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    posted a message on Hello, I would like to introduce myself <3

    @EmBeRNaGa: Go

    Your avatar looks like an alien from Alien mixed with a ninja zealot!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What's this action called?

    See screenshot below, I have this weird bug where at some point randomly in the game, this UI shows up and blocks the views of the players. I'm assuming it's some story-related action that I accidentally placed in the triggers, however I can't seem to find it? I tried searching for the key words "mission" and "archive" but there was nothing.

    If you can't tell, it's the white box/surrounding text that is the offending UI.

    I'm hoping someone knows what the action is called so I can search for it and delete it. It's also possible that, since it started since the last patch, that it's a bug on Blizzard's end, so if you're having the same problem, let me know.

    Edit: it seems like it happens when the UI is hidden and then shown after. I solved this by periodically hiding the "mission archive panel," which was never explicitly shown.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Rotate Units + Teleport

    @windowssiebenfan: Go

    Component 1: Saving

    So you'll want a center point. Lets assume it's the middle of the unit group. You'll want to save the distance and angles of all the units from that center point. So make some array variables, two of type real, one of type unit. You'll want a one dimension variable of type integer to count the number of units and assign each unit an integer.

    So just loop through the unit group. Each time a unit is picked, you'll wanna modify the counter variable to be one more. Save the distance and angle from the units to the center point to both variables at the place of the counter, as well as the unit.

    Component 2: Loading

    Then you'll wanna loop integer from one to the counter, and move the units to the distances and angles from a new center point EXCEPT make the angle + 90.

    Component 3: ???

    Component 4: Success.

    Feel free to ask any questions, like, what's an array, what's a loop, how to get the new center point, etc.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to make your interface prettier and easier to understand

    In my experience, it really just seems that the quality of the interface is only determined by how much work you put into it. Everyone knows how an interface they're making can look better, it's just a matter of if you're willing to put the work in/in denial of the improvement work is needed for.

    I don't see how broad statements like "make it simple" are going to help anyone. It's just a matter of willpower, people should know the needed changes for a good UI while making it. IMHO.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta: Post the funniest reviews

    Not really funny, I guess, just silly, seeing as how it was left on a page 2 top rated map.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Arcade Beta: Post the funniest reviews
    Quote from SoulTaker916: Go

    NA: -4 stars, -common complaints about lags from too many units -that players have no idea whats going on.

    EU: -5 Stars, -Lack of teamwork and content.

    Conclusion: -Americans are poor and dumb

    Quote from SearingChicken: Go

    @SoulTaker916: Go

    or your map has lag issues, a confusing Ui, and is terrible... just terrible

    you get 1/2 a star.... I literally had to go back look at your 1 star and think "this is too much for him" and broke it in half.

    I'm confused.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What's in Zelda ?

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    @DrSuperEvil: Go charismatic

    Why, hello there.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Need to deprotect a map, any helpers? PM me.

    @Deadzergling: Go

    The Friday before Easter*

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Need to deprotect a map, any helpers? PM me.

    @ThySpektre: Go

    I think most of us can agree that these points are mostly valid:

    • It's unethical to open someone else's work without the maker's permission (especially when the maker has said no).
    • Seeing how someone else has done something is less beneficial to your skills than trying/struggling to do it yourself (if you don't like struggling, it's my prejudicial belief that you're not going to get anywhere with mapping). In most cases, you're not going to just be able to look at a part of someone's whole work and know exactly how it works/what else in the script makes it work, in other words, it's a waste of time and it's not going to get you anywhere.

    I don't really use data, is it easy/time efficient to learn from someone else's work in data?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Aphotic's Sound Emporium [Taking Requests]

    <<reply 1910290>

    I think this is really cool and I'm supportive of that someone is offering non-editor skills to map makers. I know there are artists, 2D and 3D, that do the same but this is the first I've heard of a sound-er-ist person.

    I don't know. I guess I just think it's really cool. I wonder what other skill sets will be offered in the future.

    Posted in: Audio Development
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    posted a message on How to allow to ability buttons to be held down at the same time?

    @zorbotron: Go

    I tried something similar with triggers, disabled the ability once used but it didn't work. It seems as though the last hotkey pressed is saved per player since holding the hotkey down before selecting a unit will still trigger the ability. I think that I was mistaken in what I saw in the map that I saw this in, it was probably just key pressed events or something.

    @Mugen245: Go

    You make no sense/contribute nothing as always =/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to allow to ability buttons to be held down at the same time?

    So I have two buttons on a command card. They both aren't connected to any active abilities. When I hold down the hotkey for one, it flashes and triggers the button for as long as I hold the hotkey down. However, when I use the other button's hotkey while still holding down the first button's hotkey, the first one will stop being triggered and only the second one will be triggered.

    What I want is for them both to be triggered independently of each other (ie, one will always be triggered regardless of the other being held down or not.)

    If I'm not mistaken, I've seen this done before and I'm assuming that it's a simple flag or setting in the button/ability.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Type Model Swap for player via Trigger

    @JosinJJ: Go

    First, when you want the change to take place, you should pick each unit of that unit type in the game for the player. You'll modelswap it to the desired model. Then you'll want to enable a trigger that modifies all future units of that type. This trigger would have the event "Unit Enters Region" and you'll wanna make the region the entire map.

    Attached is a custom action definition which will change the model of the unit type for the player. I should say, however, that it's not in your best interest to use the model swap actor message. I better method would be to kill the current actor of the unit and attach the that corresponds to the model you'd like to appear. This way, the sound of the unit and the portrait will change. Also, some models don't work when switched with other models. It's possible that, when uploaded, there may be a small delay after a unit whose model has been switched will be switched.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Cloaking Unit Without the Cloaked Look

    I'd like to know if it's possible to make a unit cloaked but not look cloaked to the players who can see the cloaked unit. Of course, those who cannot see the cloaked unit would still see nothing.

    Edit: And if so, how? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Happy Thanksgiving!

    @SoulTaker916: Go

    "... the settlers come within inches of committing genocide to Indians."

    Anything's okay as long as you say just kidding afterwards. Just kidding, Indians, we didn't mean it! But we gave them some land afterwards, so it really is all right.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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