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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet - Map Overview

    @missile17: Go

    Maybe you should PM him instead? I'd imagine that's how it works...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Songs from WiMP
    Quote from ScorpSCII: Go

    This is not a music forum.

    FORUM NAZI!!!!

    But it is off-topic, isn't it?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Map Ideas [Suggestions For Me]

    @Terhonator: Go

    Multiplayer flappy bird!

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Why is there not as many "sims" maps?

    @Zolden: Go

    I don't follow at all.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why is there not as many "sims" maps?

    @Zolden: Go

    Quote from Zolden: Go

    Reason, why maps appear: sc2 player wants to play something in arcade, that isn't exist yet. One creates the map then.

    I suppose, the intersection between sc2 and sims groups of players is minimal. Sims players are peaceful, probably female. And sc2 players are agressive.

    Another supposition: gaming taste correlates with IQ. If a game requires making strategic decisions, people with higher IQ enjoy it more than the games which require dragging pink ponies all day. Probability of completing a map in sc2 editor correlates with iq too.

    So, the smarter the game is, the higher probability it has to be implemented as arcade map, becasue the group of smart game lovers has higher ratio of possible effective mapmakers. So, if Sims doesn't reuire much intellectual effort to play it, it explains, why we don't have this arcade map implemented: its audience has relatively lower chance to make a map in the editor.

    So what do you think the difference is between SC1/WC3 and SC2 regarding sims? Or was the higher intelligence required for the SC2 editor your argument?

    I don't think it's entirely whether a game is in demand or not. I have a hard time believing people are going to be influenced by existing competition in a non-professional environment. Here, I think people are driven by passion, rather than trying to make the most money (players). In other words, I think most people are just going to make what they want to make, which is supported by the fact that most of us can't finish most of the projects we start.

    @GizmoPT: Go

    Quote from GizmoPT: Go

    the world changed lot of "sim" webgames so no point in making it in starcraft

    Again, I don't think this logic needs to be countered.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why is there not as many "sims" maps?
    Quote from MasterWrath: Go

    @Charysmatic: Go

    Personally I wouldn't want to make one for what I see as a lack of good assets and also the difficulty of implementing any kind of terrain customizability.

    As far as terran assets go (probably would be most popular for a sim) there are a fair number of korhal skyscrapers etc. but they don't have any build/death models so making it look like they were building up or getting destroyed would be a pain in the butt. The terran melee buildings have those assets but look totally different and don't really look suited for a sim IMO, except maybe as some sort of resource/commerce building.

    And as far as customizing terrain goes, it's very limited. I'm sure there are plenty of people on here who will tell you that a large number of things are possible for it but implementing them is a pain is also a pain in the butt.

    The engine just wasn't built to naturally support such a game.

    Probably should have been more specific, I meant "the sims".

    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    Because if people want to play the Sims they play....the Sims. Not a starcraft 2 map. :P

    I don't think I need to counter this logic lol ;)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why is there not as many "sims" maps?

    If anyone recalls, in both SC1 and WC3 the sims was one of the bigger genres (it is a genre, right?).

    I'm just curious to know what you guys think about the reasons why sims isn't a big thing in SC2 (I don't think I've ever seen a sims map?).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Help me make buttons do things PLEASE!

    @Duke1623: Go

    To clarify, dialog item buttons or the other kind of button, called screen button I think?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Where do i go to see all my posts?

    You can type "site:sc2mapster joemart06" into Google for a rough list of your posts.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)

    What did both WC3 and BW have in common?

    • Longevity
    • Success
    • Largely hosting gimped player-base

    The solution is clear.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)

    Were there latency hosting issues with Warcraft 3 like in BW?

    I've always thought that was a big reason for SC1's success with all maps being playable, that a large percent of the player's couldn't host at all.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)

    @Gwypaas: Go

    "The editor is and has always been fine"

    Nowadays, my only problem with the editor (technically Bnet) is the lag associated with the key/mouse pressed and mouse moved events. If they were to have the same delay as, say, commands, I could avoid data entirely and make my own ability systems.

    I'm sure there's some reason for it, and I do believe it's gotten better. It's still too lagful, though, for anything fast paced. Just saying, it does have its flaws.

    "The game and it's parts lives or dies during the first months of existence"

    I wouldn't say that at all. Tons of examples to the contrary.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Hello, I would like to introduce myself <3

    @EmBeRNaGa: Go

    I know, it still looks like an alien from Alien mixed with a ninja zealot.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Assigning Teams/Player # while ingame with Triggers?

    @Intranetusa: Go

    I couldn't find any tutorials for making buttons so to sum it up, here's all you should need to know to get started:

    Dialog: A square of set size and position in the screen which contains dialog items. Dialogs have to be shown for a player to see it.

    Dialog Item: Items that go inside dialogs. Come in several different types, like buttons and labels. They are shown by default.

    Anchor/Offset: The offset of a dialog item in relation to a point in a dialog, the anchor. Sometimes the positive/negative directions can be unintuitive so some experimentation is required for that.

    So to make a button, you'll want to:

    1) Make a dialog. Show it.

    2) Make a dialog item inside the dialog. And save this dialog item to a variable (of type Dialog Item).

    It can be fun to tinker with dialogs. The best way to learn is to tumble around with it yourself, but I'm always here for questions.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on WTF Is... : Blizzard Arcade ? (TotalBiscuit)

    If I'm not mistaken, the hate towards Blizzard can be summarized as being due to the following:

    • Complicated editor (data specifically, and their unwillingness to simplify it).
    • Lack of support towards mappers (popularity system for like the first 20 months, the interest that they've shown recently was basically non-existent before now).

    I don't really see the open games being the standard view as a major problem. Spotlight being the default seems more professional and if they were to make open games the default, I have a hard time seeing it making a noticeable difference. But it would show that they're open to feedback, which is a good thing I guess.

    Posted in: General Chat
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