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    posted a message on Occasionally a unit gets to 0hp but does not die.

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    I'd imagine it's the same as the highest integer allowed in triggers, 524,000.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Keeping Track of Players

    @wisesquirrel: Go

    "1) Do other players take the spots of players who leave the game? (Say 3 players are active, player 2 left the game, so now Player 1 is player 1, and player 3 is the new Player 2, there are now a total of 2 active players and player 3 no longer exists)."

    Player 2 will always be player 2, player 3 will always be player 3, etc. The only thing that would change is the number of active players (+ computers). Also, be careful with Player from Player Group if you're using the function Active Players.

    "2) Is there a way I can reference only players that HAVE NOT left the game? And would this save my map space or help me avoid / cushion lag?"

    You can use Active Players, but it includes computers. I never need computer players so I always use it.

    Also, don't worry about lag. As long as you don't have hundreds of functions running in the same instant (-> no waits) you'll be fine. Some people treat waits and periodics like they're toxic waste. Don't worry about it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Does your map need a youtube video?
    Quote from Fullachain: Go

    It's my first video so any critical feedback is hugely welcome.

    Maybe doing the whole thing from gameplay and not using the replay? The replay panel was kind of distracting.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can a user defined function accept a record?

    @DancesWithGlocks: Go

    I don't know why you're saying record instead of variable. There's no way to do that in neither GUI nor galaxy.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on My medics move formation is dumb

    @GreyHunter4: Go

    I know why...

    It's because medics are female.

    Posted in: AI Development
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    posted a message on Make Unit Dance When Idle

    @bulletbutter: Go

    I always use the Play Animation action, never the actor message. Assuming you've confirmed the event is being triggers, I'd try using the action.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Objective overlaps with boss bars

    @Freddy2287: Go

    This worked for me. Positive moves it towards the bottom right, from the top left.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on "Invalid Parameter List" Error

    @Cacho56: Go

    I got it working. I copied a string (custom script) preset from the standard library and used that and it works. So I can just delete and replace the preset values. Really which I knew why making my own didn't work.

    Thanks anyway.

    Edit: Turns out the script value has to have quotes.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on "Invalid Parameter List" Error

    @Cacho56: Go

    I tried it anyway, but they're folders, not libraries. Still doesn't work.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on "Invalid Parameter List" Error


    I'm getting the error "Invalid Parameter List" when I try to have my own custom string (custom script) preset be converted into string. However, it does work when I try to convert a Blizzard standard preset string (custom script) into string.

    I've tried copying the Blizzard string (custom script) preset as much as I can, however, it seems like it not being standard is causing the problem.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    If curious, I'm doing this because I like to store the strings that I use in banks/data tables so I can reference them quickly via function without having to remember the name and making sure I type it correctly. I was using custom definitions with the name of the string that return the string, but that fills up my functions list annoyingly fast and adds more to the search results.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Newbies Unite/Modding Support Group

    @Hockleberry: Go

    So like a SC2 mapping fraternity?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Create a leaderboard without name

    @Chris97Ong: Go

    Quote from Chris97Ong: Go


    I would like to create a leaderboard without a name. How can I do that?

    Quote from hobbidude: Go

    @Chris97Ong: Go

    Create your own with dialogs

    I think everyone (with an interest in triggers) should learn how to make their own leaderboards. The Blizzard one is ugly/unmanageable. There are going to be some tutorials on it in general but I can make you your own tutorial based on what you need in your leaderboard/how you want it. Let me know if you'd want that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Group Question

    @wisesquirrel: Go

    If a Unit in a Unit Group dies, does it remain in the unit group? If the unit is removed from the unit group, how is the unit order in the unit group change?

    It does remain in the unit group, but it's considered "dead" WHILE it's revivable. Most actions using a unit group ignore the dead units (i.e. issue order to unit group). So if a unit is not revivable, it won't be stored in the unit group as "dead." In a more general context, dead units are removed from the unit group.

    Say the zergling dies, is he removed from the unit group? If the zergling IS removed from Unit Group "X", does the roach take the place of Unit 1 of Unit Group "X" which the zergling left available?

    Unless a unit is revived immediately, the remaining units in the unit group behind it will fill in the place of the fallen ling. (There's always a consecutively numbered chain of units in the unit group [there can't be gaps]). When it is revived, only if not immediately, it will be added to the next available slot in the unit group (at the end).

    If the zergling is NOT removed from the unit group, would adding too many units to a unit group cause lag (Requiring me to manually remove units who die from a unit group?

    This would only apply if the units are revivable. They're not even given a number in the unit group. So it's not necessary. I'd imagine the only purpose of them remaining in the unit group is for revives. Like, when a unit is revived that was in a unit group, it gets re-added to the unit group and given a number, the next available one. I believe there'd be a "pool" for each unit group that includes the dead units. They'd simply be a separate group of the revivable dead units within the unit group that when revive, are added to the real unit group (storage, basically).

    Other nifty facts about unit groups:

    Picking each unit in a region picks the units from left to right. So if you add all the units in a region to a unit group, they'll be added in the order in which they are from the left.

    Hypothetically, since all units are revivable immediately, there's an instance in time than all units are stored as dead units unit the unit group when they die.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Have a look, there is my N-th model


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Raynor Railgun Snipe Cursor Indicator

    @GreyHunter4: Go

    I like putting "site:sc2mapster.com" in front of my Google searches so that I only get Mapster hits. Mapster search is kinda bad.

    Posted in: Data
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