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    posted a message on Change game speed via triggers?

    - Map Initialization
    - Set global time scale to 0.9

    Global time scale determines how fast things run. "1" is the default value. Higher values will make everything go faster, lower values slow everything down.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Change game speed in a MOD file?
    Quote from Kabelkorven: Go

    How should the trigger look like exactly?

    I had problems doing this. Just having a trigger there doesn't make it run.

    But I found a stable way to make that trigger run.

    You need to add a trigger with "run trigger" and select the libraries' trigger. Then deactivate that line with ctrl + i.
    Now the trigger in the library is executed.

    This is seriously bugged.

    my mod's trigger:
    my map's trigger:

    then it works...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problem with Mutalisk (Solved)

    You are missing Kukulzula's attack actor which would be a duplicate of "Mutalisk Attack Segment 1" with the following changes:
    - change impact effect token to "Kukulza - Glaive Wurm (Damage)"
    - change launch effect token to "Kukulza - Glaive Wurm (Launch Missile)"

    Whatever you saw was the failed launch of the first bounce projectile.

    Some background info:

    Mutalisk's weapon works in a way that it launches a few projectiles after another and it saves positions by using special actors which are used as visual launch points for the next bounces.

    Tokens are just text replacements within the actor. But basically they are adjusting the actor events correctly which is easier to use than understanding the actor events immediatly.

    In general, you might want to duplicate single objects instead of copying them because they aren't adjusting markers properly. I don't know if that causes any side-effects in your case right now, but in general duplicating is better than making a copy. But duplicate with care to not clutter your map with unnecessary duplicated objects. Most of the time you only need to duplicate a few things.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HotS Dependencies not being updated by blizzard?

    Balance changes that haven't been added to a real patch aren't available in the editor.

    I think I wrote about this yesterday, but I can't find it anymore. (Where can I request such a feature in this forum?)

    1. Add the "multi" dependency to your map.
    2. Publish your map.

    Then new balance changes appear on battle.net in the map. Sadly they won't appear in the editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to link map to latest hots patch?

    1. Add "Swarm Multi" dependency under "File -> Dependencies" in the top left corner of the editor.
    2. You need to publish the map.

    It's terrible. These hotfixes aren't really saved on the computer, you just stream them when you play published maps with multi dependency.
    It's cool that they can react very fast with that because they don't need a huge patch, but for people that require these things in the editor for testing, it's a nightmare.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Palette No Longer Works
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    @ShuckBeam: Go

    I'm not sure the palette exists anymore try switching to the table view or something like that.

    I'm pretty sure that he is in the terrain editor. The other person had his problem there, too.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Change game speed in a MOD file?

    Set global time scale in triggers?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Increase a units damage over time

    Another problem is that you used integer when you need to use real.

    Integers are numbers like 0,1,2,3,4 and converting real values like 6.7 to an integer will cause it to cut off everything behind the dot.

    To solve your design problem, you can do what BasharTeg suggested.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Auto start without full lobby

    Try to play with the game variants. I think it's likely that the problem is caused by a setting there.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Footprint Event
    Quote from tatatatate: Go

    Bump, 50 views and no comments?

    Well, I'm confused what you are doing and that's not enough to make me download and look at the map.

    Images that show which problem it can solve might be helpful to make people use this.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on [Solved] Selectable and rotating question mark

    Since bone had problems doing this, I made that myself and here it is:

    It contains my fix for the selection when the unit's owner changes. This is the exact method I currently use in my diablo map. :D I used ShapeSphere instead of HitTestSphere because you can make it visible easily via actor events to debug the position.

    I made this in the HotS editor. Use the WOL1.5.3 file for the Wings of Liberty editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Death Animations

    Unit Actor -> Death Effects
    Set the model.

    You might need to make a new model entry with a death model type linking to your wow model file.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Randomizing terrain
    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    "No, but I will answer every question (if I notice them). :D"

    Idk why people are reluctant to release concept maps. this makes it a lot harder on me because im like 100% visual learner vs auditory. Im trying to visualize what you did you know what i mean?

    So do you have 4 separate areas that generate the different levels?

    If no1 is inside the dungeon does it freeze all the units/walls/doors/doodads and create a data image of the dungeon to save on unit lag?

    Anyway youve already given me enough info to attempt it, thank you so much.

    Well, my code for the dungeons is long and a bit messy. So, someone might write a less confusing code.

    The core concept for a dungeon based on rooms is quite simple: 1. create a first random room. 2. pick a random wall and try to add a random room to it. 3. Repeat step 2.

    So, everyone could write his own dungeon generation system based on this. You could read about roguelike games that do the same thing, too. That's how I learned the basics.

    The dungeon generation code is pretty much one of my core systems and something that makes my map unique. If people want that feature, they need to learn and work for it.

    Atm, I've 3 different functions that create the areas with their specific look.

    I'm starting timers when a person leaves a dungeon. When the timer runs out, the units within are paused and unloaded. I transfer all of the required information to recreate the dungeon into the data table. I always have 2 dungeons unloaded. Yes, I'm doing that to lower the performance costs of my map. If I wouldn't have done it, I couldn't have had the amount of dungeons I have now.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Randomizing terrain
    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    wonderful very informative, ive played your map prior to this thread, couple of questions, can you upload a concept map?

    No, but I will answer every question (if I notice them). :D

    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    also what exact unit do you use or find least laggy?

    Well, the biggest difference is its model. My dungeon exists out of structures because I'm using the footprints. Without footprints for everything the pathing is terrible because units will try to push more than walking around.

    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    And if you could clarify what u were saying about the 2d array, youre just suggesting for "outside" using bigger than 1x1?

    If you generate a dungeon, you need to store the data of the dungeon while it is constructed. For my cathedra/caves I'm creating units for walls, floor and use their HP value to store info about its type... like 1 is floor, 2 is wall, 3 is doorway.
    I used a 2d array to store these values for my caves. It's faster to read the data out of the array than searching the unit and reading its life value out.
    Someday I might improve my cathedral/cave generation code with that, too.

    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    The map didnt calculate where it needed bridge tiles correct?

    I hardcoded the positions where I cover smaller areas to avoid situations where you would stand within lava. The real bridges are randomly added to parts of the river to ensure that you can reach everything. My algorithm detects that it needs to add a bridge within the last created parts and adds one.

    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    Are you the same ahli from SEN back in the day?

    Yes. Also, SEN still exists.

    Quote from TheOGZell: Go

    So what is blizzards deal, you can't use starcraft or any other copyrighted game name in a map? Is that why its called "dia blo"?

    The map editor didn't like "Diablo". So, I added a space.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Diablo Fireball Spell Tutorial
    Quote from ZeroX33: Go

    So, is there a way to make the missile reach its max range before exploding (if it doesn't hit a unit) no matter where you click? I don't like how you have to click behind your target for it to work.

    You can use a persistent to offset the target point. You need a negative Y offset.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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