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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Tilesets do not show in custom terrain set

    To get it to work correctly in 1.5, you just need to set the Height Blend Scale to 100% at the bottom of the Add Texture controls.


    Just a bad default value in the editor...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Memory Leaks ?
    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Not sure about triggers, but I know if you don't properly treat actors it can cause troubles (for example if you duplicate a lot of stuff some links may get messed up and cause severe fps drops). There is an actor cheat to display actor data, but I don't remember what it was, it's probably somewhere in blizz tutorial.

    "ActorInfoDisplay", but it's not in the actor cheats site by Blizzard.
    That site is here and has some actor dump file creation commands which can help. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/maps-and-mods/tutorials/actor/

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Windows 8 No Tooltips

    For me, it's only the data module that has no tooltips. Trigger module has and I never noticed tooltips in any other module. :D

    The tooltips for the fields only appear in popup windows when you try to edit the field values. Move the mouse over the checboxes or their underlined titles to see it, if a tooltip exists.

    I'm using Win8. I don't understand why people hate it THAT much...
    Man, I boot so much faster with win8, with a program I installed today I have a start menu button, don't see the horrible tiles at startup. Win8 has a nicer copy pasting UI, if you execute multiple operations at once. Win7 had mutliple windows then, win8 has one combining all info.
    If I won't find problems with the program that I installed that fixes the problems of win8, I think I might have a superior OS regarding win7. But this is not a win8 arguing thread, so build your own educated opinion.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on (Solved) Cast ability without turning

    @Bionicrm: Go

    1. Go to xml view (orange button or ctrl+D).
    2. Write 360 into the field ending with "arc" in its name, search for it to find it easier.
    3. Change back to your normal view.

    It's a bug in the WoL editor that has been fixed in the HotS editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Problem with Morphing.

    Check the actor event in the actor that should be created when you finish morphing.

    Make sure that its create and destroy event with the morph ability as event are correct.

    You made have made a mistake with the terms of the morphing: "Morph To" and "Morph from".
    So, it either didn't spawn or it destroyed itself immediatly.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How to create a "damage return" type behavior?
    Quote from thomulf: Go

    No I just can't figure out where to add the dummy effect-

    Looked at all the fields under combat->damage response but can't find it

    Also, don't forget to set the chance to 1.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Why...

    What's the point of this thread?
    Allstars pics are older than Aeon of storms (I refuse to call it AoS... aos is aeon of strife, something that is considered the precursor of dota... saw someone mixing aeon of storms up with AoStrife... was funny that he tried to claim that aoStorms was older than wc3 dota).

    Aeon of Storm's UI pictures are ripped of the Allstars screenshots and was put together very well.

    timeline of ripping of is:
    aos -> dota on wc3 -> everything else you know & allstars alpha -> aeon of storms

    All UI organizations you can find somehow make sense and that's why the concepts are mostly the same, too. Why would one want to make its UI terrible just to differ from the other games?

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Annoying Black Bar problem

    It belongs to the UI module now. Check the gameUI's worldconsolepanel. It should have 2 properties with it now.

    I'm currently in the 1.5.4 editor, else I would have posted a valid code snippet for that.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Best way to make/use a table or array

    - Unit Group is a list with units. Sadly we can only add new units to its end, so you would need to code other operations like adding at position 2 yourself.
    Units have custom value 0 to 63 to store real values within them. Custom values are only accessible via triggers.
    Dead units are removed out of this list, when their death time (unit data, how long a unit is kept in memory after death) runs out.

    - Arrays have a static size. So, you would need to define it with the max size you require. They can only store one data type, but you can just add multiple arrays.

    - Global Data Table can store values with a key. So, you would use a string key like "a2-2" to store 3. Every key needs to be unique, else you overwrite entries.Here are some limitations and knowledge about the data table.

    - Then there is something with user data, but I've never used it. Maybe someone else can describe them.

    So...: What do you want to save? How much do you need to save at max?

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Creating this condition...

    Number of units in unitgroup (Any units in region X matching condition Exculde;Dead,Hidden,Missile controlled by player 1 with at most 1) == 0

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available
    Quote from mkpwannabe: Go

    For some reason i just can't get it. can you put up a more detailed steps or a video of you doing it i'm really bad with computers T.T

    1. Download the file I attached to the first post.
    2, Place that file in the installation folder of SC2.
    3. Start the game. If you don't see it, go back until you can edit the e-mail address in the login screen. The button should appear then.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Corrupt Header File?

    Has Map -> Player Properties the correct slots?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Life Leech Weapon

    Tried "Leech Life Damage Dealt" with "0.x" values in the damage effect? So 0.05 for 5%?

    That's the only field that has a name that makes sense to me regarding life leech in the damage effect.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Warcraft: A New Dawn - Dev Preview 1

    Very cool. Keep up the fine work. :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Weird Requirement Bug

    It should be possible to write your own text.

    Quote from Templarfreak: Go

    Yet to solve this, would like if someone helped.

    Look into "Have Lair" requirement. Blizzard wrote "Lair" into the tooltip. Just do the same in the Lair's count unit node.

    Posted in: Data
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