locale -> untick every locale except for the locale you edited your stuff in... (seems like enGB). Save the map, publish the map everywhere...

    You require exactly 1 global locale or all locales... your choice.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problem with Unit Location Condition?

    Output the X and the Y offset of the position and compare it with the offsets of the nydus spawns...

    If the unit is not on the EXACT random point, you are screwed... So basically you are always screwed with your trigger.

    You need to check, if it is in the region or save a value in the unit's custom values which nydus spawn it was spawned in... Or just order the units after the spawn. It depends on your map what you do.

    I would order the units directly after spawning them and not using another trigger for that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Make attack display its damage on the icon?

    The weapon has a field named "UI: Damage Display Effect" that it uses to pull the damage from a damage effect.

    Also, you can set the attack count to 0 to blend that count out as a single attack or no displayed value will have the same meaning to the players.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weird question about map dimensions

    Ask the author?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Data/Trigger] Missile-Based Jumping
    Quote from JaakkoAA: Go

    What is the point of making the unit invulnerable during jump? (Behavior: Jumping) And why it has vital regeneration bonus?

    Here is a better tutorial for jumps which is possible since patch 1.5

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Circles remains

    I guess you deleted something in gray color in their unit's actor or some other actor these units inherit their settings from.
    But maybe you modified the actor "ModelPretargetGround".

    I guess you deleted something in the actor events as this isn't happening for me with campaign dependencies.

    Right click the "Events +" field and reset it to the TOP one in the list that appears. You might want to screenshot the actor events you added.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger Question - If Player Belongs to Team Condition


    There is a function to check if a player is in a player group. Just use a variable with team 1 and team 2 and check it.

    If you need the teams from the lobby, you can use "Players on team 1" (and 2 and ...) for that. Everything you need is in the playergroup category.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Reflect Units on Point

    1. Put a region above the area.
    2. Calc x and y offsets towards the middle, then subtract these offsets from the middle point and you got the new position for your unit. Move it there, ignore placement.
    So this:
    offsetXtoMiddle = XofUnitPosition - XofCenterOfRegion
    newX = XofCenterOfRegion - offsetXtoMiddle
    20 = 120 - 100
    80 = 100 - 20

    > xBefore = 120; xAfter = 80

    3. Set the facing of each unit to current facing + 180.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Guess my slot!

    Pick up as many items as you can. then start a trigger that cycles through your inventory items (unit group) and outputs their slot and a wait. -> Have the IDs on screen.

    (At least I think it could work like that. I'm saving the slotID of an item in my map for my spell hotkeys I believe. I think I took the slot ID and the container ID combined for that.)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on how to add txt to diaolog?

    You want to add the dialog item called "Label" to your dialog.

    Just search "label" and you should find it.

    There are multiple types of dialog items. But button / label / image are the commonly used ones.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [solved] Why are some datafields locked?

    @Monkalizer: Go

    Can you upload screenshots where you click?

    I have the impression that you are doing it wrong (or the tutorial makes you stupid because the tutorial is wrong). :D

    Also, there is no add option in the object explorer (the thing in the bottom left area of the screen). That only shows most of the linked objects.
    You edit these things only in the right side of the area.

    If you can't get it to work, please provide the following screenshots:
    - screenshot of where you want to add the behavior to the ghost + error message. It would be helpful, if we can see the selected line in the top left editor area, too. Then we know where and what you try to edit. Basically we want to exactly follow your steps how you got to the point where you experience the problem.
    - screenshot with the big buttons (which gives us your data module settings)
    - maybe a screenshot of your dependencies, too. We should be able to experience exactly the same with all of these information.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Detector
    Quote from Sanguinax: Go

    Yeah, that's what I've done first but that did'nt work. My units detect nothing after that.

    The value was 11 and I just change to 5 and then my unit detection did'nt work. So I think that it comes from validator maybe ?

    There is a problem with the windows in the editor in 1.5.3. They write 0.0 into the arcs which disables the radar and the detector, if you close the window.
    You can reset those fields to parent value or copy paste or switch to raw data mode (ctrl + D) to reset the value to 360. Double-Click on the "Modifications +" field to expand it to see all the modification fields in the list.

    So, fix the arc and it will work. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HotS Beta Update #5
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    I'm curious to know what will happen to recall then. And with Recall moved to nexus can we expect 'mass' Recall? And by that I mean Recall being used all the time.

    Recall is still an ability of the Core. Also, it can only be used when not attached. The attached Core can only attack and unattach itself.
    Nexus has no recall.
    A Nexus needs to be the targeted by the Core to teleport to. The Core then teleports itself and units around it to the Nexus.

    Also, Ghost has a problem with his uncloak button being on the same spot as the cloak button now. You can't tell a mixed group of cloaked/uncloaked units to cloak or uncloak... you would need to cloak them all and uncloak them all again which would waste 25 energy per initially uncloaked ghost.
    The Banshee has still 2 separate spots for those buttons.

    I guess that change in hots will be reverted to WoL, too.

    Posted in: General Chat
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