RanchBurner's Resources
I'll be uploading my resources here. Been going all over franchises, so they're pretty much just for fun. Some are made from scratch within Blender, others from the WoW Model Viewer. Thanks to "println" for his m3addon-master. Please give credits and do not use any of these resources for financial gain.
Recently updated some of my superhero models' animations and decided to upload the SC2MOD files back here instead of as separate projects. Thank you all for your support, please continue to provide feedback. :)
In reply to RanchBurner:
Also, four of my DC superhero models had separate models for their flying animations, those have now been improved, even if the previewer in the import manager may not display them correctly.
At this point, I'll be uploading SC2MOD files containing character models per franchise. It's time for me to catch up on some other things in life. Please continue to provide feedback and I may even allow users here to edit/improve some of my models, as long as they give me credit for my base work. I may continue to upload models, just nothing too complicated. I'd like to work on some of my maps too.
Hello, do you do requests?
If so, could you do a Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi version), and the Pokemon Dustox?
In reply to TheInfernoKraken:
Hey, unfortunately I'm not really taking requests at this time, though I have thought about making Dustox soon along with some new Pokemon models.
As for Luke Skywalker from RotJ, I thought about converting a model from Star Wars: EAW using this addon. There's a Blender addon for .m3 files too. If you also have EAW, go for it. I'd like to see how it turns out. :)
In reply to RanchBurner:
I love EAW. I made a starcraft 2 mod that is based on many of the units in that game. (And sounds.)
I'll take a look at it, but I don't have any experience rigging models as of late.
Why not add more texture layers to the model?
In reply to Alleyvsc2:
I s'pose I could add normalmap layers, a lot of models to update though. And I'm thinking of new ideas all the time. Thanks for the feedback.
In reply to Alleyvsc2:
I may eventually release SC2MOD files containing all the character models per franchise. I'll more likely add more texture layers (normalmap, etc) by then.
Jeromnimo FINALLY restored enough of the WoWMV, recently updating the FBX exporter for functionable models. It is then a bit of a process to bring it into SC2, so please continue to give me feedback and let me know if there's still a problem.
Now that I can use the WoWMV effectively again, I may make more models from other franchises. Only a few more Pokemon planned or in the queue.
In reply to RanchBurner:
Sooo .... you'll be making Eevee ?
In reply to Edhriano:
Probably not anytime soon. I would go to https://www.models-resource.com/ if you want Eevee so badly. Even then, we wouldn't be allowed to upload it here.
Awesome pokemon models here.
Will you be adding Eevee soon ?
In reply to Edhriano:
Maybe if I could find a good armature for it. It'll be a bit harder to animate by myself. But it's possible...
In reply to Edhriano:
As I mentioned above, I may not do that many more Pokemon due to being able to use the WoWMV again. You might have to make Eevee yourself if you want it so badly, or find someone else who would.
In reply to RanchBurner:
Well, I was going to add it for MAPORINO 2019 !
As a pop culture reference, I thought It would be cool to have eevee.
It's kinna tradition to have a pop culture reference in my maps.
Not badly, just would increase coolness factor is all.
In reply to Edhriano:
Pop culture, eh? I would go to https://www.models-resource.com/ to download Eevee. You still might have to animate it yourself accordingly. I wonder if you could bind it to a "dog" model's armature, if that makes it easier.
huh that obelisk of nod as you call it, has a shocking similarity to the nod obelisk on the hive workshop by DerekX..... Dare I meme you?
In reply to k3llym0: