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    posted a message on Loading bank sometimes fails

    I'm saving more entries than most people, I'm saving much more often than most people. I'm not aware of any problems appearing with my banks. =/
    Maybe some char combinations that starcode adds that the banks accidentally not like?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Model Retexture
    Quote from Andrettin: Go

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    The Command Center doesn't have a death actor though (the death model is part of the normal actor). Should I then create a death actor for the command center? If so, how?

    Yes, duplicate the default death actor, add your texture select by ID code to it and plug it in in the death effects of the Command Center.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HotS Editor Missing files !

    Find the "EditorVariables.txt" in a place like "C:\Users\YourUserNameOnComputer\Documents\StarCraft II Beta".

    Then find the entries within it and change their values like this:

    You might have itIT standing there now.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCBW-esque briefing room in SC2?

    Hi Biophysicist :D

    - Background is one dialog set to fullscreen with an image on it. It could be that the background borders were changed and the image was made its background picture.
    - The 2 text and button areas might be either new dialogs or dialog item panels on the background dialog
    (not sure; sadly I never used panels before and only recently experienced that they are more powerful than multiple dialogs).
    - Text writeout is made with setting the text of the label and a text writeout duration while text writeout is enabled.
    - Portraits are dialog items on the background picture. Set them to LDR render mode. That will cause them to appear in the same layer as dialog elements.

    I hope that helps. If not, just ask. :D

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [Video]HotS Beta Physics Engine test

    Can the physics actually effect the game? So can it do more than only effecting an actor?

    I can see that the camera follows the dead marine. That's why I'm curious.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (Solved) Help with Bridges and Pathing

    OK, while doing a tutorial I noticed that actually using a working bridge without footprint + self painted pathing is actually better than editing the footprint to make a bridge work.
    Currently the footprint editor can't rotate and resize models, so it's not easy to paint the proper areas and guess the size you require the footprint to have.

    So, the steps are as the following:

    1. Get a doodad bridge that works. Test it before using it by placing it at the edge of a cliff and letting a unit run on it.

    2. Select the doodad, edit its properties (hotkey: ENTER) and disable the footprint.

    3. Then resize it and place it where you need it to be. If you hold SHIFT while moving it around, it ignores the grids, so you can really place it how you need it to be.

    4. Switch to the pathing editor (hotkey: h), move the camera to look from above (hold ctrl + right click & move mouse; use scrollwheel to zoom out, if needed), paint the pathing (green = makes pathable, red = makes unpathable).

    5. While painting it, you can use "shift + D" to toggle doodads on and off to look at the area you have drawn and the doodad. You should disable the water to be able to look at the ground of the cliff.

    6. Test the bridge with a small unit like a Marine, check all edges and fix the areas where it feels bad.

    I've the map attached. No data work, pure terrain. I think it's the easiest way.

    With actual footprints some edges might be less rough, but overall it's the same.

    Further expansion possibilities:
    - Duplicate the actor of a working bridge, remove the footprint, add ActorCreation -> Set Opacity 0 to the actor events and use that doodad as an invisible bridge. You can use it as before. Then go ahead and cover it with other doodads to make it look like the units would walk over those doodads.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on (Solved) Help with Bridges and Pathing

    1. Duplicate the most fitting short Mar Sara doodad bridge (-> check actor and footprint).

    2. Edit the footprint that your actor uses to create a long enough walkable area. Footprints are rectangles with the size of terrain cells and have 1 pathing layer and 2 other layers.

    3. Place your new doodad and change its height.

    Keep in mind that Footprints can't be rotated. So, you always need to create a proper footprint.
    Footprints overwrite where a unit can or can't walk in 2D dimensions.

    If you can't make it work with my description, I can make some screenshots to show everything step by step.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on (Solved) Help with Bridges and Pathing

    Not all bridges are actually walkable.
    The short ones of Mar Sara are walkable. Use these as doodads.

    You can copy paste such a bridge and add something to the actor to create invisible bridges that you can cover up with other doodads.
    That's how I made the wooden bridges in my diablo map.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HotS beta update 2.0.1 data mining
    Quote from Forge_User_62748943: Go

    @AlexO6: Go

    @AlexO6: Go

    Interesting, you should put those up on youtube, just make them unlisted if you fear they'll get taken down.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Triggering Monthly Exercise # 7 - City Traffic

    Awesome topic, tbh... :D
    I was clueless how to tackle it at first, but I found my way. ^^

    Btw, I'm building a complete city... got a highway, working traffic lights, civilians running in their places and over the street. Currently working on the monorail (instead of a shop... who needs a shop? :D ).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Blasterbots

    I extracted the images from bnet and your added your map's loading screen, but it was stored in the map file, so you should have it...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Terraining Exercises: Global Information/Idea Thread

    Use the systems which are currently created in the monthly trigger challenge to make an awesome city with intelligent cars/traffic signals and eventually to some degree civilians...

    I'm not good enough to create a super awesome terrain for the system I've build. So I would like to see what crazy things the terrain specialists can create.
    Hopefully, you don't need to be a data or trigger expert to set it up in a map... at least not in my version.
    For example cars are moving and follow a path you can easily set up. They lower their speed or stop, if their path is blocked by a person or a car. Cars stop at traffic lights. You can program the traffic lights with triggers and define times, etc... Also, the user can follow a car with the camera already. Persons run around and in sometimes run across a street. I try to add more like a train that moves along rail units.
    That's what you can expect (because it's working already):

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on Triggering Monthly Exercise # 6 - Dialog Mini-game

    I'm to lazy to finish it atm.
    It will work best played locally anyway.

    Arrow keys to control the block, space for harddrop.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Add limited unit selection?

    The only idea I got, how it could work, is deselecting the units and selecting them again in the same trigger...

    If you select another control group and switch back to the first one, these gaps disappear I believe... so that should work with triggers, too.

    Maybe you need a wait, but that would mean that the player has no units selected for a game frame...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Questione


    Posted in: General Chat
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