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    posted a message on Project Factions (now with Promo)

    What are you looking for as far as Hero roles and such?

    I wouldn't mind being a ranged hero...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Any big projects going on that would like some music.

    There is the community project which could use music for inspiration, and to be used for the race's background music itself.

    If you can do something techno-styled, it seems like it would fit.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Has a m3 exporter been made for Blender?


    I would rather soend the money I could spen on 3DS max on my bills...

    Kind of makes it worthless when I lose my house...

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [RPG] Void: Eternal Dusk

    Sounds pretty cool. I'll keep an eye out.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Artwork Thread
    Quote from jaxter184: Go

    Do we have any abilities that need art yet?

    Other than standard attack animations? I don't think so. There is talk of a flying repair unit who may outstretch its arms like a spine crawler...

    And as for the worker? I'm really at a loss there. If anyone else as any ideas, feel free to throw them out here.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Project Factions (now with Promo)

    Your using WoW models for the heroes? That sounds awesome...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    Yeah, but what would a good range be?

    Multiple repairings at once sounds interesting, but might be a little crazy...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    I've read them. They are a list of ideas, and I am adding my own. I don't really see how I am contradicting with them or anything...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    Okay, so what if the detector was a sort of "flying healer" medivac style.

    I'm assuming repair would work to heal buildings and units, as everything would be mechanical. So what if it had eight arms sticking off the central piece. Four would have searchlights and the other four would have repair tools. They could fly around as detectors and make base repairs of work on your army.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Brainstorming/Design Thread
    Quote from Nebuli2: Go

    @AtikLYar: Go

    Terrans ARE humans lol.

    I know that, but I was just specifying that much so noone was like "Nu-uh! Terrans are human criminals so humans made them not Xel'Naga, nub!"

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Brainstorming/Design Thread
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    One more Xel'Naga failure then. Considering they are the most powerful species in the galaxy, they are masters of epic fail lol. Its a good idea, but I'd like to tie this new race to the Starcraft universe without using the whole Xel'Naga-sped-up-evolution-and-failure-now-lets-get-revenge once more. C'mon they can't be responsible for everything that crosses Terran path ;-)

    I've always theorized they're responsable for the terran, and humans, as well.

    They could just be the remains of a dead race from another galaxy. In that event, I would go with a "Let us share this higher level of exsistance with you all" motive.

    The major thing I thought of is that each robot is an individual: born of the collective data so it thinks and acts like a member of the dead race. While a central idea or goal drives them coopertively, there isn't a real hive mind aspect in the scenario I envision.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    I have two flyer concepts in mind right now:

    One is a detector, a helecopter-like propeller making up the bulk of its body and holding it in the air. A ring sorrounds the propeller, with several metal tantacles sticking off. At their ends are lights which it shines along the ground.

    The other is a higher-tier blimp-like flyer. It goes back to the metal tentacles, but these ones end in cannons which fire off void-ray esque cannons at multiple enemies at once. The drawback is that, without an escort, the unit itself is rather vulnrable.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Experimental] Toss-a-Tron, Terrorize

    Ater this, we need a zerg-a-tron...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Information Thread

    Just asking here, as I already have done up some concept arts.

    Walkers or wheels? My current thought is low-tier units using wheels and treads, while the walkers are higher-tiers.

    Lasers or Ballistics? What sort of weapons are they using?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Community Project #2- Brainstorming/Design Thread

    It bugs me everyone is going with human creations for these...

    My own idea:

    Countless years ago, the Xel'Naga were a race of vastness. They had set off to a quest to find what one could call the "perfect race." While this quest eventually led them to create the zerg, who nearly wiped their creator out entirely... this is a story from long before that.

    A race of small humanoids, found in a nearby galaxy. These creatures were obsessed with technology. They built anything out of any material they could find. The Xel'Naga found their technology both primative, and yet impressive. Walkers made of wooden planks or rocks... but they were far from what they could be.

    And so the mighty Xel'Naga enhanced their evolution. They sped the race; not realizing how short of a span they would have lived. While the race advanced and began to build much more impressive machines and robots, they were a quickly dying people. The Xel'Naga had sped them along too far, and feared they had doomed the race. Saddened by their failure, the intergalactic gods took their leave and continued their quest.

    But the race was not so doomed. They saw their extinction on the horizon, and so preserved themselves. A massive mainframe was built, and every member of their race was connected to it. Their memories, thoughts, and emotions were all sucked from their minds and converted into data. The data was spread to the many machines, powering and operating them.

    The race lived on in their creations, which went on to build more of themselves; advancing slowly once again. They eventually discovered the Xel'Naga had doomed their race to this form, and were angry with the gods. The machines advanced, reaching out into space, searching their galaxy for traces of the Xel'Naga. They searched, leaving their galaxy and traveling to the nearest. There, they found the protoss and zerg; creations of the gods.

    The race sought to destroy the Xel'Naga's creations, and take revenge upon those who killed them.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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