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    posted a message on [Showcase] Kailniris's Models

    Very cool animation, but why ghost doesn't sheath his gun and use both hands to manipulate the platform? another empty hand can do more detailed animations, for example he can use his left hand to block lights or other energy waves when the wrap gate is activated.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Found the develop team ourselvers

    Thank, I added both physX and SC2 ingame simulations in the death animation.

    Today T-90ms is finished.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Showcase] NanaKey&Delphinium's Models

    @Domper: Go

    You are welcome, it will be cool if you share the screenshot of the model effect in the game. That will be very useful for me to do further development.

    T-90ms model finished, also both unit and death model.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Showcase] NanaKey&Delphinium's Models

    @Domper: Go

    Sure. I have zipped a mod for you.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Paid Position] 3D Modeler for Kickstarter Project

    I would like to explain this a little more.

    Since you are going to start a Kickstarter Project, that means you won't quit and disappear suddenly.

    Two year ago I joined a team, in six months I finished all models for it and co-worked with PrintIn to develop a new powerful technology which also used in SCU project later. But the project leader DISAPPEARED suddenly, and never came back in a year. Which made my 6 months works into nothing.

    There are many teams over there and not all of them have enough reputation that they won't quit SC2 before they give over unfinished works. The uncertainty some time make people like me can't feel at ease. In this situation, Kickstarter is a guarantee.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Paid Position] 3D Modeler for Kickstarter Project

    @Bounty_98: Go

    Hi Bounty_98, that's baffled me. I didn't think about that question before. To my Dustin model I guess it should be -50$ because we will really glad to share you money if you love Mr Dustin like us. :-)

    About other models, it will be cool if you pay for them because I am collecting money for "Saving frogs of the Rain forests", but I have no idea about how much I should offered that benefits both side. I really like the Kart Racer idea (If you are following my showcase, I am working on vehicle models these days too) so I am glad to join this development team, no matter be paid or not.

    My models have much influences from Renee and NanaKey, they have much different understanding and designing ideas on SC2, so some of my models especially UI models are a little hard/different to use in game.

    So, if you can accept a new partner and new personal technologies for SC2. I am in, but first I need to finished the previous requests.

    You can pay me with great enthusiasm on creating a cool game, that's the way I prefer. About the money, you can pay me as same as other team members, mo matter how much it will be, half of them will be contribute to saving frogs/Rain forests.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Found the develop team ourselvers

    @Nebuli2: Go

    :-) Thanks Nebuli2~

    The Death animations are always cost much time to make them perfect, especially these models which contain morph animations, they need multiple death animations such as Tank and Viking in SC2. I spent really sizable time on the SCUD death model, there are 3 different death animations to suit all possibilities. I will add the Lav25 and SCUD to my Modern war mod ASAP.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Showcase] NanaKey&Delphinium's Models

    Another Buff effect finished.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Showcase] NanaKey&Delphinium's Models

    Finally, I have finished the SCUD unit. At last I made 8 different models for the single unit, the Unit, the missile and death models. I will add it into the Modern war mod in days.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Paid Position] 3D Modeler for Kickstarter Project

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    You reply just make me sad. How can someone doesn't like Dustin? He is so god damn handsome.

    We have all kinds of Dustin.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Do you really NEED to have 3DS 2011? or will newer versions work?

    @XViper: Go

    It's not the only option, you can use other solutions, such as changing the art tool codes (As I know, more that 3 different groups are working on it.) or use Blender as well. All other solutions won't be as convenient as choosing 3dsmax 2011, it's not the only one but the easiest solution.

    To your situation I suggest you to use 3dsmax 2011 or Blender,

    In 3dsmax 2011, you can use m3plugin to import exist unit, which is also fit 2dsmax 2011 too, but the m3plugin and Art tool can't be installed in one 3dsmax (you need to install two 3dsmax 2011 in different index if you want to use them both and at same time.)

    In Blender, you can use m3addon, it can import edit and export m3 files.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Do you really NEED to have 3DS 2011? or will newer versions work?

    @BlinkHawk: Go

    I have gotten a 404 error and my unfinished reply disappeared with it...

    I don't want to repeat that any more (it's too long @_@), so I want to make it short this time.

    Blizzard chose Reactor at the beginning, we know that's not the only solution, but they chose it, therefore all next step needs to be compatible with that. I said this because in Blz's max files they forgot to delete Reactor helpers after baked the animation. And because of that, the 3dsmax version is limited to 2011.

    I never said that you can only do physic simulation on 3dsmax 2011, my point is, Blz chose that solution, and that might be the reason why art tool fits the version 2011 only, since they have the solution already, they don't need a higher but different physX engine in 2012 or higher.

    I knew how SC2 physics simulation (ingame) works, and it still needs the 3dsmax simulation to import the initial velocities. It's not a supposition, both Blizzard's max files and my death models Assets/Tests can prove it.

    I am going to be busy, I may won't relay this anymore.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Do you really NEED to have 3DS 2011? or will newer versions work?

    Of course Blizzard uses Reactor, this also means that you didn't research their max files carefully. Yes, Reactor can bake animations to TPS so when it finished the job, Blizzard deleted them with only baked animations left, but some time there will make mistakes and left their falseworks in the max files.

    Second, there is a new Domino Engine doesn't means you don't need to care about the old models that already there, also the new simulations need to match the Havok simulations roughly so that it doesn't look like two world things. So they still need to do all this from the beginning - use the Reactor which only 3dsmax 2011 offered.

    Btw, if you are working on the m3 reverse enginering, why don't you go to PrintIn? it's 99% done now.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Paid Position] 3D Modeler for Kickstarter Project

    @Bounty_98: Go

    Hmmm, it seems I already finished some of the models/animation in your list (except the Casino, I have no idea what it looks like). I can support these models right now so that you don't need to pay for the modeler.

    1) FPS/TPS UI models for your first game. It's a quite different solution for UI system;

    2) Have exp on similar works, we made a full functional vehicle model with Brett Wood in it and a fighter that carry Mike Morhaime and Dustin Browder, and we also have may vehicle model examples;

    3) Already have enough m3a animations for every characters that allow you to do much complex animations than Blizzard offered;

    4)There is no Casino model though, but we can currently offer you a Blizzard company model.

    Btw, You said “Kart Racer with Blizzard Characters”, does this include Dustin Browder as well? Please, we really want to share our Dustin Browder Marauders.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Do you really NEED to have 3DS 2011? or will newer versions work?

    @BlinkHawk: Go Well, my point isn't just "Art tool can only work on 3dsmax 2011 because blablabla", that maybe a conclusion but not explains why. What I was trying to explain is the SC2 model development needs 3dsmax 2011.

    Of course I know " Physics simulation of Sc2 is done within Sc2", but if you really did some models, you will find that you still need tons of physics simulations in 3dsmax before handling them to SC2 simulation. For example, we saw a tank exploded, and we knew the fragments are in SC2 physics simulation, but their initial velocities are from 3dsmax physics simulations.

    Meanwhile, the Reactor (in 3dsmax 2011) and Havok (in SC2 and some other games) are the same engine, SC2 uses Havok to simulate the Death animation and force affects. Since some players choose turning off the physical effects, so SC2 models needs both RTS animation and ingame PhysX simulation to fit the game, and in order to match them, the obviously way is using Reactor in 3dsmax (it's not the only way but we knew Blizzard chose this solution. )

    You can change the code to match the new version but you can never get another full functional Reactor engine on 3dsmax 2012. If Blizzard chooses to use some higher versions of 3dsmax, they will loose the tool what they are using right now.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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