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    posted a message on Request: extract wow speech sounds.

    WinMPQ can open the German localization of that. So, it should work with the American one, too. http://sfsrealm.hopto.org/dwnload.html#WinMPQ

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available
    Quote from AYA1986: Go

    Hi guys, pls tell me how to do it on Mac ? thank you in advance

    Try the mac version of Simon's Relocalizer

    I would have assumed that it would work the same way on a mac.

    Quote from Mille25: Go

    However, is it "legal"? It doesnt seem to be officially supported by Blizzard yet.

    It's oficially not supported, yet as seen here: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/7708263021#4 . I assume the next patch would add the support.

    But I think there are a lot of things that work, but aren't oficially supported. For example, SCBW has a different rendering mode that fixes problems with missing ping bars on bnet 1, but it's not appearing in any support article...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available
    Quote from Siretu: Go

    Has anyone figured out how to publish to other regions? I managed to play on different regions but I cant seem to make it publish somewhere else.

    Put that Regions.xml into the installation folder. Then you should have multiple entries in the dropdown in the settings window of the editor.
    You should be able to publish to the other servers just fine then. I didn't test it with that, I only logged in and checked my published files as I published my work on SEA server before via a region changer tool made by the community.

    Quote from Bommes: Go

    Also it seems to me the latest update disabled the access to HotS dependencies in the Editor.

    For other people too? Intentional or did it happen by accident?

    You need to play a HotS game to have it enabled. Before, you can't see HotS in the editor.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Global Play & Publishing available

    The battle.net servers now support global play and publishing.

    The best way found right now is just using SC2's inbuild region changing UI.

    To make it appear, you need to create a file named "Regions.xml" in your SC2 installation folder (where your sc2.exe is). That files content should be:

    	<region displayname="AUTHENTICATION_SG_REGION" hostname="sg"
    		allowedProductLocales="all" localesThatDefaultToThisRegion="enSG"/>
    	<region displayname="AUTHENTICATION_US_REGION" hostname="us"
    		allowedProductLocales="all" localesThatDefaultToThisRegion="enUS"/>
    	<region displayname="AUTHENTICATION_EU_REGION" hostname="eu"
    		allowedProductLocales="all" localesThatDefaultToThisRegion="enGB"/>
    	<region displayname="AUTHENTICATION_KR_REGION" hostname="kr"
    		allowedProductLocales="all" localesThatDefaultToThisRegion="koKR"/>

    For me, the region changing UI only appears after disconnecting from battle.net in the login screen as seen in the following picture. region changing within sc2

    We have space for maps and mods on the other servers, too. So, now we can globally publish. With that file, we can change the server within the editor's settings.

    Enjoy! :)

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Max size of arrays

    Variables eat up memory. The trigger debugger displays your used percentages in the bottom right edge.

    Your array has 512.435 fields. Do you really need that many?

    You could think about using the data table, too. But it has a terrible performance compared to arrays.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Add buff to all units and pathing

    "(unit attached to (Entire map))" is wrong and cannot work.

    "unit attached to region" is used to get the unit the region is attached to. It's something you specifically need to start and a region can only be attached to a single unit. Attaching means, that the center of the region follows the unit's position, I believe.

    "Last created unit" would be what you need, if you want to add that to the unit after creating it.
    If you created multiple units like 2 Zerglings with exactly one "create unit" action, then you need to loop over "last created units" (unit group) and add the behavior for each created unit.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] For Triggers triggered on a timer, how do you get the player index

    "For each player in player group" is a loop that can iterate over all active players storing their player number in a variable.

    Also, you would want to save bank variables in an array with the player number as its index. Then you can always save the value in the correct bank.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Shield Generator -- An Open Discussion

    Use a buff behavior for the invulnerable units that the generator gives to all units (except for other generators).

    Create a validator that returns true, if:
    - caster & target unit have that behavior
    - target unit hasn't that behavior

    Add this validator to the first effect of every weapon. This validates if the weapon can be used on the target.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Alliances not working correctly

    The lobby teams are player groups that you can get with a trigger action.

    Then iterate over them with a "for each player in playergroup". You need a nested loop and 2 variables. Then you can set the alliance between each player of team 1 towards each player of team 2.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] [UI] Vital Icons in Tooltip

    You can change the icons via importing your own "GameData\Assets.txt" file.

    These lines will alter the energy icon in the tooltip. Change them as required.


    Also, I don't think altering templates has any effects on this. Templates are used once when that frame is created. Then, every manipualation needs to go to the path where it was applied.
    Oh, the template is locked, too, and we cannot edit locked areas. Maybe it's locked because changing it has no effect.

    So that path should be:

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Jay Wilson fired/steps down
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    Ahli went over some points, but all of that is either biased, a simple suggestion or a small problem. Nothing in this thread so far makes Diablo 3 deserve the rage the game is getting. I still think the biggest problem is the audience, which nowadays seems to exist mostly out whiny bitches with really strong nostalgia glasses.

    Yes, all gaming communities might be more whiny than they might have been 10 years ago.

    For my part, I don't hate D3, I just don't like a few aspects in it. I, for myself, like to analyze the existing things and try to maintain the best aspects. If I should have designed a D3, I would start with making a list of points of all aspects of the game to see what they were good at, what the game defined and what you can improve.
    Also, I don't hate Jay Wilson. He is a human and I guess he has great skills, but the community is cruel, sadly.

    It's the same with battle.net. I can see that they improved the weak points (players playing old versions), but not working on the strengths.
    I might be effected by what I've learned about management and processes.
    That might hinder innovations, but a sequel of a game shouldn't be about huge innovations anyway. A sequel is a sequel. Adding and expanding is fine, but changing it too much is dangerous for a sequel. That's why they should rely on the best things as a base and improve it.

    But, in general I'm excited what they will do for the addons and I'm excited to see how another person will do in that job. But I think they won't find someone that wants to do it in near future because the community is hate infested and there will be tears in any way...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Jay Wilson fired/steps down

    I agree with Diablo 2 not beeing the best game ever. I personally hate baalruns and I don't see what's fun in that besides that they give the best item reward probability. It's always pretty much the same and encouraged playing a Sorceress to teleport through the levels. (Being able to teleport a lot on the other hand can be incredibly fun because it makes you feel fast and OP.)
    D3 did an awesome job with encouraging fights versus rare monsters with random affixes. I can't imagine something better right now. The only thing they should do later on would be reusing some of their boss-monsters to appear as super rare random monster packs like the D2 world event with Diablo walking on earth (I think) with a random twist just like the current rare monsters.

    Well, these are a few holes or things that I don't like that I see in D3 that I can think of within minutes:

    - D3 has less random dungeons, so it really looks the same every playthrough. D3's terrain looks fantastic, if you accept the art style it was made in. D2 had more randomness in the areas.
    I don't think they can fix it in the existing areas within D3. I believe they designed it this way to make it easier for the art team doing landscapes, making dungeons appear with epic wall decorations and making the loading time faster because your CPU doesn't need to calculate as much as D2's areas when created. But it dumped down the dungeon layout as it makes every area appear the same every playthrough.
    Also, I would have added different color styles/texture variations for the dungeons. This is something I still want to add into my map and that is something I saw in D1 mods. It makes areas appear a bit different as it slightly changes the impression every playthrough. So the whole dungeon appears more yellow, more brown, more blue,more white, more gray, ...
    It doesn't need to look like the work of an artist in every playthrough as it only needs to add differences to the dungeons. You could make it appear as the artists wants it to look like during the first playthrough, but it needs more changes for the further playthroughs.

    - Random monster appearances in the areas. Right now, every area has monster X and Y and Z... every time. They should mix it around, at least in higher difficulties. D1 used this randomness and D2 added that in the 5th act with guest monsters (this was awesome!).
    In D3 they are using tables with strength percentages, so that system basically is perfect for something like that as you might only need to add a factor of openness in the area to make a few monsters weaker or stronger is some areas to balance them because they don't fit in area Y.
    Also, you can't put every monster they created into every dungeon because they created a few monsters with huge sizes.

    - I don't think that skilltrees are awesome because they will always contain a lot of skills you get for the sake of getting them. But there needs to be something in the game that you need to plan, something people can theorize about. Basically, everyone that wrote a guide on the countless D2 sites loved this I believe. PoE implemented that not with skills (it has no skilltree in sense of D2), but with a combination of D2's passive skills and character points while skills come from interchangeable gems that you can combine.
    This added another aspect to the items that need to roll good for the perfect item (which is required in games that support player-player-trading), created something for players to require planning, allowed classes to be able to use every skill and even combine aspects of the skill.

    - D3 didn't have a real crafting ability. PoE added items that can improve/reroll items (this idea existed in diablo 1 hellfire already). D2 had a few things doable via cube receipts. During their alpha they had the mystic artisan, but it only added a random extra affix to the item.

    - Also, I think they should add new affixes. For example, items that have affixes that improve it over time within a big time span for the endgame items. So you need to equip it and play with it a long time and then it slowly becomes better and has the potential to become better than the best item that you can equip.
    For example, an armor that gathers spirit points that slowly raise the defense value of the item. It's like paragon levels for items. So the best items would be these that you need to put time into. Trading the item would lower the item's progress by 25% for example, so you can't just buy the best item possible (pay 2 win), but you can buy the potentially best item possible, if you put time into it. Of course that item shouldn't max out within 3 days worth of game time.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Custom Fonts

    First of all, modifying sc2's data mpq files is always the wrong approach.

    I'm using custom font files (I even edited them with a program) in my map "Dia blo - Mortal Shroud".

    Since we have the styles tab in the text editor, you don't need to create a .SC2style file anymore.

    1. Import font file (".ttf" and ".otf" formats should both work).

    2. Save the map. This will actually place copies of the imported files into the map.

    3. Close the text module, if opened. We need to do this to refresh its data.

    4. Open the text module.

    5. Create a layout or copy one and change the font.

    6. Use that new font. If it is not available in the dropdown, restart the used module.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on HotS Release Date Announced

    Same motivation as WoL:
    1. editor + assets
    2. watching esports
    3. campaign + story

    Also, this is post # 666.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Extracting Files From SC2Mod file?

    Mods and maps are mpq files. Mpq files can be opened.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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