Custom Campaign Initiative
The Custom Campaign Initiative (CCI) is a centralization of authors and projects that are intended to mimic the Blizzard single-player campaign format.
List of Custom Campaigns (With descriptions)
List of Custom Campaigns (Based on project status)
Check other pages of the CCI for tutorials and other stuff.
What level of quality is required for listed projects?
1) Mission can be played by using Starcraft II editor. Because this is Starcraft II editor community.
2) Map and Mod files are available for download. Because we want to learn from other campaign projects.
3) A series of at least two missions. Because one mission is not campaign.
4) Missions are playable as single player. Because campaign scene is designed for single player.
5) These two missions do not need to be up to date, polished and perfect, but playable with no show stoppers. Because we dont want to waste our time on very bad quality stuff.
CCI authors will check these requirements before listing projects but CCI authors do not frequently check projects after listing.
How does the Custom Campaign Initiative work?
The CCI is a bunch of people who work on their own projects but want to list their work under one project.
By listing all projects together each invidual project gains more downloads and whole Starcraft II campaign scene gets more attention.
The CCI works like Wikipedia. All authors are allowed to edit pages. This project is linking page so files are not allowed directly on CCI.
How do I join the Custom Campaign Initiative?
If you are interested in becoming a part of the CCI send PM to Terhonator or other authors of this project.
March 17th 2020
Edhriano has continue his MAPORINO ! 2019 entry.
Alter FateS - Amon's World is now a campaign.
You can get it here : Main Page
June 19th 2019
Alevice has released an apps to download the custom campaigns directly.
Give it a try and leave feedbacks !
Download Page Starcraft II Campaign Manager.
April 12th 2019
Edhriano has released a Revamp version of the Hammer of Dawn.
You can get it here : Main Page
27th Februari 2019
Edhriano has released a huge update for Noir : Evolution.
You can get it here : Update
5th November 2018
Edhriano has released the final map of Noir : Ascension, go and check it out.
You can leave feedback at the forum.
19th September 2018:
CCI proudly presents Starcraft: Time Splitters project made by WingedArchon.
September 15/18
JayborinoPlays has team up with DeltronLive and holding MAPORINO 2018 ! [Previously know as Mapcraft] . Read all about it here : MAPORINO 2018.
May 13/18
MaskedImposter has released the final map of Mapsters, Episode 6. He's also released a map made in the Mapsters universe made for a mapmaking contest. Check them both out!
May 5/18
Team Antioch has released The Antioch Chronicles: Thoughts in Chaos. You can download it on the project page and discuss it on the forum.
Hey folks,
I'm trying to get new folks who are making custom campaigns to group up and test, learn, critique and push each other's campaigns along. The group would be open to all new, newish or just can't get the editor working for them modders. The end goal is to get a decent map or set of maps out for the larger Mapster community to play test and eventually get published onto the Arcade for all eternity.
PM or post here if you are interested.
PS. I've been working on my campaign for 3 PM me even if it is 3 months after the date of the post! :)
Forum deleted, there was not any messages. Main page updated. I made own project pages for my two campaigns and deleted my own files from this page. I have asked Tyneara to do the same so we can use this page only as a link page to independent projects. I also deleted all images from "Images" section except logo.
We should delete the CCI Forum link as it is inactive and a let down for those new to the page.
Hi. I'm now the manager of this project. If you want to get your project listed on this page send me PM.
Best advice I can give you on your first campaign is to sit down with an idea, and open up Blizzard's maps or other player's maps and see what they did, then try to recreate it. It'll be a long road, but you'll learn alot about the editor in the process.
Once you get over that initial hiccup, things will improve.
Is there any "How to make your 1st campaign advice/tutorial section?" We, mostly the above authors, should make one!! Although, I would be happy to ask questions, edit and update as I have not published a campaign yet.
Example: I remember someone giving me advice to lay out my gameplay first and worry about terrain, doodads and environment later. That really helped me on my first mission. Perhaps that would go under Work Habits or maybe Best Practices????
I plan on joining this community soonTM!
My first map of a Blizzard sized campaign is nearing completion, I have a long way to go, but it's on its way thanks to the people that have gone before me. Thanks for all the tutorials and help so far!
Interesting community, I would've liked to have been a part of this, unfortunately i'm finding it difficult to move over from the SCI editor to this one, I have had little success in Campaign creation with it.
Too quiet in this section. I have started to create new campaign same way as EivindL did with his project.
I think this is an awesome idea. I just started messing around with the editor since my internet won't support online play and I really enjoy it. I stumbled upon this community and I'm excited to become a part of it. I plan on doing a campaign as well but I work full time, go to school full time, and have gf that all take up a lot of my time. I'm currently learning the data editor part. I'm going to play the above campaigns and I can't wait to see what else everyone comes up with. Once I finish the opening cinematic for mine, I will post it.
I'd love to contribute to something. If we could establish an effective way to coordinate our work routine and delegate tasks I believe we could make something worthwhile. But that's easier said then done.
On another note I'd like to put myself out there: If anyone have a project they like input on or some tweaking on then I'm interested to take a look at it. Also, I'm looking for people to take a look at my missions before I upload them since I have a history of uploading missions with bugs and design faults.
I'd love to see some teams form out of the authors here, but it's up to each individual author to do so. I know I don't have the time currently, but others might and hopefully this provides a meeting point where people can not only play campaigns, but find similarly interested authors.
(For Telenil)
Yes, I'm going to use AI editor as a part of improving all missions.
In latest .zip file missions 1-3 attack waves are not finalized yet. Actually I uploaded that version of these missions as a mistake when I uploaded mission 16.
The quality may be varied, but I'd welcome anyone who gives a serious try, which I say even if I do not have the authority to decide which campaigns are given entry. We need to encourage people to make them. It is still just a shadow of a community, but yet so full of potential. The editor is very complex, and people who excel at storytelling are not typically programmers.
But you don't have to be. I'm not. I almost didn't touch the data editor. When I did, it was to configure a name, change a small stat or something, and that's not too hard. If you can do terrain and some triggers, you've come a long way. If you have patience too, all that remains is... making a campaign.
A solution to making greater campaigns might be start doing things in teams. A Blizzard campaign has a lot of people working together, so it should be a lot to expect for a single person to make a great custom campaign.
Bugger, figures all that careful scripting would get borked by patches. I've removed the link as I've not had a chance and likely won't have a chance to fix it in the immediate future.
Ultimately, all campaigns aren't created equally. Doonken's campaign may be simple, but it does meet the requirements, which are a published mission that works, even if it may not have the most complex of triggers or story or terrain, because ultimately it can be exceptionally subjective.
@Terhonator: Go
I recommend using the "AI editor" that came a few patches ago. It is more user-friendly and it has the about the same capabilities as the triggers.
Thanks for comment MRaynor.
I agree that Hand of Humanity missions are very similiar at the moment. To be honest all attack waves use same formula at the moment in all missions. I recommend you to test mission 12 because it is only one that is a bit different from "build base and destroy something" missions.
I have a plan to do 20 missions for the campaign and improve quality of all missions. I don't know how long its going to take but at least thats my plan. Mission 16 will be released in March.
This is a great project and I had lots of fun with it. Kudos to all involved. Here comes my opinion on all the campaigns.
The great:
SC1 remake, Crimson Moon and Bio-Tech Company. All of these provide great varied mission design and a good story.
The good:
Brood and Ashes of Freedom. The missions are great, but its over too soon.
Hand of Humanity. The campaign is long but gets repetitive really soon. You always have to build up a base and are almost always attacked by the same waves in every level. I got to level 10 and got bored. I do not know if this is intentional, but most missions I played can be finished very quickly, if you know the shortcut (i.e. Marine Dropship or Reaver attack at the right spot to destroy the mission target)
Proditor Campaign. The missions are hard at the beginning and easy and a little tedious in the end. The Missions are varied but the abysmal translation drowns the story. I think it is a good one, but could not follow it.
The bad:
Ride the Lightning. I seriously do not know why this is included here, since it does not match the level of any other campaign. The first mission consists of running around on a huge map and trying to find borrowed Zerg. The second mission is a modified multiplayer map were some bases are blocked, two are occupied by zerg, two are open and you have to protect Tosh in the last one. I did not finish this mission.
Serene Baker. Does not work with the latest patch (2.0.4)
If I don't have to log in to do some form of editing here I tend to remain logged out. However, I do get notifications when I get PMs (though they usually come when I can least deal with them) I do want to get back into SCII editing, especially with HOTS coming out, just finding time is a challenge.
Anyhow, it make take till post christmas, but I'll go through all the campaigns that I've not finished and play them all. My SCII-fu is weak, thankfully campaigns are forgiving, unless you're nimbusqwe, in which case he'll destroy you.
Sry bout that, Ive just blindly looked at your login status which was set to like 3 months and thought u had abandoned this site.