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    posted a message on Multi tint colors

    Add a unique label and clear the tint color with that label.

    The name you can add there identifies these properties.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Patch 2.04

    Method to fix the dialog item label color that is now enforced.
    Before the patch, the default setting was "White", so all your labels are now "White" after the patch instead of using the color you wanted it to give via text tags.
    To revert to their old behavior, you need to chose the "automatic" option as their color.

    But this does not appear in the color presets in the replace value window which means that you need to use the custom script that you can see in the picture as a new value. This value is the actual value of the preset.
    This is the easiest method I found to fix the problem in everyone's map. I just didn't want to fix the 177 dialog label creates by hand. ;)

    But you can't use "replace all" as this would make all images in your map turn to be black because they have a color setting, too.
    You need to find each "Create Label" action and replace it there by pressing the "Find" button until you find a label which you fix by pressing the "replace" button.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 2.04

    Problems I noticed that have been fixed from hots beta 2.0.3:
    - my text preview is not bugged anymore (buggy in hots beta)
    - data module shows tooltips on win8
    - dialog labels can have an "automatic" color now which makes it use its text tag colors (like in WoL 1.5.4). Other color options enforce that color in the whole label overriding color tags within the text.

    TODO to fix your maps from hots beta to 2.0.4:
    - Set every label's color from white to automatic

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 2.04
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    how did you get it to patch?

    Load Simon's Relocalizer 2.0.0: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=357860

    Put it into your WoL installation folder, start it and switch to the advanced tab. There you need to enter "enSG" which is important to make the launcher actually load the patch.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 2.04

    Patch notes from the launcher:

    Screens (from offline mode which might be new?):
    main menu: http://snag.gy/fWhMR.jpg

    offline arcade (lists maps you downloaded): http://snag.gy/5NyZx.jpg

    campaign (reads info from savegames): http://snag.gy/GC2ZY.jpg

    challenges: http://snag.gy/9UTU2.jpg

    offline custom games (lists maps you downloaded and shows this hots error): http://snag.gy/sPkSP.jpg

    new help window: http://snag.gy/uNKNe.jpg

    ingame UI: http://snag.gy/VBv66.jpg

    What you need to enable after patching:

    If authenticate your editor before patching, you can use it after the patch...

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 2.04

    12 hours?
    Well, that's like a confirmation of the patch... :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Editor Speed
    Quote from maverck: Go

    i get some slowdown while typing in the search bar (words appear at intervals rather than as i type).

    WoL's editor is searching while you type. This is causing the slowdown. HotS searches with a delay.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on No background image in loading screen

    Bug introduced in HotS patch 2.0.3.

    You are not alone. I have that problem, Bommes has that problem.

    - Loading screen always shows the terrain tileset's default loading image.

    Fix attempts:
    - Altering the image has no effect (tried tga instead of dds, tried image from sc2's archives).
    - Altering the image in the terrain tileset has no effect.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Behaviors panel
    Quote from MasterWrath: Go

    @Trieva: Go However, modifying the size of the icons won't help you at all, because there is no way to modify the offset between the icons. If you make them larger, they will overlap one-another.

    This is wrong.

    These icons are twice as big as by default and work properly. You just need to alter the bar and the icon template...

    The icon template holds the size of the icon. The bar holds the size of the whole thing and determines which area you need to hover over to have the tooltip displayed.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Behaviors panel

    We can edit the icon size and the tooltip area, atm.

    I wish we could alter the orientation, too. Maybe with patch 2.0.4...

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Change the damage of a skill

    Any Player is no valid player number. You need a loop iterating from 0 to 15 or over all "active players".

    Every player got his own version of the catalog for his units/effects/etc.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on What do you consider a "Competitive Game?"

    - Quake 3/Quake Live (aiming, timings, 1vs1).
    - I personally love Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
    It's an objective based shooter where you play maps with multiple objective stages in a stopwatch mode to be faster than the enemy team. I don't know how modern CoD games handle their multiplayer (just tuned in the stream on mlg... I hope it's more than point holding scenarios... I didn't like the gameplay I saw). I think this game is comparable to TF2, but I only played tf2 for 2 days and I didn't like it.
    This might not be the best game to view as a spectator, but it's fun to play in a team and really requires a worthy successor game... maybe SplashDamage's new game Dirtybomb will end up acceptable (but it already inlcudes a few things I dislike in modern shooters like only being able to sprint forwards, no shooting while sprinting, no skill based mechanic to travel faster across the map [strafe jumps], weapon sights for best shooting to slow the whole game down because slow games are awesome, aren't they? no?...). So, basically realism ruined most of the FPS games in my opinion.

    But the games I consider more competetive aren't necessarily the best ones to screen for a company as MLG.

    MLG wants to put games with a lot of viewers on screen.
    Call of CopyPaste is there because it was sold an insanely amount of times and got an active player base (I believe) and they hope to get more new esport viewers with it.
    LoL is very very successfull because its basics are easy to learn and the game is very, very accessible (free2play, game runs on terrible computers). Seriously, that guy only plays one unit and has 4 skills... doesn't seem too difficult from watching... just like soccer or formula 1 looks easy...

    So, this doesn't mean that these games are the most competetive ones. They are just the ones with a big audience and a chance to grow the viewer count.
    MLG is a company and it wants to generate income to stay alive / grow.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Editor Speed
    Quote from TacoManStan: Go

    1) How long it takes to open the Events section Next, do the following.

    1 second.
    I'm not sure how long it really takes because Windows plays an animation to make it look smooth instead of displaying the new window without delay.

    Quote from TacoManStan: Go

    1) Erase everything from the Actor search bar, so everything is being shown.
    2) Type the word "ghost", and see how long it takes to load the information. Lastly, post the specs of your computer

    After typing the last letter in ghost, you need to wait like 2 seconds before the search is started. It is finished after approx 0.25 seconds (list of names are displayed first. then the meta-information of the actor is updated in the list). You can skip this timer by pressing enter.

    - HotS beta editor
    - hard disc is slow (no ssd)
    - 3ghz @4 cores
    - my tab-bloated browser was maximized during this tests

    Quote from TacoManStan: Go

    4) Expand to show details.

    Also, what is that? Disabled Combine Structure Values?
    I have the combine structure values enabled and use the table view in addition to the slow object explorer including the "explain link" panel.

    Wol's 1.5.4 editor has a comparable speed.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @Ahli634: Go I simply can't understand sh1t from a reddit's page like that. I want to know the lines of code for beta region as I'm unable to log to the beta right now.

    The reddit thread's title is a link to this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/BxF7r3Q.png

    This is describing exactly how to create the regions.xml file we use for Wings of Liberty right now to be able to switch servers in main menu and editor.
    You can find it in the first post of this thread.

    So, put that file into your HotS folder, select your region and try to log in.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available


    Apparently this might fix region problems with HotS, too.

    Posted in: General Chat
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