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    posted a message on (Solved) Search only on 90 degrees in front of the unit?

    Angle: 90
    Flag: Offset area by angle must be set, offset area by radius is optional (extends radius by unit's radius)
    Launch Location: Source Unit (must be the unit that you want to get the angle from)

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Fixing the White Label Bug
    Quote from rtschutter: Go


    I hope you don't mind that I use your image here to visualize the problem.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Anyone else getting this (hotkey conflict)

    Bad fix:
    Play with grid hotkeys :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Having problem creating new units since the patch.

    I can't recreate this mistake, duplicate and copy+paste work for me.

    The name editing window from the right panel contains 2 fields: key and name.
    The key determines which storage location is used for the name. If 2 texts use the same storage location, they are bound to use the same name because they read the data from the same spot.


    To fix that, just alter the key of one of your Marines and enter a proper name.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on I just bought HotS
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @EternalWraith: Go

    Edit: also HoTS has 26-29 missions, WoL had 24 ?

    WoL had approx 28 missions, I believe, and HotS will have 20...

    That was revealed a long time ago and was datamined after the current WoL patch presetend by Existor on teamliquid.net...
    It has multiple story spoilers, so I stop talking about it. :D

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on I just bought HotS

    I didn't decide, yet, if I want to have a hardcopy from a store which might have a better price or if I support Blizzard and buy it directly on Battle.net close to midnight...
    On WoL release I got it very cheap at a store compared to bnet's price.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Preload Data

    Ask that in Blizzard's forums and hope one of the developers takes a few minutes to explain it to the community.

    If no one posts, nobody really knows it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Fixes/Workarounds for problems in Patch 2.0.4

    I made a small list of fixes for problems occuring in the 2.0.4 patch.

    You can find it here: here

    (I linked multiple forums to that page in order to make it easier for me to update it.)

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.4 fix dialog button color

    The problem is that setting a color to a dialog button, the button's text and the button's appearance is tinted with that color.

    I found a fix to tint a button and keep the text in another color.

    1. DON'T modify the color of the dialog button, leave it as it is. Then the text will use the text's own color controlled by color tags within the text. It doesn't seem to be possible to undo the color setting.

    2. Use these 2 actions to define the color of your button.

            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) Desaturation Color to Blue for (All players)
            Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) Desaturated flag to True for (All players)

    The button keeps turning gray, if you disable it, so there is nothing to worry about that.

    As a result, the button is tinted in the desaturation color and the text uses its own color.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on UI update

    Override player's gameplay settings via "Override Player Option" trigger action.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Custom UI - Black Bar messed up by new patch.

    UI layout code to set it:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <Frame type="GameUI" name="GameUI" file="GameUI">
            <ConsoleWorldBottomOffset val="0"/>

    To fix the error with the unread value, make a change in the Game UI in data, save the map, revert the change and save the map again. Then that tab's info in data is updated removing the entries in the xml that aren't used anymore.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Hiding the message log

    Example map that hides the message log entries in the message window.

    Enjoy. :)

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on [2.0.4] Over 2000 units kills minimap
    Quote from TwoDie: Go

    at some point its even better, since i had some problems with units amount displayed on minimap so most of them was hidden all the time and now at least you get at times idea that it exist there.

    Before it just didn't show other units, now you can have an idea that there are more.

    It would still be cool, if we could define the value it uses for our maps (array size or whatever it is), just slap a hint on it that it may decrease performance, if value is greater than 2k.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 2.0.4 made green circles visible for "order unit to move to point"

    1. Search "override" in trigger actions.
    2. Use the one you find.
    3. Execute that action for each player (-> loop) and override the player settings as you wish.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fixing the White Label Bug

    I prefer my fix:
    1. ctrl + F to search, then replicate the search window's settings. IMPORTANT: you need to chose "Preset" first and then "color". The editor doesn't output that properly.
    2. Use search button until you find a "create dialog label" action.
    3. Press replace.
    4. Iterate step 2 and 3 until you fixed all labels occuring in your triggers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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