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    posted a message on [Solved] How do we make an animation complete in 0.1s?
    Quote from Leruster: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Is that efficient?

    I'm not experiencing any problems with it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] How do we make an animation complete in 0.1s?

    1. disable hit test in the actor
    2. create a new model actor "myNewMouseHitbox" with a model that you want the new mouse hit box to be.
    3. add "actor creation -> create myNewMouseHitbox" to the old actor's events to add the other actor

    If the size is fine, you add "actorCreation -> set opacity 0" to the mouse hitbox area.

    Maybe you need to edit some property transfer stuff.

    The model's mouse hit zone stuff is within the m3 file. So you can't change that afaIk without modifying the model itself.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Leaked Heart of the Swarm beta unit details video

    @Keyeszx: Go Hots Custom maps were forbidden by Blizzard.
    They asked the mapmakers to take them down as they can confuse players about what HotS is and in which state it is.
    The maps had to be removed before 4th September.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Hots Campain models

    That tree thing has an attack animation...
    Expect the jungle to attack you. :D

    Ghost melee attack (spell animation) was always in WoL I think.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Is there a convenient list of limitations for a map?

    complex data type reference limit: ~ 32.000 (according to Blizzard's developer Tenarsis)
    That's the amount of complex data type instances that can be referenced at once. If you hit it, you get the following error: "Galaxy data table overflow. Probable infinite galaxy loop."

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Invalid preplaced Unit

    Is the mod file added to the map as a dependency?
    File -> Dependencies

    The mod files that you use need to appear in the list to be usable by the editor.

    Quote from Dzuke911: Go

    Maybe somebody knows what is the difference when I launch my map through mod or directly?

    I guess that the map receives the dependency to the mod directly. If you directly start the map, it doesn't necessarily load the mod, if it hasn't been added to the dependency list.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability spam pause
    Quote from Rice87: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    I set the keyboard repeat delay to the lowest value but still it pauses after the first input.

    Works for me. Easiest to test with hatcheries and enough larvas.

    There is a small delay that might not be changeable after the first and the other inputs.

    But you could just use triggers and the holding down/releasing events.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ability spam pause

    It's set in your operating system settings.
    In Windows it's just settings -> keyboard and there you can define it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (HOTS) Style Auto-Mining Test

    With my latency from EU to NA, it's fine. I start seeing the game when the workers are about to hit the first mineral. So it's impossible for me to change anything (like splitting them on their move).
    Now, if you add 1 game second latency (approx latency in hots beta for me) to your orders, it's how fast as I could react in something like global play.

    For pro gamers, I don't like it, but it's good feature for high latency play / terrible computers.

    Do other people have the same impression? Do you start to see something in the game earlier, so you would be able to react as fast as that or can you at least select 2 of those workers and send them to another close mineral patch?

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on Data Table overflow error

    I'm extensively using the global data table and with some additions in my map I'm currently receiving the following error:
    "Galaxy data table overflow. Probable infinite galaxy loop."

    The loop I used is not infinite. I thought that the amount of saved values could be a problem. Before I saved all 64 custom values of a unit resulting in entry counts like 1.101.744 and now I cut it down to approx 250.000, but that didn't solve the problem.

    Maybe it's caused by my key. It has the following format:
    [integer from 1...20][d][integer starting at 0 counting upwards][cv][custom value index]

    So one of my keys might be "20d1234cv28" or "1d0cv0".

    Is this caused by my key usage?
    Is this caused by the short duration in which I fill all these entries?

    How can I solve this problem?
    I would like to understand why this is happening...

    Blizzard's developer Tenarsis explained me the problem: I was hitting a limit with complex data type referencing which is at 32k references.
    Complex data types are texts, strings, points, regions, etc. So storing integers and real values won't count towards that limit.

    I'm saving 1 string and 1 point per unit while I'm storing an immense amount of units. This lead to hitting that limit while storing the huge amount of data into the data table.

    A simple fix for my problem was to store the x- and y-coordinate of a point (=position of unit) separately.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Invalid preplaced Unit

    Is the mod added to your map's dependencies?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) making Green-Lava?

    Tried overwriting the lava textures with an edited one?

    I just tested it and it works.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on HotS BETA!
    Quote from TheBoo99: Go

    According to some game store in Sweden, HotS will be released on 31st March.

    Beta will run 3-6 months according to some interview (with Dustin Browder at NASL 2012 finals I think [not sure]). Then add 2 weeks of nothing after the beta and then it is released.
    If the multiplayer turns out bad/hard to balance, it might be released in a half year. Maybe 3 months are enough, if the game is in a good shape.

    So I guess it will be before 31st March. ;) I would guess sometime from mid December to mid-late March.

    D3 was 6 months in beta, SC2:WoL was 6 months in beta. But it could be less for addons. ;)

    Also, I noticed a HotS beta in my bnet account today. I didn't receive any mail. So everyone might take a look. :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Irongate - a new fanmade Singleplayer Campaign

    The PLA button will cause problems for 4x3 resolutions as it will appear above the portrait.
    Other than that, cool stuff. :)

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Happy Fathers Day people!

    Germany had it on 17th May this year. Next one is on 9th May 2013 over here.

    Anyway, happy father's day to Australia.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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