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    posted a message on Weird error on the 1.5 editor: revealed map edges
    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    Yes. Anybody have a solution for this? :P

    May we see a screenshot?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Global Publishing

    Didn't know about Blizzard handing out licenses.

    Regarding your tutorial, I posted a much easier way...

    You would need to update every text change in every (EVERY EVERY) locale.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] Global publishing to all locales

    Regarding your tutorial:

    1. If your map has only one locale, you only need this one locale.
    So, copy pasting enUS with your tutorial makes no sense. If your map has exactly 1 locale, this locale is used in every client. Thankfully this has been added a few patches ago (might have been 1.3?).

    2. If you decide to copy paste the locales when you only got one locale, you only need to:
    Map -> Locale -> Modify Locales -> check all locales, OK, then save the map.
    In the import module, you can see what you have done when you show the "reserved" files.

    I'm not sure which locale it copies from, when you already have multiple locales in your map. I just tested it and it's not the current active one. So, it might be a hard-coded order.

    So.... basically you only need a few seconds for that in case you even want to do these unnecessary things. ;)

    Anyway, your second part shows nicely how the locales are integrated into the map.

    @ installing SC2 multiple times:
    You don't need to do that either.

    To switch to another gateway, you can use:
    Simon's Relocalizer

    I use it to switch from Europe to America and have no problems with it (in its recent version).
    So, downloading the client for every language isn't required. You only need one installation. You don't even need to download the locales.

    If you don't like to use a program, you can switch your editor's gateway via registry. But I don't recommend this, when you have no idea of the registry or how to paste the code into a registry file that you only need to execute.
    <<code>> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Editor\Preferences] "BattleNetHost"="us.logon.battle.net" <</code>>
    The host needs to be changed accordingly to the other gateways. For example, Europe would be "eu.logon.battle.net". I think here on mapster there is a list with all gateway addresses, too. I think it was created during beta 2.5 years ago.

    Small addition:
    You need exactly one locale or all locales in your map. So you only need to do this, if you want to translate your map. But then you need to update the text in every (yes, EVERY) locale.
    If you map is not finished, you shouldn't really bother doing this.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on track assists

    1. Array of timers with the dimensions: players x players
    2. any unit takes non-fatal damage -> check the attacker and the killer in the conditions -> start appropriate timer

    - use an additional effect + validators like one that checks that the target is a hero. This means that this effect needs to be called for every unit hit so you need to add a search when using splash damage. This most likely requires modifications to every damage effect to include a set that starts the damage and the dummy effect. This dummy effect can be an empty set. Start the trigger with the usage of this effect instead of the damage one.

    When a unit is killed, you check the array for timers with a remaining time > 0 and reset these timers.
    Easy, isn't it?

    You can even get the chronological order of the assists when using timers.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Triggering Monthly Exercise # 7 - City Traffic

    Hang on, I'm stress testing...

    I will upload it afterwards.


    Here it is. Enjoy! Free to use.

    In my triggers you can see how to use it. I would like this to be used to spice up terrain maps or in playable maps like GTA, a racing game, etc... Enjoy watching.

    Notable Features:
    - cars, traffic lights, civilians, trains, train lifts

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dustin Browder talks about Starcraft II Hots
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @SolidSC: Go

    wait... according to him, Open games list isnt out yet... WHAT THE FUCK!!...

    I guess he means open games for melee...

    fun or not?
    well... I would wish that people somehow are made to use the open games list... (like adding an alternative view to it which contains the arcade icons? or making it the default mode)

    I dislike that I can open a lobby and keep it open for 20 minutes on EU and nobody joins it... So, I'm not sure if there are even many people using the open lobbies at all... at least on EU.
    Having the map in up & coming helps the map a lot (experienced on NA)... if it drops out of up and coming, nobody plays/joins it again.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on remove Geyser from assimilator?

    Tried removing the "build on" in the Assimilator unit?

    Else, you could remove it just before it respawns...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Battle.net World Championship in starting in 2 hours

    I only watched the last 4 hours...
    Scarlett vs Nerchio on Daybreak was a good ZvZ... 50 minutes, Broodlords vs Broodlords, infested terrans and heroic corruptors...

    It will continue in 12 hours and 18 minutes from this post.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Apply Force Only Once

    Doesn't apply force only move a unit in the 2D pane (in case the unit can move)?

    Height changes can be controlled with behaviors as you can see in the shockwave ability in the campaign.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved?) how to limit number of workers

    Just make a requirement that compares the number of queued or better workers to be below 15 and add it to the train ability.

    - compare 'less than'
    - - - - - count 'probes' 'queued or better'
    - - - - - constant '15'

    Then add a small text like "max 15 workers" into the compare and you are done.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on [SOLVED] Fix locales? 'Param' values instead of actual text

    1. backup your map
    2. map -> locale -> check the locales existing in the map. The one you edit is the one with the checkmark. I guess that's the localization working fine as it should be used in test document.
    3. modify locales -> untick the ones you don't need. Your map either requires all locales or exactly 1 locale. Everything different than that is automatically doomed to created the param value errors.
    4. save map and test if it works properly. If the text is properly everywhere, you are most likely done.

    Copy paste the strings of the other locales into your native locale's files with a text editor.

    Param value errors are displayed when there is no string in the locale with that key.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Manipulating Minimap Size in-game

    @Stealthsam: Go Not in the same way. You can do everything you can do to normal dialog items: Move, resize, create new dialog items on them, hiding, showing... per player.

    If you want to read out some data of the hooked dialog item, you need to set it first. For example, the width and height can't be read unless you set it in triggers. Without setting it, it could be different for every player which would desync the game.

    This function has been added in patch 1.5.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Manipulating Minimap Size in-game

    Yes, here...

    Problem is that you can be trapped in the minimap with the middle mouse button as long as it is in the middle of the screen.

    But that bug doesn't appear on HotS.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Shooting through a cliff

    - Check the validators of the ability's first effect, if there are any.
    - You need vision of the target.
    - You need to make the ability castable in 360 degrees because buildings can't turn.

    Does "can't shoot down cliff" mean that you can't target the unit or that the missile has problems flying over cliffs/avoids cliffs?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hallucination?

    Made some time ago.

    Posted in: Data
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