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    posted a message on Warp-in Event

    @rtschutter: Go

    I did not test to see if this worked, you're likely going to have to tinker with it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is there a way to record the game?

    @missile17: Go

    Yeah, why haven't you tried the "Record Screen of Player" action? Because that's definitely a real thing.

    The closest you're going to be able to get is to record the actions and positioning of units, along with camera yaw/pitch if that matters. It'll have to be "played" in a separate area, identical to the one it really happened in. So you'll want two identical terrain settings, one for playing, the other for playing the "video." There's still limitations and this is a rather advanced thing to attempt, I'd drop it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Getting Player's local time

    Just saying...

    You could do the lighting/events by region by uploading the map twice or more times a day to each server.

    I suppose it's possible to just upload the time in a dependency and only upload that so that the entire map wouldn't need to be redownloaded (I believe that's how it works?). Clearly, this isn't a real solution.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Leaderboard Name Button

    @Mugen245: Go

    For a leaderboard, you generally need:

    1) A background image.

    2) Labels with players' names.

    3) Labels with scores corresponding to the names.

    4) Updating functions for the scores.

    Can you make an image with triggers? Yes. Can you make labels with players' names? Yes. Can you make more labels with their scores? Yes. Can you change the score labels to different numbers? Yes.

    In fact, I'd be surprised if you say you've never seen the standard (and might I say clunky to use/see) be omitted for a custom-made leaderboard. I wouldn't be surprised if your next question is how to custom-make a leaderboard.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I find a general unit type in the Trigger editor?

    @Booleeas: Go

    ->"- Game Link" -> Unit Type

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Is it possible to turn a unit while it is moving?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Thanks, it helped!

    Though I should say, I found no "walker" asset. But it's chill, I figured out how to make it work.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it possible to turn a unit while it is moving?

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    It seems like what I want, and when I simply apply it to the actor, it seems to work just for a second but then it reverts to the unit's original facing.

    Unfortunately, as I was unable to find any useful documentation about Smooth Rotation, I do need to request more information about how it works (for example, which fields do what for my needs.)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it possible to turn a unit while it is moving?

    I'm looking for something similar to Hungry Hungry Templar, where a unit turns while moving. The unit is both being ordered to move and having it's facing set via triggers in my case. Unfortunately, being ordered to move stops it from facing any direction (I can set it's facing instantly, but I'd like to be over a .1 seconds or so) and while moving, being ordered to face a direction stops it from moving. I need it to keep turning while moving.

    This is in data and not triggers because I'm hoping for a data fix. I'm capable of doing a trigger work around to accomplish this, but I'm looking for a simple change in the movement settings of the unit.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Constant mouse location?

    @MasterWrath: Go

    I believe that's what he suggested, but he's accounting for the fact that only the mouse moving triggers the mouse moved event. So if the camera is following a unit, then when the mouse isn't in motion the variable containing the mouse's movement becomes invalid.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Constant mouse location?

    @Drunkenseagull: Go

    "So my question here is how does SCII actually recognize speed, would a unit speed of 1 mean it moves 1 distance per second?"

    Yes, one distance per game time second.

    "My idea is use the mouse moved event to update the cursor point variable any time you actually move your mouse..."

    I don't see why it needs to be so complicated. If you want an accurate mouse location in relation to the unit, instead of saving the mouse moved location, set two variables (both of type real) that save the angle from the unit to the mouse moved point to and the distance between the unit and the mouse moved point.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Anyone got a jack o lantern pumpkin model?

    @Vicboy: Go

    I know! I know!

    Make a site ops actor of type explicit rotation. Make another of type offset. Use them somehow, don't quiet remember how (I do triggers, not data), to attach the lantern onto the origin/center whatever and at the height of the head/proper rotation. Though I understand I've given very little, probably none, helpful information in this post, it's going to look funny no matter what you do as long as the head doesn't have an attachment point. (If you follow my vague instructions, it's going to appear to be still and not moving back and forth with the neck. Also would probably mess up the main actor anyway.)

    I'd choose not to post this but I've already typed it, so...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why use record?

    I switched to records a few projects back, it definitely has it's benefits but it's not with out its flaws.

    For example, my triggering has been much neater. But it makes it very annoying when I'm really in the zone and I have to spend the extra few seconds clicking to get to the record members. I almost exclusively use the search which paired well with my directive naming, but I keep having to spend the time to click on the right record before typing in the search bar. Which is annoying.

    But like I said, it makes things look neater. I wouldn't say it provides any huge benefit unless you have very vague naming. In my ideal world, I'd be able to search all variable members from within the first variable browsing window. So that I would retain both the neat/pretty triggers and time efficiency of having no records.

    Quote from SoulTaker916: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Your posts kill me inside

    ?? I don't see anything illogical in his post ??

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Aeon of Storms' Recruitment

    @highdrater: Go

    I'm confused.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on To organize, or not to organize? (triggers)

    @DarcZaFire: Go

    It's definitely easier for me to stay motivated with a project when I take the time to make the triggers neat and organized.

    It's also easier to come back to after a break, from either a few days to months, when you know there aren't going to be hidden functions in a number of possible locations. I have several systems for organization which make things more time consuming initially, but turn out easier to modify and improve later on.

    I wouldn't say that sloppy triggers directly impact the game. My brother has very sloppy triggers, while mine are relatively tidy, and his games turn out way more fun and take less time to make. Just saying, it's not all that matters in the end.

    To answer your question, I rarely make something messy with the intention of cleaning it later, I just do it right from the start.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Music while you map?

    I like listening to soundtracks while mapping. I just find a whole soundtrack on one youtube video and listen away with needing to click replay or finding another. Like FFXI, Kingdom Hearts, etc.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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