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    posted a message on Blizzard published my map in HotS beta?

    Did you have another account when you published the map in arcade beta?

    I can delete and see my published files in "manage published" in the editor just fine.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Too much snow

    I had to use this:

    I dislike.

    But I got no snow. :)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Heart of the Swarm Models Import

    I don't think we are allowed to use HotS assets in WoL.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HotS 2.0.2 Editor Updates

    I was able to test the new editor before I went to bed.

    My diablo map is broken in HotS. So, you might expect problems to appear when you switch over to HotS, too. :D

    editor changes/additions/fixes:
    - fixed slow saving problem I experienced before. Saving time with a trigger change was reduced to 15 from 150 seconds.
    - data module can now sort fields in the right table by Source (which equals color)
    - abilities can now use pathing range as range
    - script seems to be loaded directly into the trigger debugger
    - halo on units doesn't seem to create lag anymore when you first see the halo on a unit

    changes/compatibility problems:
    - scrollbars received different images, If you edited WoL's ones, they are now scrambled.
    - Text label colors do not work anymore. Might be bugged.
    - world console offsets aren't in gameUI anymore
    - units don't always display preselection circles anymore (my units are lifted from a negative value as base... this might be the problem)... BUT today they appear... (what the ???)
    - death animations for my units changed to explode like low models despite my extreme graphic settings
    - bnet button friend frame image doesn't exist in the original layout anymore or has other problems now
    - MinimapPanel has no Anchors for Left and Bottom anymore according to my ingame error.
    - I had a problem that a target effect ability didn't work, but now it seems to work again. (???)

    unfixed problems:
    - Tooltips in the game stay visible, if a dialog item is hidden.
    - Data editor doesn't show tooltips on the fields in the right table.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [SOLVED]Call Text Tag

    Look at my attached map. It might help you.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bridge Help.
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    What Hobbidude said. To follow up on that; a very easy way to go about it is to use regular bridges and then go into the data editor and set their in-game model to hidden. Then build your own bridge over the regular bridge and in-game it'll look like your fancy looking bridge is walkable with the regular modern looking bridge completely invisible.

    You need to set the opacity to 0.
    "set their in-game model to hidden" is very very misleading. You aren't allowed to alter the model as the model lifts the unit.

    The easiest way for bridges I found is explained here with example map: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/terrain/44756-solved-help-with-bridges-and-pathing/?post=8

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Caves and cliff indentations?

    Cover the area with rock doodads to form a cave with enough of them.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Reskin the UI

    editor only way to export files out of the archives:
    Editor -> window -> console -> type "browse" -> search file you need -> right click it and export

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on How to play SC2 maps?

    You cannot host games of games you loaded. You can only make the server give/open you a lobby of a specific map you chose which needs to be on the server. This is how you play games in StarCraft II. (And then you load the map, if you don't have it.)

    So, this is different from the self-hosting of local maps in the predecessor games like WC3 and SCBW.

    To play ganes locally, you need to open them in the editor or drop them in Sc2Switcher.exe in the support folder within sc2's installation folder.

    So, go to battle.net, open up arcade, get open lobbies and join an existing lobby or browse for games and play those.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Life/shields on 2 lines

    Those entries resize the UnitPanel frame to fullscreen. If you only resize it, it shouldn't matter as long as the UnitPanel is big enough. (Visibility of frames is still limited by their parent frame's size.)

    I changed the whole UI in my map, so I made most frames fullscreen to avoid problems.

    You don't need to set the style again. I just left it there to show you that you can change it.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <Frame type="Frame" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel/UnitPanel" file="GameUI">
           <Frame type="Label" name="ShieldLabel">
                <Width val="250"/>
            <Frame type="Label" name="LifeLabel">
                <Width val="250"/>
            <Frame type="Label" name="EnergyLabel">
                <Width val="250"/>

    So, this might be enough. Just create a new file in the UI module and paste the code into it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on (Solved) Texture swap by id since patch

    You need a prefix that matches in the texture declaration and the texture object.

    Prefix and trigger on substring need to contain strings of the texture file name that is seen in the model details.
    So, you would use "75372" as prefix in texture object and texture declaration. I would use the rest of the filename as the trigger on substring in the texture declaration in the model.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Life/shields on 2 lines
    Quote from Eiviyn: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Could you post an example of this? I've played with it for hours with little success. I can't seem to do anything involving unitinfo labels.


    In my testmap, in theory, all labels would be stacked all the time with slightly different center positions. But the vertical position can be altered via the used font.

    For example, the numbers on the bars in my map "Temple Siege 2" on bnet are the original labels and therefore always updated instantly:
    (screenshot is outdated, btw)

    If you select a unit without shields, the label starts more downwards as I placed the unit's wireframe accordingly and made it invisible. So, in the picture, the top label disappears.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Life/shields on 2 lines

    The value labels are created dynamically and are connected to each other.

    Things you can modify atm in WoL:
    - position where the labels start, if the unit has shields, by moving the shield label around
    - position where the labels start, if the unit has no shields, by moving the wireframe around
    - alter the font style (which will result in different vertical sizes for the labels)
    - alter the width of the labels (I think)

    It's improved in HotS, so you can move the shield label to the left and the life label somewhere else and it will work.

    The UI editor's layout changes work like the overriding method in aiur chef. So you open existing frames with

    <Frame type="InfoPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel" file="GameUI">
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on They grow up so fast!
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    Yeah, back when I joined Mapster I didn't have a single white hair, now I have a few... Soon enough I'll look like Dr.Narud lol

    I've a small patch of white hair in the exact center of the hairline since I'm 18. Luckily it didn't increase in the past 6 years.

    You're like Keith Murray from We are Scientists...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Weird error on the 1.5 editor: revealed map edges

    Tried changing height?
    Tried removing doodads there?

    I would try to reset the terrain settings there somehow... So, I would paint it over and tinker with everything adjustable there. Maybe that can fix it...

    Posted in: Terrain
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