Galcon Confusion by Deeweext
Deeweext has created a casual map, which involves players strategically moving ships into nearby planets. It sounds simple, but things can get crazy when all 4 players are competing for territory! Check out the demo video below, or take a look at the thread here. If you're on the EU servers, make sure to check it out!
Seen a map that mirrors this almost exactly called "Star Empires"
If I wasn't making tonnes of progress on my current projects I'd happily take this over.
Seen many iterations of this game in flash. The earliest one I remember was when Blood Cells were the Planets, and you were a Virus and sent Bacteria to conquer new territory. After each mission you could Evolve your Strain to be quicker, faster, more defensive, faster growing or more offensive.
Another iteration I remember included various planets. Some were Economic, some were Outposts (giving offensive bonuses to ships launched from them), one or two (strategically placed) were Mine Fields that would require vast numbers of ships to capture, but effectively shut down some paths on the map.
It was
hardimpossible to see the UI/Interface in your map - possibly because it was hidden. But I'd imagine zooming out, slowing things down a bit and adding some strategy = you've got a winning map right there.Sad to see you're discontinuing it.
Thanks for your comments. Creating this game tok less than a day, the mechanics are very simple and the triggers are straight up. It DOES have some bugs. But after creating this alpha build, the game just didn't have the right feeling that I was aiming for and therefor I discontinued the project. The coding is freely available if anyone wants to make a game like it, but for my sake, I'll leave this as inspirational to others, and then look for new projects to take up.
Heh, looks very identical to the Galcon clone I made a year ago :D: (also available on EU)
I remember flash games like these, I like them :) Tried out the game, it's nice but could use some improvements :D
Nice Deeweext. I considered making a game like this after seeing a similar flash game but have been too busy with other projects to get to it, so I wouldn't have time to help you work on the map probably, but if you'd be interested in listening to some of my ideas about how to add more strategy to the game and give the players more options to choose from send me a PM and I'd be glad to share them with you. Considering the state the game is currently in, some would be very easy to implement.