
Push spawned attackers toward the enemy side to destroy their life crystal while protecting your own. Pick the right units over your enemy to push through your enemy's attackers.


Search for "BattleCraft" on battlenet:

  • US: "BattleCraft"; filter "Tug of War"
  • EU: "BattleCraft BETA"
  • SEA: "BattleCraft BETA"

I'm open to suggestions like balance, glitches, fixes, and stuff.

Things to do:

  • Balance Balance Balance
  • Fixing glitches
  • New units and heroes
  • Custom GUI


Unit Stat Spreadsheet


I'm remaking a classic from SC1 for SC2.

Recommended players: 2 [1v1] or 4 [2v2]

Some details:

  • Buy attacker armies at the top left corner of the map. Each individual unit purchase creates an army of that unit. These units will automatically attack toward the enemy's life crystal.
  • Buy defensive structures and heroes at your Life Crystal. In addition to minerals, these special units require vespene gas.
  • Mineral count increases automatically. To fasten the pace of game as time goes by, income and vespene gas increases as you kill more units.
  • For more convenient purchasing, hotkeys are initiated at the start for each player. [1-4] are for buying attacker armies while [w] is the life crystal.
  • You can still play with/computers by adding AI for a player slot. The AI just makes random units so don't expect it to be any good.

Original map from SC1 by: Spikes10012


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 27, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Jul 19, 2010
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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