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    posted a message on What am I doing wrong?

    1. You're doing it wrong.

    2. MenuBar doesn't reapply its template after creation. Only dynamically created things seem to do that. The buttons are where the template was applied to... in your case in "GameUI/UIContainer/FullscreenUpperContainer/MenuBar"

    3. Names need to include the whole path of the existing file. You need to specify the modified layout file, too: "GameUI".

    Example for changing the size of the buttons.

    	<Frame type="MenuBar" name="GameUI/UIContainer/FullscreenUpperContainer/MenuBar" file="GameUI">		
    		<Frame type="Button" name="MenuButton"> 
    			<Width val="150"/>
    		<Frame type="Button" name="MessagesButton"> 
    			<Width val="150"/>
    		<Frame type="Button" name="HelpButton"> 
    			<Width val="150"/>

    I hope it became some more clear to you. It's not easy and I would advise you to relook at Helral's tutorial with aiur chef's overriding method (which can be or maybe must be applied in the UI editor).

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Fungal Growth made to Purge(duration based slow)?
    Quote from FoxyMayhem: Go

    However, I've searched for the flag for 40 minutes. I really just need to know where it is. Thanks Deadzergling! Unfortunately, there's only Behavior:Modification +, no mention of flags. I've searched flag in all the elements of fungal growth and haven't found anything mentioning suppress movement. If anyone can give me the exact location I'd really appreciate it.

    The fields with the "+" can be double clicked to expand them. They turn to a "-" which you can doubleclick again to collapse again.

    The non-gray fields are fields that do not have the default value. You should look in those first...

    One way to find what you need: -> Doubleclick "Modification +" -> doubleclick "Modify Flags +" -> spot "suppress movement".

    Other way to find it: -> Open the window by double clicking on the right side of the table where "Modification +" stands -> Behavior tab in that new window -> "Modify Flags" -> spot "Suppress Movement" which is ticked.

    Make sure that you are in the behavior called "Fungal Growth Movement". Fungal Growth actually uses 2 behaviors...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on New Battle.net UI

    Blizzard shows their new Battle.net UI for HotS & WoL in their blog.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Simple Q : flying height sampling radius?

    Set your unit to use the "Flyer" mover.

    Movers can chose between a few height maps (ground, air and glide). Glide is used by the Colossus to make him move smoothly across cliffs. Maybe you want to try out Glide instead of Air height map (in a new mover).

    Else, raise the height in the unit to make sure that it can't touch the ground.

    You can try to edit the tipability in the model, too. It makes the siege tank appear moving on the ramp instead of staying horizontal all the time.

    The flying effect of units moving up and down is made by rocker actors.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Triggered chat messages to log

    Transmissions appear in the log.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dialog Z-ordering

    +1 for dialog priority :)
    [I would be happy with a function that puts a dialog on top of everything like it would be a new dialog]

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating a ton of random units automatically

    1. Place 1 type of dummy unit for each spot in the map.
    2. Grab all the units with that type on map initialization and save them in a unit group.
    3. Get a random unit, place a random unit (switch + random int) on the point that is the position of that unit and remove that preplaced unit. Use a loop to do that more often.
    4. Remove unused preplaced units. Use a loop to iterate through the remaining units in the unit group and remove them out of the game.

    Do the same for other types of things, if you need to place more...

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Building Blocker (Per Player)

    Must be build on some invisible dummy unit that is unique for the player?

    you might need a lot of units for that :S

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map version when publishing. Reset possible?

    Just write a map version into map details and map and screen and wherever and ignore the publishing version :)
    Or just only update with major releases like to create "OVER v9000.0".

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Help!] Editor camera doesn't match ingame camera

    Is the stuff at the edge of your map?

    Camera's got a boundary and zooming in + edge of the map = fail

    You could try to rotate the terrain in the area and look from the middle of the map towards the map boundary. That might work.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Troubles with resurrection

    Unit's Death Time?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Warcraft Units

    Sick !!!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on The Easter Egg Screenshot thread

    hold ctrl + alt + F

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Alternative to "Unit Dies"?

    Select "Attacker" in the location of the damage response (or however it is called).
    Then the dummy effect that you entered should be executed from the unit with the behavior (caster) to the attacker (target).

    Also, it's very helpful to create a small trigger with an effect which prints the caster/target/outer/origin/source unit names, if you need to check which references you currently got inside the effect.

    Also, yes. Using that might be better than running a trigger with unit dies event, if you only need to detect some chosen units dieing in your map.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on About Everything

    Thanks that you quit without randomly banning people before with your mod powers this time.

    I'm always open to help you improving your German, if I can. :)

    Good luck whatever you do now with your spare time...

    Posted in: General Chat
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